War on Trump is Spreading

The problem is dunce Democrats can only look at the surface of the issue, was there fraud? Well there was 2000 mules, Voting in Battle Ground State stoppage at 3:00 a.m. unsignatured ballots. Questionable voting machines , obstruction of oversight process in vote Counting. There was a lot more at play however with federal agencies controlling social media, censorship constant barrage of propaganda by the Democrat Networks. All of it work together to rig an election. A rigged election for the gullible. You can see it if you use a holistic approach and are not a gullible dunce-democrat with a gated mind.
I see a lot of babble. Where is the proof ? Where are the people indicted for election fraud ? Where is the concession by 60 court appeals cases fraud was committed.

According to you, Biden should have it easier winning with the DEEP State this time.
I see a lot of babble. Where is the proof ? Where are the people indicted for election fraud ? Where is the concession by 60 court appeals cases fraud was committed.

According to you, Biden should have it easier winning with the DEEP State this time.
There were also illegal changes in voting laws. Who stopped the voting at 3:00 a.m. in Battle Ground states? All indicators point to a rigged election, an election for the gullible. Loser Democrat LOL I always say "you have to be really stupid to be a Democrat" . You are here to prove my point. Hahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha 🤣
You should take off your mask, it's retarding your brain. Trump was usually right about everything. The liar resides in the White House as you speak. Ignoramus

This is obscene. Like Trump's mocking the handicapped reporter. Trump is a very sick old man.

This is obscene. Like Trump's mocking the handicapped reporter. Trump is a very sick old man.

You are obscene. Spreading disinformation. Which of these hoaxes do you still believe in and pass around?

There were also illegal changes in voting laws. Who stopped the voting at 3:00 a.m. in Battle Ground states? All indicators point to a rigged election, an election for the gullible. Loser Democrat LOL I always say "you have to be really stupid to be a Democrat" . You are here to prove my point. Hahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha 🤣
“All indicators,“ wow. No non voter , they count absentees together later…now it seems nothing from of incompetent gop poll workers…
Still no link, no evidence. You have a receipt from a judge showing he saw and evaluated this made up shit ? Nah..got reason why this isn’t in a judges hands ? Nah…just lies.
You should take off your mask, it's retarding your brain. Trump was usually right about everything. The liar resides in the White House as you speak. Ignoramus
And those who worked for him were right about old stinky.
“All indicators,“ wow. No non voter , they count absentees together later…now it seems nothing from of incompetent gop poll workers…
Still no link, no evidence. You have a receipt from a judge showing he saw and evaluated this made up shit ? Nah..got reason why this isn’t in a judges hands ? Nah…just lies.
Just using Common Sense here, I know that would be foreign to you. Do you know how I know you're stupid? Because you're a Democrat! ( insert denial here)
Here is evidence, an actual co worker.

You believe ALL hoaxes! Brain dead, spineless sycophant. Perfect for the Democrat Party. Hint: none of those hoaxes are true! Including the one where you say Trump made fun of the imbecile
Just using Common Sense here, I know that would be foreign to you. Do you know how I know you're stupid? Because you're a Democrat! ( insert denial here)
Common sense, indicators : what a joke. Be sure and use these phases instead of real evidence in court the next time you represent Trump.
I‘m stupid and you claim shit just by saying it’s “ common sense”
Let me tell you a big secret, you can’t have common sense in anything, unless it’s preceded by FACTS AND EVIDENCE.
You have neither.
Common sense, indicators : what a joke. Be sure and use these phases instead of real evidence in court the next time you represent Trump.
I‘m stupid and you claim shit just by saying it’s “ common sense”
Let me tell you a big secret, you can’t have common sense in anything, unless it’s preceded by FACTS AND EVIDENCE.
You have neither.
Just pointing out the anomalies in the election since nobody on your side will look at it. It does take some common sense, something foreign to you. Circumstantial yet powerful, why are the Democrats so dishonest? You would put it past them to cheat in an election? It sure looks like they did. Who ordered that stop in the count in Battle ground States at 3:00 a.m.? Why would that make somebody suspicious? You don't know do you LOL
You couldn’t prove you aren’t a fraud to save your life.
You lied about being a Democrat. Why? Could it be the same reason that Joe Biden lied about knowledge of his son's business practices? The same reason that Joe Biden lied about meeting Hunters business partners? Because you're guilty? I think so


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