War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

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Syria says it "welcomes" Russian proposal to place chemical weapons under international control

CBS/AP/ September 9, 2013, 12:21 PM

MOSCOW Syria's foreign minister says his country welcomes Russia's proposal for it to place its chemical weapons under international control and then dismantle them quickly to avert U.S. strikes.

Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem stopped short of saying that the Syrian government had actually accepted the proposal.

"I state that the Syrian Arab Republic welcomes the Russian initiative, motivated by the Syrian leadership's concern for the lives of our citizens and the security of our country, and also motivated by our confidence in the wisdom of the Russian leadership, which is attempting to prevent American aggression against our people," he said.

The statement came a few hours after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Syrian President Bashar Assad could resolve the crisis surrounding the alleged use of chemical weapons by his forces by surrendering control of "every single bit" of his arsenal to the international community by the end of the week.

Hours after Kerry's statement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow would urge Syria to quickly put its chemical weapons under international control, then dismantle them.

Lavrov, who held talks with al-Moallem in Moscow earlier in the day, said he expected a quick positive answer from Damascus.

Al-Moallem, however, wouldn't give any further details in his brief statement and didn't take any questions.


Syria says it "welcomes" Russian proposal to place chemical weapons under international control - CBS News

I see how Hillary "The Wide" has began insinuating herself into the discussion now. Setting herself up for a presidential run.

Look, as long as whatever happens DOESN'T include ONE DROP of American blood, Im all for it. If Assad can be convinced to give up the chems - then good job. He can then go on killing the opposition by the hundreds of thousands - since apparently no one really gives a hoot in hell about that.

I fail to see the logic here, but what the hell. As long as it gives our illustrious leader a way to finally look "presidential", so be it.

Yes, she is now cautiously hawkish re an attack on Syria conveniently forgetting that it was just about a year ago that she was praising Assad and describing him as a reformer.

If we ran her and Obama in a putz contest, I wonder which one would win?
Hey, looks like a rare victory for the People. I'm shocked and pleased. No War with Syria? Who saw that one coming? Remember to thank all the Politicians who stood with the People on this. For now, Peace has won.
Syria says it "welcomes" Russian proposal to place chemical weapons under international control

CBS/AP/ September 9, 2013, 12:21 PM

MOSCOW Syria's foreign minister says his country welcomes Russia's proposal for it to place its chemical weapons under international control and then dismantle them quickly to avert U.S. strikes.

I don't see they have much choice but I feel it's a good thing if it happens.
They may or may not have used any up to this point, but an international team in control would stop any potential future use.
However, my vote remains "no" as there is still zero evidence that Assad has used the things but there is evidence of a US plot to do so and blame Assad as we saw before.
The "proposal" by Russia which pinhead Assad is accepting is certainly a fair enough cover for both (or all) sides.

I am never terribly reluctant to piss all over Obumbler, and he was a clusterfuck-up on this entire matter; but I will concede him a little bit of spin room. Possibly even justified.

For all of Putin's bluff and bluster and for all of his semi-successful efforts to make Obumbler look like a weak-assed bitch, the bottom line here (if the Putin proposal is real) is that what Obumbler "demanded" he is in effect winning in the end.

I disdain the way he got there, but let's be fair. Isn't it kind of a good thing (assuming again that the Putin proposal is genuine) that the OUTCOME is getting the chemical weapons out of pinhead Assad's hands?

A client state of Putin's Russia did have to cave in. So Putin somehow managed to spin the entire story into his own bluff, bravado, bluster and to his own benefit. But still, what Obumbler wanted (i.e., to take the chemical weapons out of Assad's control) is what we appear to be getting.

I'll settle for that.
The "proposal" by Russia which pinhead Assad is accepting is certainly a fair enough cover for both (or all) sides.

I am never terribly reluctant to piss all over Obumbler, and he was a clusterfuck-up on this entire matter; but I will concede him a little bit of spin room. Possibly even justified.

For all of Putin's bluff and bluster and for all of his semi-successful efforts to make Obumbler look like a weak-assed bitch, the bottom line here (if the Putin proposal is real) is that what Obumbler "demanded" he is in effect winning in the end.

I disdain the way he got there, but let's be fair. Isn't it kind of a good thing (assuming again that the Putin proposal is genuine) that the OUTCOME is getting the chemical weapons out of pinhead Assad's hands?

A client state of Putin's Russia did have to cave in. So Putin somehow managed to spin the entire story into his own bluff, bravado, bluster and to his own benefit. But still, what Obumbler wanted (i.e., to take the chemical weapons out of Assad's control) is what we appear to be getting.

I'll settle for that.

Seems like a reasonable deal. And Putin does deserve a lot of credit for getting it done. He's defending his ally in a very sensible fashion. However, i still think it's absurd for our Nation to demand Syria or any other Nation submit to demands we wouldn't submit to ourselves. What if similar demands were made of us? Would we open our Nuclear facilities or stockpiles of various weapons for Syrian inspection? Or even UN inspection for that matter. But i'll take what i can get. No War...for now anyway.
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Pledge that there will be no American military intervention in Syria.

The conflict in Syria is of grave concern. Anytime the blood of civilians spills in the name of freedom and liberty, free men and women must ask ourselves whether we can assist the dreams they are dying for.While tragic, this isn’t a US concern; it’s the United Nations.We the people don’t want to see our weapons used in the Syrian Civil War. There is valid concern that the FSA is aligned with sworn enemies of the United States. We’re aghast that you’re considering supporting them. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...american-military-intervention-syria/BqrM8b42 I was reading an article that indicated 70% of Americans opposed arming the Opposition.
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The "proposal" by Russia which pinhead Assad is accepting is certainly a fair enough cover for both (or all) sides.

I am never terribly reluctant to piss all over Obumbler, and he was a clusterfuck-up on this entire matter; but I will concede him a little bit of spin room. Possibly even justified.

For all of Putin's bluff and bluster and for all of his semi-successful efforts to make Obumbler look like a weak-assed bitch, the bottom line here (if the Putin proposal is real) is that what Obumbler "demanded" he is in effect winning in the end.

I disdain the way he got there, but let's be fair. Isn't it kind of a good thing (assuming again that the Putin proposal is genuine) that the OUTCOME is getting the chemical weapons out of pinhead Assad's hands?

A client state of Putin's Russia did have to cave in. So Putin somehow managed to spin the entire story into his own bluff, bravado, bluster and to his own benefit. But still, what Obumbler wanted (i.e., to take the chemical weapons out of Assad's control) is what we appear to be getting.

I'll settle for that.

The question is, how do we know that Assad is going to put ALL of his chemical weapons under international .. Can't he just easily take some and hide them somewhere else in Syria ?
The "proposal" by Russia which pinhead Assad is accepting is certainly a fair enough cover for both (or all) sides.

I am never terribly reluctant to piss all over Obumbler, and he was a clusterfuck-up on this entire matter; but I will concede him a little bit of spin room. Possibly even justified.

For all of Putin's bluff and bluster and for all of his semi-successful efforts to make Obumbler look like a weak-assed bitch, the bottom line here (if the Putin proposal is real) is that what Obumbler "demanded" he is in effect winning in the end.

I disdain the way he got there, but let's be fair. Isn't it kind of a good thing (assuming again that the Putin proposal is genuine) that the OUTCOME is getting the chemical weapons out of pinhead Assad's hands?

A client state of Putin's Russia did have to cave in. So Putin somehow managed to spin the entire story into his own bluff, bravado, bluster and to his own benefit. But still, what Obumbler wanted (i.e., to take the chemical weapons out of Assad's control) is what we appear to be getting.

I'll settle for that.

The question is, how do we know that Assad is going to put ALL of his chemical weapons under international .. Can't he just easily take some and hide them somewhere else in Syria ?

Well, we don't (or wouldn't). We would (most likely) depend on the UN Security Council to enforce the turnover or we would have to take Russia at their word, that the weapons had been turned over.

Funny, I don't see how it could ever be enforced, seeings how we don't have a clue as to how much they have at the present time. It could be 1,000 tons. It could be 1,500 tons. It could be 8 tons. We have no clue. It's all just estimates right now. Just figures on paper. and we all know the old saying: "Figures lie and liars figure".
Syria Admits It Has Chemical Weapons

First Direct Acknowledgment Comes as Nations Clash Over Resolution

Wall Street Journal - Middle East News - Updated September 10, 2013, 3:50 p.m. ET


French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius gives a news conference on the situation in Syria on Tuesday

Syria said it would cease production of chemical weapons and disclose the locations of its stockpiles to the United Nations, Russia and others, as Damascus seized on a possible diplomatic route to avert international military action.

The statement by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem represented the first direct admission by the Syrian government that it possesses chemical weapons. Mr. Moallem said Syria aimed to sign the international convention banning chemical weapons.

The offer came as Syria's ally Russia clashed with France over a possible U.N. Security Council resolution aimed at forcing Syria to hand over its stockpiles, following what the U.S. and France said was the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons in an attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21.


"We are ready to reveal the locations of the chemical weapon sites and to stop producing chemical weapons and make these sites available for the inspection of representatives of Russia, other countries and the United Nations," Mr. Moallem said, reading a statement to a pro-regime Lebanese TV station, al-Mayadeen. "We are ready to cooperate fully in implementing this [Russian] initiative, particularly given that we want to become a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention."

Russian President Vladimir Putin also clarified the need for Syria to stockpile chemical weapons.

"It's well known that Syria has a certain arsenal of chemical weapons and the Syrians always viewed that as an alternative [response] to Israel's nuclear weapons," Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.


Syria Admits It Has Chemical Weapons - WSJ.com
I voted yes.

For a variety of reasons. For one, I think it will show what an imbecile the Stuttering Clusterfukk is. And for another, killing Islamists isn't really a bad thing. They're all crazy murdering douchebags anyway.

And for another, it will make the Stuttering Clusterfukk look like the douche he is. Not to mention make him look like the hypocrite he is. And for another thing, make him look like the limp-wristed fag he is.

And for another, make the whole world laugh at him, even some of his own party (sans the cult-worshippers, of which there are plenty on this Board)

And for another thing...... Oh yeah, it will be interesting to see how the Knee Pad wearing DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM spins this one.....

I think they go with, "Well, Congress wasn't in Session, soooo...."

Or they'll simply ignore it.

I think it's a minor strike. Dead civilians will be paraded around for the Reporters, which the Reporters will dutifully ignore and the american DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will also ignore.

And the "Congress wasn't in Session" excuse run a few times and then they ignore it until something else comes up and they'll spend all their time and energy on that..... Maybe, Miley Cyrus Twerking or something else that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is interested in.

What kind of scumbag votes for a scumbag like hussein obama?

I always love a cumbayah moment...but what is proposed is not war...so voting no on war does not mean we should drop a dime on Assad.

".... drop a dime on Assad... "..

I know I'll get blowback on this --- but I see it more as a "drive-by shooting".. With no real outcome to be expected.

In the VERY LEAST --- you'd think our "mental midgets" in charge of Foreign Policy would make some concrete demand. Like ----

By 7:30 hours on Tues -- we want 4 tons of viable Chemical weapon cannisters and specially fitted warhead capsules on the DOCK at this Syrian Port for pick-up by NATO forces.
Failure to comply with this transfer of materials WILL result in strategic reduction of the Syrian capability to wage war by Tues evening.. Thanks for your attention to this matter.

John Frog Kerrey --- US Sec. of State..

Wouldn't ever happen that way --- would it? Our foreign policy CONTINUES to suck and suck badly. For the larger part of my life..

Yeah --- I bumped my older post.. Kinda proud of it.. Suggested the sequester of the chemical weapons BEFORE Putin did. And presciently predicted that John Fraud Kerrey would steal the idea..

Sometimes -- I'm right on the money...
I wish I could just accept what we're all being spoon fed today, but alas I am too jaded to get very enthusiastic about all this.

Assad is now willing to stop production of and hand over chemical weapons that just a couple of days ago he wouldn't admit he had and still hasn't admitted he used?

I don't believe in my lifetime that I have EVER seen a bunch of politicians--Reid, Pelosi, Boehner, H Clinton, J Kerry, and Barack Obama, with a strong emphasis on the latter two-reverse positions, vacillate, contradict themselves, and seem utterly devoid of conviction as I have witnessed in the last couple of weeks or so.

And now we are to believe that Putin and Assad are suddenly afraid of the vague and shifting threats uttered by Barack Obama and are offering to secure Assad's "non-existant" chemical weapons to avoid a military strike by the USA? Or are they both snickering that it is sooooo easy to manipulate Obama into doing whatever they want?

And meanwhile Obama still says he has authority to bomb Syria but nevertheless he will request Congress to defer the vote. A vote that some pretty savvy people are pretty sure that he would have lost. But assuming he would have gotten the authority to strike, why not go ahead an get it just in case chemical weapons are used again?

And we still don't know whether the Syrian rebels are friend or foe--stilll other very smart people think they are not people we would want in power in Syria-- and even the Administration has to admit it has no conclusive proof that it was Assad who used the chemical weapons.

So what has changed?

I would just shake my head in utter amazement if it wasn't spinning so fast.

I hope that all ya'll who are encouraged are right and I am wrong.
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The "proposal" by Russia which pinhead Assad is accepting is certainly a fair enough cover for both (or all) sides.

I am never terribly reluctant to piss all over Obumbler, and he was a clusterfuck-up on this entire matter; but I will concede him a little bit of spin room. Possibly even justified.

For all of Putin's bluff and bluster and for all of his semi-successful efforts to make Obumbler look like a weak-assed bitch, the bottom line here (if the Putin proposal is real) is that what Obumbler "demanded" he is in effect winning in the end.

I disdain the way he got there, but let's be fair. Isn't it kind of a good thing (assuming again that the Putin proposal is genuine) that the OUTCOME is getting the chemical weapons out of pinhead Assad's hands?

A client state of Putin's Russia did have to cave in. So Putin somehow managed to spin the entire story into his own bluff, bravado, bluster and to his own benefit. But still, what Obumbler wanted (i.e., to take the chemical weapons out of Assad's control) is what we appear to be getting.

I'll settle for that.

The question is, how do we know that Assad is going to put ALL of his chemical weapons under international .. Can't he just easily take some and hide them somewhere else in Syria ?
How do we know if Assad is the only player hiding chemical weapons in Syria?

"Russia says a deadly March sarin attack in an Aleppo suburb was carried out by Syrian rebels, not forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, and it has delivered a 100-page report laying out its evidence to the United Nations.

Russia gave UN 100-page report in July blaming Syrian rebels for Aleppo sarin attack | McClatchy
CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons

*Wednesday September 11, 2013 00:27*by SaA newly-discovered document of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency revealed Monday by Foreign Policy magazine shows that the U.S. agency had decisive evidence dating back to at least the 1980s that Israel had a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons.CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons - International Middle East Media Center. What shall we do about this?


CIA documents reveal USA stockpile of chemical weapons too!

and also ..... you can throw one or two nuclear weapons to the mix! LOL

so..........what you going to do about it?
CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons

*Wednesday September 11, 2013 00:27*by SaA newly-discovered document of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency revealed Monday by Foreign Policy magazine shows that the U.S. agency had decisive evidence dating back to at least the 1980s that Israel had a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons.CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons - International Middle East Media Center. What shall we do about this?


CIA documents reveal USA stockpile of chemical weapons too!

and also ..... you can throw one or two nuclear weapons to the mix! LOL

so..........what you going to do about it?

If there's one country the world shouldn't trust with that stockpile of weapons, it would the country that has bombed and strafed 10 countries in the past 20 years..

I sometimes think we should have the keys taken away for a month or two..
Especially with the complete absence of ingenuity that our leaders have shown on Syria.
CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons

*Wednesday September 11, 2013 00:27*by SaA newly-discovered document of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency revealed Monday by Foreign Policy magazine shows that the U.S. agency had decisive evidence dating back to at least the 1980s that Israel had a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons.CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons - International Middle East Media Center. What shall we do about this?


CIA documents reveal USA stockpile of chemical weapons too!

and also ..... you can throw one or two nuclear weapons to the mix! LOL

so..........what you going to do about it?

If there's one country the world shouldn't trust with that stockpile of weapons, it would the country that has bombed and strafed 10 countries in the past 20 years..

I sometimes think we should have the keys taken away for a month or two..
Especially with the complete absence of ingenuity that our leaders have shown on Syria.

I don't have a problem with USA or Israel having these weapons.

I have a big problem with some crazy Middle Eastern Regimes having them.
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If there's one country the world shouldn't trust with that stockpile of weapons, it would the country that has bombed and strafed 10 countries in the past 20 years..

I sometimes think we should have the keys taken away for a month or two..
Especially with the complete absence of ingenuity that our leaders have shown on Syria.

Who would you suggest hold those "keys" during this period?

CIA documents reveal USA stockpile of chemical weapons too!

and also ..... you can throw one or two nuclear weapons to the mix! LOL

so..........what you going to do about it?

If there's one country the world shouldn't trust with that stockpile of weapons, it would the country that has bombed and strafed 10 countries in the past 20 years..

I sometimes think we should have the keys taken away for a month or two..
Especially with the complete absence of ingenuity that our leaders have shown on Syria.

I don't have a problem with USA or Israel having these weapons.

I have a big problem with some crazy Middle Eastern Regimes having them.

Couldn't agree more. The USA learned from having used "the bomb". Twice. We will NEVER use them again unless attacked first. The same with Israel.

The crazies in the rest of the Middle East? Lordy, Lordy, Lordy.....God help us if the wrong "freedom fighter" (code for Jihadist) ever gets their grimy little hands on one.

But trust me on this...sooner or later, at some point, one of these nutbags WILL get one. Or a Biological weapon. Or a nerve agent. It WILL happen.
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Seems the AP isn't too impressed with President Obama's speech tonight:

By: Calvin Woodward (Associated Press)

President Barack Obama voiced his conviction Tuesday night that Syrian President Bashar Assad was to blame for deadly chemical attacks against civilians, but again he offered no proof.

A look at his remarks to the nation, seeking support for a military strike against Syria, and how they compare with the facts as publicly known:

OBAMA: "We know the Assad regime was responsible.... The facts cannot be denied."

THE FACTS: The Obama administration has not laid out proof Assad was behind the attack.

The administration has cited satellite imagery and communications intercepts, backed by social media and intelligence reports from sources in Syria, as the basis for blaming the Assad government. But the only evidence the administration has made public is a collection of videos it has verified of the victims. The videos do not demonstrate who launched the attacks.


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