Warning: Very Bad Gang Members and Drug Dealers Are Coming From Bahamas

He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
TN, He said "We have to be very careful. Everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there, I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members, and some very, very bad drug dealers."

In the face of a country's humanitarian crisis, with 70,000 homeless and no power or running water, Trump's first thought is the same one he has been obsessed with since 2015: they're rapists and drug dealers! Keep them out!

Of course we are careful who we let in. They aren't coming by thousands in rafts. Everyone's background is being checked and no criminals are allowed in. Trump does not need to be making this kind of alarmist statement.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
I dont have an itinerary but I assume the same way Africans are getting to mexico.
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
TN, He said "We have to be very careful. Everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there, I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members, and some very, very bad drug dealers."

In the face of a country's humanitarian crisis, with 70,000 homeless and no power or running water, Trump's first thought is the same one he has been obsessed with since 2015: they're rapists and drug dealers! Keep them out!

Of course we are careful who we let in. They aren't coming by thousands in rafts. Everyone's background is being checked and no criminals are allowed in. Trump does not need to be making this kind of alarmist statement.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
We dont want any undocumented immigrants here. When are you retards gonna get that through your thicks skulls?
Read the article! No one without a current passport is allowed and their criminal histories are checked first. They aren't rowing over in rafts. They are flying on planes and have passed through customs.
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
What exactly did he say? It seems like you are the one who is inferring.
Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
We dont want any undocumented immigrants here. When are you retards gonna get that through your thicks skulls?
Read the article! No one without a current passport is allowed and their criminal histories are checked first. They aren't rowing over in rafts. They are flying on planes and have passed through customs.
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
What exactly did he say? It seems like you are the one who is inferring.
I just quoted him exactly. Read the thread.
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
TN, He said "We have to be very careful. Everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there, I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members, and some very, very bad drug dealers."

In the face of a country's humanitarian crisis, with 70,000 homeless and no power or running water, Trump's first thought is the same one he has been obsessed with since 2015: they're rapists and drug dealers! Keep them out!

Of course we are careful who we let in. They aren't coming by thousands in rafts. Everyone's background is being checked and no criminals are allowed in. Trump does not need to be making this kind of alarmist statement.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
I dont have an itinerary but I assume the same way Africans are getting to mexico.
Look at all these links OL
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
We dont want any undocumented immigrants here. When are you retards gonna get that through your thicks skulls?
Read the article! No one without a current passport is allowed and their criminal histories are checked first. They aren't rowing over in rafts. They are flying on planes and have passed through customs.
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
TN, He said "We have to be very careful. Everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there, I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members, and some very, very bad drug dealers."

In the face of a country's humanitarian crisis, with 70,000 homeless and no power or running water, Trump's first thought is the same one he has been obsessed with since 2015: they're rapists and drug dealers! Keep them out!

Of course we are careful who we let in. They aren't coming by thousands in rafts. Everyone's background is being checked and no criminals are allowed in. Trump does not need to be making this kind of alarmist statement.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
I thought only Mexico had bad hombres

You wonder why they trigger Trump?
Gee, I have no clue...............:rolleyes:
Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
We dont want any undocumented immigrants here. When are you retards gonna get that through your thicks skulls?
Read the article! No one without a current passport is allowed and their criminal histories are checked first. They aren't rowing over in rafts. They are flying on planes and have passed through customs.
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
Look up "infer." He's a master at not quite saying what he really means. His message is clear enough.

But TN's links make me need to backtrack some. There has been a valid problem with illegals coming from the Bahamas. I'm still just as pissed as ever that Trump said that, because there was no reason for it, but he does have some reason to want to be careful; of course, the border and customs agents ARE being careful. This "drug dealer" shit is just to stir the pot among his base.
Trump supports illegals being here. It's why he is doing nothing about those who employ them.
Now youre saying Trump isnt trying to get rid of illegals? Why do you people always lie? Can you not push your ideas without using lies? Are your ideas THAT bad?

I said what I said. You can address what I said or not. I'm guessing not.
Youre suggesting that Trump wants illegals here, and you expect anyone to take you seriously? You are terrible at debating your political views. If you have to lie, why take that position in the first place?

I explained why, which you ignored. Address that or not, again, I imagine not.
You said, "Trump supports illegals being here". Are you sticking by that absurd statement?

Yes, and I explained why. You can explain why what I said was wrong or not.
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
TN, He said "We have to be very careful. Everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there, I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members, and some very, very bad drug dealers."

In the face of a country's humanitarian crisis, with 70,000 homeless and no power or running water, Trump's first thought is the same one he has been obsessed with since 2015: they're rapists and drug dealers! Keep them out!

Of course we are careful who we let in. They aren't coming by thousands in rafts. Everyone's background is being checked and no criminals are allowed in. Trump does not need to be making this kind of alarmist statement.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
Well, in that case, Trump's words make even less sense, since criminals sneaking over here in boats aren't going to be headed through customs.
TN, He said "We have to be very careful. Everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there, I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members, and some very, very bad drug dealers."

In the face of a country's humanitarian crisis, with 70,000 homeless and no power or running water, Trump's first thought is the same one he has been obsessed with since 2015: they're rapists and drug dealers! Keep them out!

Of course we are careful who we let in. They aren't coming by thousands in rafts. Everyone's background is being checked and no criminals are allowed in. Trump does not need to be making this kind of alarmist statement.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
Well, in that case, Trump's words make even less sense, since criminals sneaking over here in boats aren't going to be headed through customs.
Omg OL lol.
Illegals in the bahamas! Illegals in the bahamas coming over here. Illegals in the bahamas coming over here.
Illegals in the bahamas!
We dont want any undocumented immigrants here. When are you retards gonna get that through your thicks skulls?
Read the article! No one without a current passport is allowed and their criminal histories are checked first. They aren't rowing over in rafts. They are flying on planes and have passed through customs.
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
Look up "infer." He's a master at not quite saying what he really means. His message is clear enough.

But TN's links make me need to backtrack some. There has been a valid problem with illegals coming from the Bahamas. I'm still just as pissed as ever that Trump said that, because there was no reason for it, but he does have some reason to want to be careful; of course, the border and customs agents ARE being careful. This "drug dealer" shit is just to stir the pot among his base.
First, you need to look up the word, infer. The word you should have used was, imply. He implied something and you inferred something from what he said.

As is so often true, your ignorance is astounding. Bahamas has been suffering under crime waves so severe that the military has to patrol the streets along with the police. It has a homicide rate several times that of the US and very severe gang violence involving guns and drugs. The US State Department has been issuing warnings about crime, especially against Americans, in the Bahamas for several years, dating back into the Obama administration, and months before Dorian issued especially strong warnings to US tourists.

Authorities Blame Gangs for the Bahamas’ Bloody Start to 2017

U.S. and Bahamas Battle Over Crime Statistics | Cruise Law News

I understand you are claiming that there was no reason for the President to warn Americans about the dangers of allowing Bahamians into the US in order to suggest the only possible motive was racism.
If you read what you just posted slowly, you will see he is talking about ILLEGALS.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
Well, in that case, Trump's words make even less sense, since criminals sneaking over here in boats aren't going to be headed through customs.
Omg OL lol.
Illegals in the bahamas! Illegals in the bahamas coming over here. Illegals in the bahamas coming over here.
Illegals in the bahamas!
Read the article! No one without a current passport is allowed and their criminal histories are checked first. They aren't rowing over in rafts. They are flying on planes and have passed through customs.
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
Look up "infer." He's a master at not quite saying what he really means. His message is clear enough.

But TN's links make me need to backtrack some. There has been a valid problem with illegals coming from the Bahamas. I'm still just as pissed as ever that Trump said that, because there was no reason for it, but he does have some reason to want to be careful; of course, the border and customs agents ARE being careful. This "drug dealer" shit is just to stir the pot among his base.
First, you need to look up the word, infer. The word you should have used was, imply. He implied something and you inferred something from what he said.

As is so often true, your ignorance is astounding. Bahamas has been suffering under crime waves so severe that the military has to patrol the streets along with the police. It has a homicide rate several times that of the US and very severe gang violence involving guns and drugs. The US State Department has been issuing warnings about crime, especially against Americans, in the Bahamas for several years, dating back into the Obama administration, and months before Dorian issued especially strong warnings to US tourists.

Authorities Blame Gangs for the Bahamas’ Bloody Start to 2017

U.S. and Bahamas Battle Over Crime Statistics | Cruise Law News

I understand you are claiming that there was no reason for the President to warn Americans about the dangers of allowing Bahamians into the US in order to suggest the only possible motive was racism.
I have read both those links already, supplied by another poster. There is no danger of allowing Bahamians into the US the way it is presently being done, because customs and border agents are not allowing in anyone with criminal history.
How are they getting to the Bahamas? How does someone from the Bahamas become an "illegal?"
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
Well, in that case, Trump's words make even less sense, since criminals sneaking over here in boats aren't going to be headed through customs.
Omg OL lol.
Illegals in the bahamas! Illegals in the bahamas coming over here. Illegals in the bahamas coming over here.
Illegals in the bahamas!
Then what exactly are you guys mad at Trump for?
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
Look up "infer." He's a master at not quite saying what he really means. His message is clear enough.

But TN's links make me need to backtrack some. There has been a valid problem with illegals coming from the Bahamas. I'm still just as pissed as ever that Trump said that, because there was no reason for it, but he does have some reason to want to be careful; of course, the border and customs agents ARE being careful. This "drug dealer" shit is just to stir the pot among his base.
First, you need to look up the word, infer. The word you should have used was, imply. He implied something and you inferred something from what he said.

As is so often true, your ignorance is astounding. Bahamas has been suffering under crime waves so severe that the military has to patrol the streets along with the police. It has a homicide rate several times that of the US and very severe gang violence involving guns and drugs. The US State Department has been issuing warnings about crime, especially against Americans, in the Bahamas for several years, dating back into the Obama administration, and months before Dorian issued especially strong warnings to US tourists.

Authorities Blame Gangs for the Bahamas’ Bloody Start to 2017

U.S. and Bahamas Battle Over Crime Statistics | Cruise Law News

I understand you are claiming that there was no reason for the President to warn Americans about the dangers of allowing Bahamians into the US in order to suggest the only possible motive was racism.
I have read both those links already, supplied by another poster. There is no danger of allowing Bahamians into the US the way it is presently being done, because customs and border agents are not allowing in anyone with criminal history.
That's good thing and it is also a good thing that the President is advising the public the danger the US is protecting us against by providing strong border security in this case. If only the Democrats would support strong border security on our southern border, the US would be a much safer place.
No, TNHarley, I want an answer.
They can't swim over. They can't walk over. They can't fly over, because they have to go through customs at the airport or on the plane.
So that makes no sense.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
Well, in that case, Trump's words make even less sense, since criminals sneaking over here in boats aren't going to be headed through customs.
Omg OL lol.
Illegals in the bahamas! Illegals in the bahamas coming over here. Illegals in the bahamas coming over here.
Illegals in the bahamas!
For going through this whole These people coming from the Bahamas are very bad people, very dangerous gang members, very very bad drug dealers. That is what he is inferring. Why he would say that or even think that, I can't imagine.
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
Look up "infer." He's a master at not quite saying what he really means. His message is clear enough.

But TN's links make me need to backtrack some. There has been a valid problem with illegals coming from the Bahamas. I'm still just as pissed as ever that Trump said that, because there was no reason for it, but he does have some reason to want to be careful; of course, the border and customs agents ARE being careful. This "drug dealer" shit is just to stir the pot among his base.
First, you need to look up the word, infer. The word you should have used was, imply. He implied something and you inferred something from what he said.

As is so often true, your ignorance is astounding. Bahamas has been suffering under crime waves so severe that the military has to patrol the streets along with the police. It has a homicide rate several times that of the US and very severe gang violence involving guns and drugs. The US State Department has been issuing warnings about crime, especially against Americans, in the Bahamas for several years, dating back into the Obama administration, and months before Dorian issued especially strong warnings to US tourists.

Authorities Blame Gangs for the Bahamas’ Bloody Start to 2017

U.S. and Bahamas Battle Over Crime Statistics | Cruise Law News

I understand you are claiming that there was no reason for the President to warn Americans about the dangers of allowing Bahamians into the US in order to suggest the only possible motive was racism.
I have read both those links already, supplied by another poster. There is no danger of allowing Bahamians into the US the way it is presently being done, because customs and border agents are not allowing in anyone with criminal history.
That's good thing and it is also a good thing that the President is advising the public the danger the US is protecting us against by providing strong border security in this case. If only the Democrats would support strong border security on our southern border, the US would be a much safer place.
WHAT DANGER? Specifically, explain what you and the President see as the danger. Specifically. Give me an example or something, because it seems to me that you are either buying into his nightmare or one of those creatures in his base that really ought to go back under your rock.
Yes, so what's left? Boat. The same way Africans get to mexico. the same way Mexicans get to the upper US when they dont get their back wet.
The same way Europeans came here hundreds of years ago.
Well, in that case, Trump's words make even less sense, since criminals sneaking over here in boats aren't going to be headed through customs.
Omg OL lol.
Illegals in the bahamas! Illegals in the bahamas coming over here. Illegals in the bahamas coming over here.
Illegals in the bahamas!
In fact, that is not true. The President is saying some very dangerous people will try to get in along with others. What drives you to distort his words?
Look up "infer." He's a master at not quite saying what he really means. His message is clear enough.

But TN's links make me need to backtrack some. There has been a valid problem with illegals coming from the Bahamas. I'm still just as pissed as ever that Trump said that, because there was no reason for it, but he does have some reason to want to be careful; of course, the border and customs agents ARE being careful. This "drug dealer" shit is just to stir the pot among his base.
First, you need to look up the word, infer. The word you should have used was, imply. He implied something and you inferred something from what he said.

As is so often true, your ignorance is astounding. Bahamas has been suffering under crime waves so severe that the military has to patrol the streets along with the police. It has a homicide rate several times that of the US and very severe gang violence involving guns and drugs. The US State Department has been issuing warnings about crime, especially against Americans, in the Bahamas for several years, dating back into the Obama administration, and months before Dorian issued especially strong warnings to US tourists.

Authorities Blame Gangs for the Bahamas’ Bloody Start to 2017

U.S. and Bahamas Battle Over Crime Statistics | Cruise Law News

I understand you are claiming that there was no reason for the President to warn Americans about the dangers of allowing Bahamians into the US in order to suggest the only possible motive was racism.
I have read both those links already, supplied by another poster. There is no danger of allowing Bahamians into the US the way it is presently being done, because customs and border agents are not allowing in anyone with criminal history.
That's good thing and it is also a good thing that the President is advising the public the danger the US is protecting us against by providing strong border security in this case. If only the Democrats would support strong border security on our southern border, the US would be a much safer place.
WHAT DANGER? Specifically, explain what you and the President see as the danger. Specifically. Give me an example or something, because it seems to me that you are either buying into his nightmare or one of those creatures in his base that really ought to go back under your rock.
The President was explaining why it was necessary to be extra careful about screening the people from the Bahamas because of their very high crime rate and their gang and drug issues. In these situations, there is always the temptation to ignore the potential dangers of allowing people in without carefully screening them because we feel sorry for them. The Democrats have been doing this in opposing every possible measure to establish border security on our southern border by trying to get people to overlook the dangers out of feelings of pity.

Give it up, there is no rational basis for suggesting the President is a racist.
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Wrong color people for Trump.

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