Warnings and wake-up calls everywhere


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
As Kudlow reruns his Bush43 mantra that the economy is sound.

I can't help but think of the old Simon & Garfunkle song, "Nightly News" when I hear his effort to hide the truth, as evidenced by the host of events like this:
Coal mine closures shake Wyoming

They can't ALL go to work for Amazon or Exxon from this place or Penneys or any of the myriad of retail closures scheduled for 2020.
That governor wants a port in Washington state to ship his coal to China?

Good luck with that.

We have been trying to get the coal trains to stop coming through our state. There's no way we are going to let them have one of our ports to ship even more of their coal to China.

Especially since all the air pollution from China ends up here. Wind brings it right here and we're working as hard as we can to combat climate change and pollution. We aren't going to invite more of it.

The governor of Wyoming is delusional if he thinks that we will let him have one of our ports.

California won't either.

Maybe Oregon might. I don't know.
Hundreds of US trucking companies have failed so far this year, more still to come

The cycle is probably coming to an end, and despite his claims and brags and pronouncements, Trump can't do much about it.

I wish he hadn't exploded the deficit to keep his fans happy with those tax cuts, but it is what it is.

Right now my concern is the bubble in corporate debt, particularly sub-prime (ring a bell?). That could exacerbate the next downturn.
That governor wants a port in Washington state to ship his coal to China?
Good luck with that.
We have been trying to get the coal trains to stop coming through our state. There's no way we are going to let them have one of our ports to ship even more of their coal to China.
Especially since all the air pollution from China ends up here. Wind brings it right here and we're working as hard as we can to combat climate change and pollution. We aren't going to invite more of it.
The governor of Wyoming is delusional if he thinks that we will let him have one of our ports.
California won't either. Maybe Oregon might. I don't know.
So other countries are still burning coal? And you Democrats said coal mining was dead.
Since you left-wingers think and hope things are so dire, why don’t you all just commit suicide?
That governor wants a port in Washington state to ship his coal to China?

Good luck with that.

We have been trying to get the coal trains to stop coming through our state. There's no way we are going to let them have one of our ports to ship even more of their coal to China.

Especially since all the air pollution from China ends up here. Wind brings it right here and we're working as hard as we can to combat climate change and pollution. We aren't going to invite more of it.

The governor of Wyoming is delusional if he thinks that we will let him have one of our ports.

California won't either.

Maybe Oregon might. I don't know.

It's 5 states against Washington state and they will win eventually, they are breaking the constitution

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