War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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Well 50 diplomats want Obama to do more and since it will look bad for him…many here are, of course, stating that the diplomats are right (despite the almost uniform rebuke here).

Go figure.

obama is a POS and should have created a no-fly zone in 2011, it would have prevented the mass arab muslim invasion of europe and given the FSA/moderate rebels a place from which to remove the 50-year assad family dynasty, perhaps even preventing many/most of the lunatic massacres assad has committed.
lol, "moderate rebels"...

LOL "friendly, humanitarian Baathist assad"
rhodescholar´s "moderate rebels" celebrating the "liberation" of Raqqa:



your picture reveals nothing

captain blei answered "funny"-----he seem to imagine that his picture "proves"
something important.
ISIS is not Syria

Captain blei argues that anything that does not support the kingly rule of ASSAD----is ISIS. ISIS is an evil force which opposes BAATHIST ASSAD. If anyone who is not actually ISIS--opposes ASSAD that person is, at least, an ISIS AND TERRORIST SUPPORTER
Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from?

Money and arms - from SA. Training from other sunnis in the iraqi army.

The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

As for assad, are you so stupid and ignorant that you were not aware he was arming/funding anti-US fighters/terrorists in syria and allowing them to use syria as a base from which to attack US forces?

US mulling military options against Syria

"By now it has become clear that Damascus has opted out of its military accord with the Americans. The volume of fighting forces and war materiel crossing from Syria to Iraq has increased rather than diminished, and armed bands of tribesmen, among whom Iraqi insurgents, al Qaeda and Hizballah terrorists mingle, have expanded their control of broad regions on the Iraqi side of the border and aggressively attack any American force or vehicle venturing on their turf. Tribes dominating the border region are on the Iraqi insurgents’ payroll, receiving large weekly payments from Iraqi Baath headquarters in Damascus. The Damascus center is the hub of the 4,000 ex-party leaders and army chiefs living in Syria. It awards the tribes a bonus for every attack they mount against American or Iraqi forces in the border vicinity, as well as a rake-off for every illegal transfer of weapons or explosives. Syrian regime high-ups, top military brass and officers stationed on the border also get their share of the cut.

There have been several unpublicized battles between American and Syrian forces, when Syrian troops intervened to try and prevent the Americans from carrying out a hot pursuit of Iraqi insurgents at the border, Several Syrian soldiers have been killed and captured in these firefights, and senior leaders of the Anaza tribe taken prisoner. Six weeks ago US special-ops forces raided Anaza encampments, uncovering large volumes of weaponry destined for Iraq. They also discovered approximately 10 million dollars in cash and gold coin, and over a hundred terrorists in hiding."
ISIS is not Syria

Captain blei argues that anything that does not support the kingly rule of ASSAD----is ISIS. ISIS is an evil force which opposes BAATHIST ASSAD. If anyone who is not actually ISIS--opposes ASSAD that person is, at least, an ISIS AND TERRORIST SUPPORTER
It is the argumentation of ISIS stooges. Calling the war on ISIS ethnic cleansing, demonization of those fighting ISIS. Those most busy hating the Syrian government, like Roudy, irosie and the other Zionist warheads didn´t lose a negative word about ISIS so far...
ISIS is not Syria

Captain blei argues that anything that does not support the kingly rule of ASSAD----is ISIS. ISIS is an evil force which opposes BAATHIST ASSAD. If anyone who is not actually ISIS--opposes ASSAD that person is, at least, an ISIS AND TERRORIST SUPPORTER
It is the argumentation of ISIS stooges. Calling the war on ISIS ethnic cleansing, demonization of those fighting ISIS. Those most busy hating the Syrian government, like Roudy, irosie and the other Zionist warheads didn´t lose a negative word about ISIS so far...

Islamo Nazis do the libel thing incessantly no matter how idiotic the libel---something like playground sandbox snots who like to yell ---
"YOUR FEET STINK" Capt blei's libel for anyone who does not lick Baathist ass is
"YOU LOVE ISIS". -----in the old K K K south the big time "LIBEL" was "N^&&*A LOVER" islamonazis live on libels. They are used even in their incessant internecine
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

who ? tell us what you ""KNOW""

Mainly the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They're the chief culprits. But other nations in the Middle East have contributed as well. For example, it's been proven Turkey has been buying ISIS oil for years. For some reason they wanted Assad out. My guess is, there's some valuable resources the Global Elites wanna plunder in Syria.

Because clearly, Assad and Syria have never committed a hostile act against the U.S. or Saudi Arabia. So why the frantic rush to kill him? Gotta be a whole lotta cash involved. There's no other logical reason for creating these brutal groups and intervening in Syria's Civil War.
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

ISIS is funded the same way it is "peopled"---THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

True, but mainly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They created brutal gangs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And now they've created ISIS. So Americans better become resigned to the fact that they will be seeing their chickens come home to roost, in the form of more bloody terrorist attacks at home. It's inevitable.
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

who ? tell us what you ""KNOW""

Mainly the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They're the chief culprits. But other nations in the Middle East have contributed as well. For example, it's been proven Turkey has been buying ISIS oil for years. For some reason they wanted Assad out. My guess is, there's some valuable resources the Global Elites wanna plunder in Syria.

Because clearly, Assad and Syria have never committed a hostile act against the U.S. or Saudi Arabia. So why the frantic rush to kill him? Gotta be a whole lotta cash involved. There's no other logical reason for creating these brutal groups and intervening in Syria's Civil War.

right-----the BIG CONSPIRACY OF THE PEOPLE WITH THE MONEY-------for more
----visit your local methadone clinic-----the addicts and acid heads talk about it all the time-----when I was a child---it was the burnt out alcoholics------they chatted incessantly on election day in the alleys near the closed liquor stores. You have no background knowledge-----the turks hate ASSAD because he is an arab-----turks hate arabs. Iranians hate arabs too. ------Russia is in the mix for SPHERE OF INFLUENCE----they don't really like anyone. There is a GIANT PUSH to get control of the OIL AND THE WATER WAYS-----and especially the PORT CITIES-----by Iran----and with RUSSIA doing a piggy back. ALL MUSLIM "factions" want the BLACK ROCK in Saudi arabia------it represents POWER OVER THE WHOLE 'Islamic world"----now you have the real information-----I doubt that it will help
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

ISIS is funded the same way it is "peopled"---THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

True, but mainly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They created brutal gangs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And now they've created ISIS. So Americans better become resigned to the fact that they will be seeing their chickens come home to roost, in the form of more bloody terrorist attacks at home. It's inevitable.

your are suffering from a not so rare delusion----it is common amongst druggies, alcoholics and under employed "white trash"
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

ISIS is funded the same way it is "peopled"---THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

True, but mainly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They created brutal gangs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And now they've created ISIS. So Americans better become resigned to the fact that they will be seeing their chickens come home to roost, in the form of more bloody terrorist attacks at home. It's inevitable.

The Taliban were CREATED BY PAKISTAN----do you know any Pakistanis? I do---lots for more than 45 years. TALIBAN IS PAKISTANI ISLAM The USA mistake is in IMAGINING that all the Taliban wanted was to HELP Afghanistan get rid of RUSSIAN INVADERS------the white house did not ask me-------The Taliban wanted CALIPHATE IN AFGHANISTAN very much like ISIS in Iraq. We did it in the 1980s OLIVER NORTH UNDERSTOOD. Isis is islam-----it is the SAME islam as was the islam of OLD BAGHDAD and of SHEHERAZADE and 1001 Arabian nights. (never read that one either----did'ya?)
Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from?

Money and arms - from SA. Training from other sunnis in the iraqi army.

The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

As for assad, are you so stupid and ignorant that you were not aware he was arming/funding anti-US fighters/terrorists in syria and allowing them to use syria as a base from which to attack US forces?

US mulling military options against Syria

"By now it has become clear that Damascus has opted out of its military accord with the Americans. The volume of fighting forces and war materiel crossing from Syria to Iraq has increased rather than diminished, and armed bands of tribesmen, among whom Iraqi insurgents, al Qaeda and Hizballah terrorists mingle, have expanded their control of broad regions on the Iraqi side of the border and aggressively attack any American force or vehicle venturing on their turf. Tribes dominating the border region are on the Iraqi insurgents’ payroll, receiving large weekly payments from Iraqi Baath headquarters in Damascus. The Damascus center is the hub of the 4,000 ex-party leaders and army chiefs living in Syria. It awards the tribes a bonus for every attack they mount against American or Iraqi forces in the border vicinity, as well as a rake-off for every illegal transfer of weapons or explosives. Syrian regime high-ups, top military brass and officers stationed on the border also get their share of the cut.

There have been several unpublicized battles between American and Syrian forces, when Syrian troops intervened to try and prevent the Americans from carrying out a hot pursuit of Iraqi insurgents at the border, Several Syrian soldiers have been killed and captured in these firefights, and senior leaders of the Anaza tribe taken prisoner. Six weeks ago US special-ops forces raided Anaza encampments, uncovering large volumes of weaponry destined for Iraq. They also discovered approximately 10 million dollars in cash and gold coin, and over a hundred terrorists in hiding."

Their Civil War. None of our business. Yet we went in there in created awful brutal groups like ISIS. But it's merely a repeat of history. We did this back in Afghanistan when we funded & armed heinous murderers like Osama Bin Laden. In hindsight, we should just allowed the Soviets to have Afghanistan. There wouldn't have been a 9/11 and the bloody Jihad madness we're seeing today.
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

who ? tell us what you ""KNOW""

Mainly the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They're the chief culprits. But other nations in the Middle East have contributed as well. For example, it's been proven Turkey has been buying ISIS oil for years. For some reason they wanted Assad out. My guess is, there's some valuable resources the Global Elites wanna plunder in Syria.

Because clearly, Assad and Syria have never committed a hostile act against the U.S. or Saudi Arabia. So why the frantic rush to kill him? Gotta be a whole lotta cash involved. There's no other logical reason for creating these brutal groups and intervening in Syria's Civil War.

right-----the BIG CONSPIRACY OF THE PEOPLE WITH THE MONEY-------for more
----visit your local methadone clinic-----the addicts and acid heads talk about it all the time-----when I was a child---it was the burnt out alcoholics------they chatted incessantly on election day in the alleys near the closed liquor stores. You have no background knowledge-----the turks hate ASSAD because he is an arab-----turks hate arabs. Iranians hate arabs too. ------Russia is in the mix for SPHERE OF INFLUENCE----they don't really like anyone. There is a GIANT PUSH to get control of the OIL AND THE WATER WAYS-----and especially the PORT CITIES-----by Iran----and with RUSSIA doing a piggy back. ALL MUSLIM "factions" want the BLACK ROCK in Saudi arabia------it represents POWER OVER THE WHOLE 'Islamic world"----now you have the real information-----I doubt that it will help

The logical conclusion is that there must be some very valuable resources the Global Elites wanna plunder in Syria. Assad and Syria was never a threat to the U.S./West or Saudi Arabia. Yet they've murdered so many Syrians. But it all will come back around on those nations at some point. Their Jihad chickens will come home to roost. Bet on it.
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

ISIS is funded the same way it is "peopled"---THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

True, but mainly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They created brutal gangs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And now they've created ISIS. So Americans better become resigned to the fact that they will be seeing their chickens come home to roost, in the form of more bloody terrorist attacks at home. It's inevitable.

your are suffering from a not so rare delusion----it is common amongst druggies, alcoholics and under employed "white trash"

Nah, you Warmongering Goose Steppers are the delusional folks. Your Government creates these deadly Terrorist gangs, and then y'all are shocked when they come back to bite you at home. Your Jihad chickens will come home to roost. That's just an inevitable fact.
I hear ya, but don't bother. Most Americans can't and won't accept the fact the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created ISIS. They created it to 'Regime Change' Assad. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups for many years. It dates all the way back to Afghanistan and the Soviets. What later became the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to oust the Soviets.

They just repeated the process in Syria with the creation of ISIS. They've used these brutal groups to do their bidding for years. But unfortunately, war is all Americans know. They're indoctrinated on supporting endless war. And then they're shocked when terrorist attacks happen at home. What do they expect? Of course chickens are gonna come home to roost. That's the logical expected result. But you can't reason with most of em. It's very sad.

I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

ISIS is funded the same way it is "peopled"---THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

True, but mainly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They created brutal gangs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And now they've created ISIS. So Americans better become resigned to the fact that they will be seeing their chickens come home to roost, in the form of more bloody terrorist attacks at home. It's inevitable.

The Taliban were CREATED BY PAKISTAN----do you know any Pakistanis? I do---lots for more than 45 years. TALIBAN IS PAKISTANI ISLAM The USA mistake is in IMAGINING that all the Taliban wanted was to HELP Afghanistan get rid of RUSSIAN INVADERS------the white house did not ask me-------The Taliban wanted CALIPHATE IN AFGHANISTAN very much like ISIS in Iraq. We did it in the 1980s OLIVER NORTH UNDERSTOOD. Isis is islam-----it is the SAME islam as was the islam of OLD BAGHDAD and of SHEHERAZADE and 1001 Arabian nights. (never read that one either----did'ya?)

Yes good ole Pakistan, another one of our 'Good Buddies.' It is true the Taliban was created in Pakistan. It was then later moved to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. But most of its funding & arming in Afghanistan, came from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. But Pakistan did play a big role.

And then of course you had brutal folks like Osama Bin Laden receiving all that cash & weapons from the Americans and Saudis too. It all led to the defeat of the Soviets and the rapid rise of Radical Islam around the world. And the U.S. is mainly responsible for that. Without U.S. support for awful terror groups, there wouldn't have been a 9/11 and Jihad madness we see today.
I have requested multiple times from uninformed, conspiracy theory-driven dimwits like this to explain exactly how the "US created ISIS" - and they never succeed, no surprise there. There seems to be segments of the population who will blame every bad aspect of the mideast on the US, no matter how fucking awful the people there behave.

As an aside, there are few funnier things than a rabid ron paul fanatic claiming other people cannot be reasoned with...just hilarious.

Who do you think ISIS received all its funding, arming, and training from? The money and weapons didn't just magically appear. It was all about 'Regime Changing' Assad. Just more bloody Blow Back. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.

ISIS is funded the same way it is "peopled"---THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD

True, but mainly by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. They created brutal gangs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And now they've created ISIS. So Americans better become resigned to the fact that they will be seeing their chickens come home to roost, in the form of more bloody terrorist attacks at home. It's inevitable.

The Taliban were CREATED BY PAKISTAN----do you know any Pakistanis? I do---lots for more than 45 years. TALIBAN IS PAKISTANI ISLAM The USA mistake is in IMAGINING that all the Taliban wanted was to HELP Afghanistan get rid of RUSSIAN INVADERS------the white house did not ask me-------The Taliban wanted CALIPHATE IN AFGHANISTAN very much like ISIS in Iraq. We did it in the 1980s OLIVER NORTH UNDERSTOOD. Isis is islam-----it is the SAME islam as was the islam of OLD BAGHDAD and of SHEHERAZADE and 1001 Arabian nights. (never read that one either----did'ya?)

Yes good ole Pakistan, another one of our 'Good Buddies.' It is true the Taliban was created in Pakistan. It was then later moved to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. But most of its funding & arming in Afghanistan, came from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. But Pakistan did play a big role.

And then of course you had brutal folks like Osama Bin Laden receiving all that cash & weapons from the Americans and Saudis too. It all led to the defeat of the Soviets and the rapid rise of Radical Islam around the world. And the U.S. is mainly responsible for that. Without U.S. support for awful terror groups, there wouldn't have been a 9/11 and Jihad madness we see today.

well----actually you are very partially right-----the US funded the filth called TALIBAN----but the Taliban are PAKISTANIS and most of their funding came from OTHER MUSLIMS----including Saudi muslims. The US did not MAKE the Taliban-----the US very FOOLISHLY gave those mobsters armaments and funding in order to get rid of the Russians ---BIG MISTAKE-----the white house did not ask me. The white house learned to regret what they did------and is coming to regret the USA "love the refugees" program

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