War on Trump is Spreading

Called it! 😀
I've never held otherwise and have routinely stipulated that over time here.
What's wrong with Trump's agenda?
Very little. You read that wrong. I said get somebody to push the Trump Agenda without Trump and I'll come "home" again.
Whatever "baggage" you are citing is only your delusional accusations.
Nope. You gullible rubes want what he promises so badly that you're willing to look the other way at his profound faults.

Watching you sheeple... I now understand how 1933 Germany happened.

Yeah, he talks like a NY'er; so hey, go fuck yourself, LOL
Meaningless noise.

NYC? Nope. Try suburban Chicagoland. Someone who's voted GOP almost as often as Dem during a long list of elections.
I've never held otherwise and have routinely stipulated that over time here.

Very little. You read that wrong. I said get somebody to push the Trump Agenda without Trump and I'll come "home" again.

Nope. You gullible rubes want what he promises so badly that you're willing to look the other way at his profound faults.

Watching you sheeple... I now understand how 1933 Germany happened.

Meaningless noise.

NYC? Nope. Try suburban Chicagoland. Someone who's voted GOP almost as often as Dem during a long list of elections.
"Very little."
Right on, carrion crow!
Has he been impeached ? Nope. Has he been indicted ? Nope…so you’re full of shit. You have the fking house and all you’ve managed to do is come up with one witness who was arrested for lying to the FBI. You’re losers.
You bozos spout bullshit and you can’t do anything..effin losers.
You gullible fucking little traitor. It's obvious that the Biden family took bribes from foreign governments and entities peddling his influence. It happened. Obvious to anyone with a brain. Most of the American public is with me too, we all know. It amazes me how they trotted out this indictment against an FBI agent who they've trusted for 13 years and was recommended by the FBI director. What a corrupt circus of dishonesty , Just for the gullible few. You are a fool

You gullible fucking little traitor. It's obvious that the Biden family took bribes from foreign governments and entities peddling his influence. It happened. Obvious to anyone with a brain. Most of the American public is with me too, we all know. It amazes me how they trotted out this indictment against an FBI agent who they've trusted for 13 years and was recommended by the FBI director. What a corrupt circus of dishonesty , Just for the gullible few. You are a fool

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It’s obvious ? If it was, he’d be impeached and instead of your star witness in custody he would be. You have no proof…no link, no shit. Loser.
You gullible fucking little traitor. It's obvious that the Biden family took bribes from foreign governments and entities peddling his influence. It happened. Obvious to anyone with a brain. Most of the American public is with me too, we all know. It amazes me how they trotted out this indictment against an FBI agent who they've trusted for 13 years and was recommended by the FBI director. What a corrupt circus of dishonesty , Just for the gullible few. You are a fool

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No indictment, no impeachment, no evidence. You bozos are incompetent.
It’s obvious ? If it was, he’d be impeached and instead of your star witness in custody he would be. You have no proof…no link, no shit. Loser.

No indictment, no impeachment, no evidence. You bozos are incompetent.
Does it bother you to be a fucking traitor? It's pretty obvious that Joe Biden is. Did you look at those poll numbers for him wow.
Does it bother you to be a fucking traitor? It's pretty obvious that Joe Biden is. Did you look at those poll numbers for him wow.
The poll numbers make him a traitor ? Obviously it wasn’t obvious to the house. Maybe you should run for office and help them out.
The poll numbers make him a traitor ? Obviously it wasn’t obvious to the house. Maybe you should run for office and help them out.
He and his family were enriched by Foreign governments and foreign corporations. They sold his name and picked up bags of cash. The poll numbers show That No One Believes him when he says he didn't. Why do you think he lied about knowledge of Hunter's business? Why did he lie about meeting with Hunter's business partners? Does it bother you to be so gullible? Check out these approval numbers for Biden LOL what a dishonest piece of shit!


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He and his family were enriched by Foreign governments and foreign corporations. They sold his name and picked up bags of cash. The poll numbers show That No One Believes him when he says he didn't. Why do you think he lied about knowledge of Hunter's business? Why did he lie about meeting with Hunter's business partners? Does it bother you to be so gullible? Check out these approval numbers for Biden LOL what a dishonest piece of shit!
Seriously, run for office. Hillary would be behind bars if you were in the house, Right ?
Seriously, run for office. Hillary would be behind bars if you were in the house, Right ?
You didn't answer my questions. So you're too stupid to know why Joe Biden lied about knowledge of Hunter's business dealings. You are too stupid to know why Biden lied about meeting any of Hunter Biden's business partners. You are just a gullible sap. You believe all the shit that gets shoveled to you. Typical Democrat. Retarded
You really are the complete partisan fool. You support those with a D after their name even after they’ve killed thousands of children.

Biden has gone through the motions of “cautioning“ Netanyahu, but that was only to trick the dopes.

Did Biden send weapons to Netanyahu yes or no? Do you support Biden supplying arms to Israel?

I'm stating facts and you're blithering fox news talking points like a moron.

Get lost kid. I ain't got time for your bullshit.
I'm stating facts and you're blithering fox news talking points like a moron.

Get lost kid. I ain't got time for your bullshit.
Your brain doesn’t seem to be working. I am criticizing Israel, which rarely happens at Fox News.

And you serve a set of politicians who support mass murder of helpless civilians.
You know Biden received deferments

Biden’s sexual assault:

And don’t forget: MSN

Magatards always trying to push conspiracy crap in attempt to create a false equivalency, even using so called "credible informants" who ended up being more of the same old Russian asset's alliance with traitor donald j pork...
You didn't answer my questions. So you're too stupid to know why Joe Biden lied about knowledge of Hunter's business dealings. You are too stupid to know why Biden lied about meeting any of Hunter Biden's business partners. You are just a gullible sap. You believe all the shit that gets shoveled to you. Typical Democrat. Retarded
Why ? Because you listen to Tucker, News max and Fix News. I’m gullible ? You still think Trump won the election and the earth is flat.
Why ? Because you listen to Tucker, News max and Fix News. I’m gullible ? You still think Trump won the election and the earth is flat.
You are too stupid to question the incredible liar that we have in the white house right now. Gullible, dumb and pathetic. Leading us all down the road to ruin you fucking traitor asshole.
Why ? Because you listen to Tucker, News max and Fix News. I’m gullible ? You still think Trump won the election and the earth is flat.
For you to think you know what I think is laughable. I am your mental Superior . It's obvious that you are gullible and ignoring the corruption of your party. Why do you think the Russian oligarch that gave Hunter Biden 3 million dollars is not on the sanction list from the biden administration?
Magatards always trying to push conspiracy crap in attempt to create a false equivalency, even using so called "credible informants" who ended up being more of the same old Russian asset's alliance with traitor donald j pork...
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Do you deny Biden received deferments?

Why do you support Biden when he has supplied weapons to the Israeli militarists who bombed and starved Gaza? Why do serve a politicians who has killed thousands of children?
For you to think you know what I think is laughable. I am your mental Superior . It's obvious that you are gullible and ignoring the corruption of your party. Why do you think the Russian oligarch that gave Hunter Biden 3 million dollars is not on the sanction list from the biden administration?

Not to mention the millions the donald pork crime family received from china, the two billion dollars Ivanka Pork received from the Saudis and all the collusion propaganda donald pork obtained from Russia, as laid out in the Muller's report. It doesn't take much to figure out you are a gullible, poorly educated maga trash cult member. I dare to guess that in addition of your substandard intellect, you have poor dental hygiene...
Not to mention the millions the donald pork crime family received from china, the two billion dollars Ivanka Pork received from the Saudis and all the collusion propaganda donald pork obtained from Russia, as laid out in the Muller's report. It doesn't take much to figure out you are a gullible, poorly educated maga trash cult member. I dare to guess that in addition of your substandard intellect, you have poor dental hygiene...
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Actually that was all legal business practices unlike the Biden crime family. Try again.

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