War: Usa to provide military support to syria 'rebels'


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
You know it was coming, Obama had to divert our attention from all the scandals associated with his administration.
The mental midgets in the White House are going to screw us over good.
Drudge Headlines:
No-Fly Zone...
Syrian 'rebels' pledge loyalty to Al-Qaeda...
Key to victories...
Executed Teenager 2 Days Ago For Insulting Islam...

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Here we go again. Vote all neocons out of office, democrat or republican. Anyone who thinks we should force our will on foreign nations who've not attacked us needs to go.
Now that they've decided to do it, wonder how long the logistics will take to get it there?...
White House: U.S. to give Syria rebels military aid after chemical attacks
13 June`13 > In a sharp escalation of the U.S. role in Syria's bloody civil war, the White House announced late Thursday that it will provide military aid to rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad after confirming that his government used chemical weapons against the opposition.
Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes told reporters on a conference call that President Barack Obama had heard pleas from Syria's rebel Supreme Military Council (SMC) for more help. "Our aim is to be responsive," Rhodes said, underlining that the new assistance would have "direct military purposes." Rhodes brushed aside repeated questions about whether this meant Washington would now start providing weapons to the rebels, insisting he could not give an "inventory" of the aid. But while he never explicitly confirmed that Obama had decided to to arm the opposition, he left little doubt about Washington's new course of action. "The president has made a decision about providing more support to the opposition. That will involve providing direct support to the SMC. That includes military support. I cannot detail for you all of the types of that support for a variety of reasons," Rhodes said. The assistance is "aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the SMC on the ground."

Obama reached the decision after America's intelligence community concluded that "the Assad regime has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale against the opposition multiple times in the last year," Rhodes said. Those attacks killed at least 100-150 people, he added. Rhodes said Assad's forces used chemical weapons on March 19, April 13, May 14 and May 23. The confirmation—and a new United Nations study that raised the death toll from Syria’s bloody civil war to nearly 93,000—ramped up pressure on Obama to escalate American involvement in the conflict. The president has been weighing whether to arm the opposition, help create safe areas for refugees, or impose “no-fly zones” inside Syria enforced by American-led forces. Obama last year called the confirmed use of chemical weapons a "red line" that would make him reconsider whether to arm the rebels, but he later hedged that statement.


In this Sunday, March 11, 2012 file photo, a man carries a boy who was severely wounded during heavy fighting between Syrian rebels and Syrian Army forces in Idlib, north Syria. Syria's upwardly spiraling violence has resulted in the confirmed killings of almost 93,000 people, the United Nations' human rights office said Thursday but acknowledged the real number is likely to be far higher.

Republican Sen. John McCain, who for months had publicly pressed Obama to step up U.S. involvement, preempted the White House announcement in remarks, announcing on the Senate floor that U.S. intelligence agencies had confirmed the use of chemical weapons and thanking the president for opting to send weapons to the rebels. “In just a couple of minutes, the president of the United States will be announcing that it is now conclusive that Bashar Assad and the Syrian butchers have used chemical weapons,” McCain said. “The president also will announce that we will be assisting the Syrian rebels in Syria by other assistance” but the president “had better understand that just supplying weapons is not going to change the equation on the ground of the balance of power,” the senator added. "These people of the Free Syrian Amry need weapons and heavy weapons to counter tanks and aircraft, they need a no-fly zone." “Just providing arms is not enough,” McCain said.

(Later, in a joint written statement with Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, McCain seemed to indicate a decision had not yet been made: “A decision to provide lethal assistance, especially ammunition and heavy weapons, to opposition forces in Syria is long overdue, and we hope the President will take this urgently needed step.") Separately, The Wall Street Journal reported that a military proposal for getting weapons to the rebels also calls for a "no-fly zone" inside Syria to protect civilians fleeing the fighting and rebels who might train there. The Journal, citing anonymous officials, said the U.S. military was looking at a “no-fly zone” that would stretched some 25 miles into Syrian territory. Rhodes emphasized that "we have not made any decision to pursue a military operation such as a no-fly zone.”

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No he isn't distracting from anything, most people in this nation choose to be lazy about the leaks.

We can move our attention away from it, but we shouldn't. The people have more power than they think they do.
Iran and Russia will double whatever we supply.
It's the proxy war from hell.
Now that they've decided to do it, wonder how long the logistics will take to get it there?...
Dunno... where's the nearest rebel-controlled airstrip big enough to handle C5A-Galaxy cargo planes?
I haven't seen Fearless Leader's speech yet...

Are we sending arms to Syrian rebels because the Russians started sending arms to Assad, first?
Bill Clinton splits with President Obama on Syria

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 6/12/13 6:11 PM EDT Updated: 6/13/13 8:13 AM EDT, via Politico

Bill Clinton told Sen. John McCain he agrees that President Barack Obama should act more forcefully to support anti-Assad rebels in Syria, saying the American public elects presidents and members of Congress “to see down the road” and “to win.”

At another point during a closed-press event Tuesday, Clinton implied that Obama or any president risks looking like “a total fool” if they listen too closely to opinion polls and act too cautiously. He used his own decisions on Kosovo and Bosnia as a point of reference.

The former president also said commanders-in-chief should avoid over-interpreting public opinion polls about whether the United States should get involved in crises overseas.


Bill Clinton splits with President Obama on Syria - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com


I wonder if yesterday's chastising of Fearless Leader by his mentor, Bill Clinton, had anything to do with today's announcement?
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Iran and Russia will double whatever we supply.
It's the proxy war from hell.

Only if you play it proxy-style.
The Syrian Army needs to be bombed like the Yugoslav-Army, and troops sent in to secure and destroy the chemical&biological weapons.

Iran and Russia can do nothing or deliver anything which can prevent capitulation or destruction of Syria's Army.
Iran and Russia will double whatever we supply.
It's the proxy war from hell.

Only if you play it proxy-style.
The Syrian Army needs to be bombed like the Yugoslav-Army, and troops sent in to secure and destroy the chemical&biological weapons.

Iran and Russia can do nothing or deliver anything which can prevent capitulation or destruction of Syria's Army.

That certainly isn't stopping them from trying...

Russian, Iranian technology is boosting Assad?s assault on Syrian rebels - Washington Post

What is delivered is sufficient against the ill-equipped FSA.
Better equipping the FSA will just lead to the mentioned proxy-war, increasing costs of the reconstruction of Syria and also increase death-toll and refugees.
There's zero chance the Syrian Army would survive against a conventional Army.
After all this time plans of a military-campaign should be ready and constantly updated (targets) through surveilance of Syria.
Clean solution.

The costs of assisting Syria in future (reconstruction) will come no matter which way you go to remove Assad, and giving the FSA the weapons it needs to remove Assad is obviously not the best solution otherwise they'd have received them a long time ago.

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