War on Trump is Spreading

So just wanna score points with yer pals. Got it.

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A communist like Crepitus is so ignorant and full of hate, he does not understand the meaning of this picture. We can not blame him/her/it because they were deprived of the truth and raised to worship big government.

We will love you, too, Crepitus. It may take some patience and some time, but those blinders and false idols you wear on your eyes will be taken off.
No more than "An eye for an eye" as punishment is what is just, no more "Than a tooth for a tooth" as punishment is just, no more than "A life for a life" is just and Godly.

I've been all for the Israeli going after Hamas for their murderous attack on the Israeli citizens, but....the numbers of Palestinian, including women and children indiscriminately killed by the Israeli is pushing it, beyond....way beyond, what is just ....is what it is looking like, to me.... :eek:
Look, this is what you get when a terrorist group is in charge of a territory, and vows to NEVER leave Israel alone. At some point it is about eliminating the threat of future attacks, and showing the residents that support terrorist, that the bs won’t be tolerated any longer.

I support Israel doing what is in their interests for the safety of their country. Whatever it takes.
A communist like Crepitus is so ignorant and full of hate, he does not understand the meaning of this picture. We can not blame him/her/it because they were deprived of the truth and raised to worship big government.

We will love you, too, Crepitus. It may take some patience and some time, but those blinders and false idols you wear on your eyes will be taken off.

The Post-Trump GOP​

The Science of Morality​

War on Trump is Spreading​

Will you consider Donald J Trump and all of his devotees to be unChristian evil neighbors who kill babies when he publicly announces his support for a 16 week abortion ban nationwide, which will allow the killings of up to one million unborn babies in the womb for the convenience of the women who not want to give birth when they are in an unwanted pregnancy.

Trump is doing that. you must know, so he can get elected to potus, so he can stay out of jail. You understand that don’t you.
Trump is not a perfect pro-life leader, but he did help end Roe v. Wade. I think the Dems are engaging in “law fare” against their opponent which is a terrible and dangerous thing to do.
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Last place, just like you bozos.
Stupid words from a gullible Democrat LOL. Does anybody in your family have any brains? I doubt it. You've reached a new level of dumb fuckery you fucking traitor moron. Hahaha
Again, I don't have a clue what you are babbling on about. You have no interest in getting the Israelis to back off. YOu hate palestinians.

You are trying to have it both ways and you can't.

Pick a damn position for a change.
I hate Palestinians? When did I say that?

You seem to have trouble explaining why you are so devoted to a politician who supports the mass murder of children.
So do I. We agree.
So we agree that the Biden administration is evil. They’ve armed Israeli militarists who have bombed and starved civilians and killed ten of thousands.

Just because I don’t like Biden doesn’t mean I support Trump.
Go blow Putin.
I know you're stupid but do you understand why you are a traitor?. Here I will explain it. You support a corrupt president who accepted bribes to get where he is. He is a liar. Worst president that we've ever had. You are a true dumbass and traitor to the US. Dishonest as the day is long congratulations loser


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