War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

The longer democrats and liberals control government, the more poverty increases, odd.

Bill Clinton has made a 100$ million just talking. Giving speeches.

Must be nice to be a democrat.
You can tax the Rich less, but then you have to get that revenue somewhere else,

and the only 'somewhere else' is the not-Rich.

The belief that the Rich are overtaxed and the not-Rich are undertaxed is madness.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.
OK, first off, wealth is not income.
Second, anyone can get wealthy. Look at the richest people in America today. Compare that to 25 years ago. Lots of change going on.
So it isnt like the rich are hoarding wealth and sayng "nah nah you can't have any."
What's going on is there is little job creation and economic growth, leading to stagnation in the middle classes.
Thanks, Obama!

I can't recall the name of the speaker, but this guy I listened to once was telling about how his own personal "class" had changed numerous times during the course of his 30 years as a person. He began in a middle class family, was poor and qualified for welfare when in college, went from there to upper middle class, back to middle class, lost a job and was on food stamps and unemployment, back to middle class, upper middle, then to wealthy.

Every individual has a different history. No one in America is imprisoned to a specific "class" and this is the most insidious of all the myths perpetrated by the Left. We live in a constitutional free society where we have the freedom to pursue opportunities to be happy and prosperous. Those who have done that the best are who the Left is at war with.... Dumbest idea in the history of man.

Ooohhh! How ROMANTIC!
These people are saying that the union worker who wants a bigger share of the pie is Satan, but the Rich man who wants a bigger share of the same pie is God.

that's the bottom line.
There is no pie.

Really? No business produces revenue?


Businesses DO produce revenue, that's the point which proves there is no pie. IF there is a pie, it is a magical mysterious kind of pie that constantly continues to grow in size as it's being served. You want to monitor the slices of a pie that is neverending.

Businesses DO produce revenue, that's the point which proves there is no pie. IF there is a pie, it is a magical mysterious kind of pie that constantly continues to grow in size as it's being served. You want to monitor the slices of a pie that is neverending.

Oh, noes, it's the Laffer Curve. I didn't know any wingnuts were still making that argument.
The "rich" pay most of the taxes how is that a free ride on the backs of taxpayers? We pump $1 trillion dollars a year now into state and federal welfare programs, cry me a freaking river.
Making the bulk of total income naturally requires the rich to pay the bulk of taxes. If that income were spread around more we would have a broader tax base and perhaps they would not be so "oppressed".

If they are paying the taxes then what the hell does the left have to complain about?

They are finding legal loopholes to get out of paying taxes. I disagree they pay the bulk of the taxes.
National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes

The top 10% of earners pay more than 70% of all income taxes. There aren't as many loopholes as you think
Again, it is the top 10% of WAGE EARNERS, not the top 10% of wealth!
Learn the difference, take a lesson from your MessiahRushie Limbola:

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.
You listen to Rush. i don't

And it's the people on this thread confusing income and wealth. But capital gains are reported on income tax filings so the so called wealthy that pay capital gains are paying income taxes.

Maybe you should figure out what you're talking about.
Looks to me like the class war is over, the rich won.

Again... This is the kind of propaganda you believe when you think wealth is finite.
Propaganda? If decrying the sorry state of wealth distribution is propaganda then what is your cheerleading for a flawed system that clearly leaves so many in want? Look at the reality of things, sure there is wealth being generated but not by wage earners. We do not have a perfect system, it is not a class war to examine the flaws and attempt to address them.
The propaganda is the belief that wealth should be equally distributed in society.

It is class warfare to deliberately seek to harm one group of people out of greed and envy. People who are in want are people who are striving to be more than they are. Or they used to be. Until the mentality such as yours comes along and eliminates the need for people to strive to be better.

Rather they have it handed to them through false prophecy of compassion than to hunger to be better.
Nobody is asking to take money away from rich people and give it to the poor. What we are asking is why does our government continue economic policies that ensure more wealth is distributed at the top. These policies were supposed to result in more jobs and a rising economic tide that benefitted everyone
Those policies did not work.....why do we continue them?
It's not the job of government to create jobs.
These people are saying that the union worker who wants a bigger share of the pie is Satan, but the Rich man who wants a bigger share of the same pie is God.

that's the bottom line.
There is no pie.

Really? No business produces revenue?


It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all
You can tax the Rich less, but then you have to get that revenue somewhere else,

and the only 'somewhere else' is the not-Rich.

The belief that the Rich are overtaxed and the not-Rich are undertaxed is madness.
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

These people are saying that the union worker who wants a bigger share of the pie is Satan, but the Rich man who wants a bigger share of the same pie is God.

that's the bottom line.
There is no pie.

Really? No business produces revenue?


It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all

You're talking gibberish now.
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

These people are saying that the union worker who wants a bigger share of the pie is Satan, but the Rich man who wants a bigger share of the same pie is God.

that's the bottom line.
There is no pie.

Really? No business produces revenue?


It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all

You're talking gibberish now.
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

Half of that payroll tax is paid by employers or didn't you know that?

PArt of the income tax is capital gains taxes or didn't you know that?
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
Making the bulk of total income naturally requires the rich to pay the bulk of taxes. If that income were spread around more we would have a broader tax base and perhaps they would not be so "oppressed".

If they are paying the taxes then what the hell does the left have to complain about?

They are finding legal loopholes to get out of paying taxes. I disagree they pay the bulk of the taxes.
National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes

The top 10% of earners pay more than 70% of all income taxes. There aren't as many loopholes as you think
Again, it is the top 10% of WAGE EARNERS, not the top 10% of wealth!
Learn the difference, take a lesson from your MessiahRushie Limbola:

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.
You listen to Rush. i don't

And it's the people on this thread confusing income and wealth. But capital gains are reported on income tax filings so the so called wealthy that pay capital gains are paying income taxes.

Maybe you should figure out what you're talking about.

I don't listen to him either. Why? I know more than he does.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

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