Warmest March on record according to the Japanese Meteorological Agency

So satellites were supposed to terrify the populace?

You're a cult fruit loop. You may not understand that, but rest assured that everyone else does.

Actually sweetie,........in 2015, the alarmists have the "cult" moniker all to themselves. Every single solitary poll shows it!!!

Which one you want me to post up? Pew? Gallup? Rasmussen?

Your pick honey..........either way, you're gonna look pretty fucking stoopid!!!!:spinner::boobies::boobies::boobies:
So satellites were supposed to terrify the populace?

You're a cult fruit loop. You may not understand that, but rest assured that everyone else does.
I happen to be an expert on the subject.

Got any proof that man-made global warming is a threat?"


How old, Mr.global warming?
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The last 2 satellites going to join the A-train crashed and burned.

I seriously doubt that's just a coincidence.

OCO-2 crashed? GCOM-W1 crashed? Who knew?

It's not a coincidence that you tried to peddle such a crazy conspiracy theory. After all, if someone fact-checks, it's impossible for them to get sucked into the denier cult. Your cult masters fed you a fable, and instead of fact-checking, you simply chose to believe it with all your heart.
Whatever, so which ones crashed? Was it the ones that were supoosed to terrify the populce? The sky is falling global warming idiotic bullshit?

And what difference does it make?

Every adequately informed person already knows the Global Warrming bullshit was debunked long ago.

Google "wikilinks, climategate". Educate yourself or remain ignorant. It's your choice. I've always chose enlightenment over ignorance. I advise the rest of you to do the same.
here's a link to read up on the satellites that crashed. They were old ones. However, their debris is headed toward those climate satellites. Link: Two Satellites crash in space the A-Train. Poll Results.

Lesson; Don't smoke dope and fantasize about man-made global warming and play with rockets at the same time.
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Look at this nino breaking out!


Would be nice if it did. We can use the moisture.

These people are enjoying a healthy dose of global warming right now! 10 inches of snow! Man I wish that had dropped here!

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So satellites were supposed to terrify the populace?

You're a cult fruit loop. You may not understand that, but rest assured that everyone else does.
I happen to be an expert on the subject.

Got any proof that man-made global warming is a threat?"
I know he/she doesn't.
Actually it's probably one of the fraudsters. He needs to be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Maximum penalty, no less.
On what subject are you an expert and for what violation would anyone be arrested and prosecuted?
On what subject are you an expert and for what violation would anyone be arrested and prosecuted?

Defrauding the taxpayers out of their hard earned money!
I guess I wasn't sufficiently clear. That question was directed at Muhammed.
I see the global warming nutters are out in force pushing their mantra despite the cooling trend... They are all gonna be soooo disapointed as the Ocean is now rapidly cooling and there is nothing to moderate the cooling.
Explain how energy is conducted from hot to cold. And then why it won't conduct from cold to hot. Explain in your own words. Then I'll point out your confusion.

So now you do believe that energy will conduct from cold to warm....ie back conduction. I am afraid that it is you who is confused toddster. No more explanation is needed as to why than the second law...neither heat nor energy will move from cold to warm without some work being done to accomplish the movement.

Just because the photon doesn't "age", doesn't mean it can predict the future.

Again, trying to force a photon into your frame of reference is pointless. From a photon's point of view there is no future...time is at a standstill. Sorry you can't wrap your mind around this.

It is true that photons leaving the surface of the sun take over 8 minutes to reach the Earth. I'd call that some time.

It is true from your point of view...it is not true from a photon's point of view. Again, it is clear that you are having real trouble getting your mind around this. From the photon's point of view the body it originates from is in contact with its destination...zero distance to travel...zero time to get there. The photon exists at every point between the point of its origin and the point of its destination just as you exist at every point between the rock and the hard place you are squeezed between.

Describe, if you can, the difference between zero time and zero distance between objects and physical contact.

And isn't it interesting that the law shows they radiate, with no reference to direction.

Actually, it shows nothing because it describes a condition that does not exist in reality. It shows a non reality starting point and then continues on to describe reality.

When you find one that mentions direction, be sure to let me know.

Already did....sorry you don't understand. As predicted, you are now denying that the equations describing physical laws actually describe events that are happening in the real world and alterations to the equation also alter the description of the events.

Then why doesn't the equation I posted come with a caveat, "Unless a warmer object is nearby (nearby being up to billions of light years away, because photons don't experience time. LOL!)"

Why don't the Lorentz equations come with a caveat that describe what is happening in terms even a cretin could understand? Answer, because it is assumed that if you are going to bother to look at it at all, you will at least grasp the meaning of the equation.

And again, you fail to wrap your mind around relativity. You don't seem to be able to get your mind around existence from a photon's reference point. And now we have another denial...have you proven the Lorentz relativity equations wrong? Lets see your proof. If you haven't, then the time (from the photon's reference point) between the photon's point of origin and that point that you call billions of light years away is zero...and the distance (from the photon's reference point) between the photon's point of origin and that point you call billions of light years away is also zero.

So again, describe the difference between zero time and zero distance between objects and physical contact.

I deny your confused ramblings are the real explanation.

You deny relativity? You deny that the Lorentz relativity equations are true? You deny that a photon is moving at the speed of light and therefore must be granted the point of view of an entity moving at the speed of light? Interesting.

Why would I do that?

You already have by trying to impose concepts like time and future and age on an entity that does not experience time...and by trying to impose distance on an entity that does not experience space.

I'd say that's a more accurate description than saying it takes no time for them to travel to their destination.

The Lorentz relativity equations say that an entity travelling at the speed of light in fact has no time and no distance to travel as a result of infinite time dilation and no distance to travel because all spatial length is infinitely contracted. So, again, have you disproved either the Lorentz relativity equations or relativity itself? Lets see the proof. If you haven't then I am afraid you are just going to have to try to wrap your mind around what reality is like for a photon...or simply accept the fact that you are denying relativity.

Maybe you could explain how the magic waves take the temperature of their destination, before they decide if they will propagate in that direction?

The waves in question also travel at the speed of light and as such also have no distance to travel in no time and therefore are also, according to the Lorentz equations already at their destination when they come into existence.

Now, you have a warm object that is radiating energy, and you place it in physical contact with a cool object that is radiating energy. How does the energy in the cool object know not to try and conduct to the warmer object? Where does it go? Suppose you completely enclose the cooler object with a warmer object that is in physical contact all the way around the cooler object? Where does the energy from the cooler object go if it can't conduct to a warmer object that is in physical contact with it?

Should be good for another laugh.

I am laughing at you...that's for sure...although I do feel a bit bad about laughing...It is a bit sad to see someone who sees himself as smart trying to impose concepts like time, age, future, and distance on an entity that experiences nether time nor distance
and not grasping how ridiculous and pointless the effort is. I predicted that you would deny both relativity and the Lorentz relativity equations and you did. Of course you can provide no proof that either is incorrect, you just can't get your mind around them. For all your pretense of being one of the smartest guys in the room, you can't accept zero time and zero distance between points that you perceive as very far apart.

Tell me toddster, if it were possible for you to see a photon from its point of origin from point A going to point B which were ...say one light year apart, what do you think it would look like?

And one more time, how is zero distance and zero time between two bodies different from physical contact? In your own words.[/quote]
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