War on Trump is Spreading

Trump refused to block the sale of America’s largest gasoline refinery to Saudi Arabia in 2017 (completed in 2019 with Trump’s blessing), no matter how much oil Biden releases from the reserves will be irrelevant: if the Saudis shut down their Port Arthur, Texas refinery this October “for maintenance,” US gasoline prices will explode.

Why do white Christian nationalist
Republicans in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult choose as their leader the TV celebrity who is owned by a Muslim Sharia Law Oil Wealth Nation for one. And who does not want to ban abortion at six weeks like DeSantis did in Florida which means a million babies will die because he wants wonen to have the right to kill them when they find out they are pregnant, for the second.

MBS and his sovereign wealth fund have funneled literally billions of dollars into the Trump family, between Jared’s investment company and Trump’s golf courses and the LIV Tour, in addition to giving Trump himself additional hundreds of millions over the years renting and purchasing Trump properties. Inside the Saudi scheme for screwing Biden's election hopes

This is weird and irrational:

Lisa558 said preferring Muslim Owned Baby Killer Trump over American Catholic Biden :
He is neither my retribution nor salvation. He is, however, a far better president that Biden, and one I am praying regains the White House.

What refinery are you talking about? The Saudis already owned the biggest share of Motiva.

They bought out the other owners in 2017.

You're familiar with KAUST, aren't you?

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And this shit goes on and on until we depend so little on SA oil, every country will have cheaper access to smaller quantities of oil elsewhere.

We haven't been buying much Saudi oil for nearly two decades. We buy from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela.. During the Trump administration we bought oil from Russia.

Roughly 11% of the imports came collectively from OPEC countries, including 520,000 from Saudi Arabia.
Feb 28, 2022
Where Does the U.S. Get Its Oil? - USNews.com

U.S. News & World Report
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MAGA is not a political party. It’s a sign you make up shit…..which you just did.
See the similarities?

Unlike you I have real world experience trying to hire in this economy and it's basically impossible for any low skill job


You're a fucking liar.

and thus wages are rising beyond the point that makes fiscal sense.


We definitely do not have enough labor


and the problem will be dramatically worse if Trump gets into office and deports people like he promises.

Ever been to a meat packing plant?

Fucking elitist scumbag leftard.

Go away.
You obviously need a leader who yells at you and lies 24/7. You seem like a political cuck.
When was the last time you saw MAGA on a voter registration form as party choice. Get used to being wrong…answer, never. This is why you MAGAs aren’t taken seriously on anything you say…
When was the last time you saw MAGA on a voter registration form as party choice. Get used to being wrong…answer, never. This is why you MAGAs aren’t taken seriously on anything you say…
You really are an anti-American cuck aren't you. You need a leader who yells at you and tells you what you can buy. What a waste you are
Loser Trump ? That’s your wizard ? The effin loser, supported by bozo munchkins like MTG.
MTG on her worst day is still better than Biden on his best.

At least she doesn't fall up stairs.

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