Warren and the Divine Right of Capital: Accountable Capitalism Act

Close enough to convince all rational people.
Not so sure about mindless Trump toadies.

How true is the statement that the stock market is essentially a Ponzi scheme? - Quora

"The fact is:

  1. What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors. Profits from buying and selling stocks come from other investors who are buying and selling stocks. When one investor buys low and sells high, another investor is also buying high and needs to sell for even higher."

What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors.

Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.

Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always.
Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.
Self-cannibalizing Ponzi scheme characteristic of the greediest society ever to inhabit planet Earth.

"This is actually a negative-sum situation because the underlying company isn’t involved in the transaction.

"The investors are just cannibalizing each other for profits, and there are fees attached to every transaction.”

"Ah, cannibalizing each other for profits—now this is starting to sound like an American enterprise! It says it right there on our flag, 'America: Cannibalizing each other for profits since 1776!'"

Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The Stock Market Ponzi Scheme. Occupy Deep Karma.
You claim capitalists are greedy...but you and other socialists think you're entitled to what you didn't earn.

YOU'RE greedy, George. This is undeniable.
You claim capitalists are greedy...but you and other socialists think you're entitled to what you didn't earn.

YOU'RE greedy, George. This is undeniable
The greed of capitalism produces waste through externalities that require costly, public corrective measures and regulation. Capitalists get rich from clean, clean coal, for example, while externalizing health and air quality onto the greater society. Capitalism also concentrates power and wealth within a small segment of society who don't use available technology and resources for their maximum potential in the interest of the public, but rather concentrating wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation.
George, when has government ever solved any of the problems you claim it can solve?
eorge, when has government ever solved any of the problems you claim it can solve?
Social Security solved the problem of senior poverty in the US, and state, local, and federal governments greatly improved air quality in the LA basin over the past fifty years. When have capitalists ever cleaned up any of their externalities without government mandate?
Last edited:
What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors.

Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.

Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always.
Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.
Self-cannibalizing Ponzi scheme characteristic of the greediest society ever to inhabit planet Earth.

"This is actually a negative-sum situation because the underlying company isn’t involved in the transaction.

"The investors are just cannibalizing each other for profits, and there are fees attached to every transaction.”

"Ah, cannibalizing each other for profits—now this is starting to sound like an American enterprise! It says it right there on our flag, 'America: Cannibalizing each other for profits since 1776!'"

Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The Stock Market Ponzi Scheme. Occupy Deep Karma.
You claim capitalists are greedy...but you and other socialists think you're entitled to what you didn't earn.

YOU'RE greedy, George. This is undeniable.
You claim capitalists are greedy...but you and other socialists think you're entitled to what you didn't earn.

YOU'RE greedy, George. This is undeniable
The greed of capitalism produces waste through externalities that require costly, public corrective measures and regulation. Capitalists get rich from clean, clean coal, for example, while externalizing health and air quality onto the greater society. Capitalism also concentrates power and wealth within a small segment of society who don't use available technology and resources for their maximum potential in the interest of the public, but rather concentrating wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation.
George, when has government ever solved any of the problems you claim it can solve?
eorge, when has government ever solved any of the problems you claim it can solve?
Social Security solved the problem of senior poverty in the US, and state, local, and federal governments greatly improved air quality in the LA basis over the past fifty years. When have capitalists ever cleaned up any of their externalities without government mandate?
Social Security is exactly the kind of Ponzi scheme you've been screeching about.

But consistency is not your strong suit, is it?

How do you square this circle: The structure and legal basis of the modern MAGA corporation bears a great deal of resemblance to feudal estates, and this reality is at odds in an era that claims to value democracy over the Divine Right of Kings?

Warren has a plan:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"

The US is among a minority of OECD countries that gives no representation to the workforce (majority) in corporate governance.

For years Warren has claimed "corporations are not people."

Now her Accountable Capitalism Act demands that corporations that claim the legal rights of personhood should be legally required to accept the moral obligations of personhood.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
What's wrong with any of the following, Loon?

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"
/----/ All socialist Bullshyt designed to hamper the economic growth of our country,
"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter." Why? For what purpose? So Progs can over regulate them to death? Besides, it would just cause the companies to restrict their revenue to $999,999,999.99 and to split off into separate companies. Nothing you want will get accomplished. They can just restructure. Gubmint tired this crap in the 1970s with "Whip Inflation Now" and it was a dud. Companies found workarounds. Only the employees got screwed.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' More liberal double talk. Pure horseshyt with zero benefits and more regulation.
It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic
Not as idiotic as your pathetic attempt to edit my quote, Rube:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending."

Are you sufficiently delusional to believe corporations with over a billion dollars in tax receipts don't have workers who are qualified to pick directors?

What makes you think rich parasites make better choices?

How do you square this circle: The structure and legal basis of the modern MAGA corporation bears a great deal of resemblance to feudal estates, and this reality is at odds in an era that claims to value democracy over the Divine Right of Kings?

Warren has a plan:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"

The US is among a minority of OECD countries that gives no representation to the workforce (majority) in corporate governance.

For years Warren has claimed "corporations are not people."

Now her Accountable Capitalism Act demands that corporations that claim the legal rights of personhood should be legally required to accept the moral obligations of personhood.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
What's wrong with any of the following, Loon?

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"
/----/ All socialist Bullshyt designed to hamper the economic growth of our country,
"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter." Why? For what purpose? So Progs can over regulate them to death? Besides, it would just cause the companies to restrict their revenue to $999,999,999.99 and to split off into separate companies. Nothing you want will get accomplished. They can just restructure. Gubmint tired this crap in the 1970s with "Whip Inflation Now" and it was a dud. Companies found workarounds. Only the employees got screwed.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' More liberal double talk. Pure horseshyt with zero benefits and more regulation.
It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic
Not as idiotic as your pathetic attempt to edit my quote, Rube:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending."

Are you sufficiently delusional to believe corporations with over a billion dollars in tax receipts don't have workers who are qualified to pick directors?

What makes you think rich parasites make better choices?
/----/ Pure socialist hogwash with no benefit except to the ruling class.
Close enough to convince all rational people.
Not so sure about mindless Trump toadies.

How true is the statement that the stock market is essentially a Ponzi scheme? - Quora

"The fact is:

  1. What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors. Profits from buying and selling stocks come from other investors who are buying and selling stocks. When one investor buys low and sells high, another investor is also buying high and needs to sell for even higher."

What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors.

Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.

Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always.
Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always
Are you sure you want to bring family into this discussion, Porky?

Sure. My parents were public school teachers. That's it.

They just bought a lake house on Lake Erie, using investment money from their careers as public school teachers.

That doesn't include their main house, that is worth $750K.

My parents taught me to save, and invest. That's why they are millionaires today.

What did your parents teach you? How to complain about the system that produces the most wealthy for the most people, more than any other country on Earth?
My parents taught me to save, and invest. That's why they are millionaires today.

What did your parents teach you? How to complain about the system that produces the most wealthy for the most people, more than any other country on Earth?
You and your hard-working family, along with all other Americans, are about 5% of global population. Your lifestyles and mine are paid for in places like Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. Capitalism has murdered hundreds of millions of innocent human beings across the past five hundred years so that greedy, ignorant Americans can prosper. If that's something you celebrate, it's not hard to understand why you hold the political views you do.

You are an idiot now. If you really believe that, then you have condemned yourself with your own statement.

If you want to fix that, be my guest at moving to Venezuela, where no one is being forced to pay for the lifestyles of others... and they are dying of starvation.
If you want to fix that, be my guest at moving to Venezuela, where no one is being forced to pay for the lifestyles of others... and they are dying of starvation.
Starvation has come to countries like Venezuela, Iraq, and Honduras because of greedy, self-absorbed "patriots" like you who believe their level of consumption justifies starvation and worse elsewhere,

Moving won't change anything,

Only cowards offer that as a solution.
As I understand it, a federal charter would give the federal government the ability to ensure large corporations function for the benefit of all stakeholders, i.e., employees, vendors, surrounding communities and not for the sole purpose of maximizing shareholder value; they would no longer be allowed to foul the local air or water and pass the clean-up costs off on government.

Should those corporations decided to move to another country, government could make it more expensive for them to market their goods and services in the US.

George, we have agencies that try to prevent further damage to the environment - the EPA.. They've done a poor job of forcing corporations not to pollute. Giving government more control over the private sector does not give me any assurances that it will be any less of a disaster than it has in the past when the government took a hand in "controlling" . Government is not equipped, and likely never will be, with a strong consensus of the bureaucracy to show continued improvement in anything they are involved in.

Look at one example:

Medicare Fraud:
Each year, roughly 10 cents of every dollar budgeted for the giant health insurance program is stolen or misdirected before it helps any enrollee. Looked at another way, about $1,000 is lost per Medicare member through theft or waste each year. That is according to the federal government’s reckoning. But it could be far worse. Malcolm Sparrow, a Harvard University professor and leading expert on health care fraud, says the true amount lost to fraud, abuse or improper payments could be 20 percent, or even as high as 30 percent.

Medicare Fraud, Medical Identity Theft And Scams

The different administrations have never been able to correct/stop/prevent this abuse, and likely never will. What makes you think they can do any better with corporations? Good intentions are insufficient reasons to take such actions. Government doesn't have a very good track record.
The different administrations have never been able to correct/stop/prevent this abuse, and likely never will. What makes you think they can do any better with corporations? Good intentions are insufficient reasons to take such actions. Government doesn't have a very good track record.
From your link:

  • "Charge for services never delivered
  • Falsify records
  • Inflate claims
  • Steal your ID
  • File duplicate claims
  • Provide unneeded equipment
  • Buy off doctors/patients"
These frauds are perpetrated by private interests (corporations) upon Medicare. It seems to me anyone concerned about correcting such criminality would be calling for greater enforcement efforts (and budgets) on the part of government. Imho, this is another example of private for-profit corporations corrupting a public service that provides high quality health care to millions of Americans at a fraction of the overhead of private insurance.

The efficiencies of publicly provided health care, revisited
To quote the X-Files, Trust No One.
o quote the X-Files, Trust No One.

Why I trust Donald Trump | Conservative News and Views
Sorry, I already own the Brooklyn Bridge.
It's pretty easy to accept the fact that if you are not born into money you are never going to have it. It matters not how hard you are willing to work. But you can squeak by....be elated for that.
Those of us lucky enough to be born into this country without the benefit of rich parents are still confronted with some significant peril to personal liberty:

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

"In September 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners."
What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors.

Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.

Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always.
Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always
Are you sure you want to bring family into this discussion, Porky?

Sure. My parents were public school teachers. That's it.

They just bought a lake house on Lake Erie, using investment money from their careers as public school teachers.

That doesn't include their main house, that is worth $750K.

My parents taught me to save, and invest. That's why they are millionaires today.

What did your parents teach you? How to complain about the system that produces the most wealthy for the most people, more than any other country on Earth?
My parents taught me to save, and invest. That's why they are millionaires today.

What did your parents teach you? How to complain about the system that produces the most wealthy for the most people, more than any other country on Earth?
You and your hard-working family, along with all other Americans, are about 5% of global population. Your lifestyles and mine are paid for in places like Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. Capitalism has murdered hundreds of millions of innocent human beings across the past five hundred years so that greedy, ignorant Americans can prosper. If that's something you celebrate, it's not hard to understand why you hold the political views you do.

You are an idiot now. If you really believe that, then you have condemned yourself with your own statement.

If you want to fix that, be my guest at moving to Venezuela, where no one is being forced to pay for the lifestyles of others... and they are dying of starvation.
If you want to fix that, be my guest at moving to Venezuela, where no one is being forced to pay for the lifestyles of others... and they are dying of starvation.
Starvation has come to countries like Venezuela, Iraq, and Honduras because of greedy, self-absorbed "patriots" like you who believe their level of consumption justifies starvation and worse elsewhere,

Moving won't change anything,

Only cowards offer that as a solution.

Impossible. All the greedy self-absorbed 'patriots' like me..... left Venezuela. All the greedy evil corporations, and the elite wealthy people.... left.

How is it that you try and blame the people who are no longer there, for the problems that are there? They all left. No one is being greedy in Venezuela, because all the people you claim were greedy are no longer in Venezuela.

Try again...
It's pretty easy to accept the fact that if you are not born into money you are never going to have it. It matters not how hard you are willing to work. But you can squeak by....be elated for that.
Those of us lucky enough to be born into this country without the benefit of rich parents are still confronted with some significant peril to personal liberty:

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

"In September 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners."

I've been in the lower class my entire life. Up till 2016, the most money I've ever made in a given year was $20,000 or less, since I was in college.

Never been incarcerated. Likely because I don't violate the law. Have I been pulled over by police? Sure. And I said things like "yes sir", and followed their every command.

If you get put in prison... it's because you deserved to be in prison. Not because you are poor. Being poor is not a crime, and I have seen a video of a police officer asking for a tax return before being arrested, yet.

If you are in prison.... the cause is in the mirror.
What makes a stock price move is not the earnings or growth of the underlying company, but the the exchange of money between investors.

Money isn't moving back and forth thru the hands of an "organizer".
There is no guarantee, no promise of high returns. 100% of my purchase goes to the seller.
No need for increasing numbers of "investors" to continue to scheme. One buyer-one seller works.
No skimming. No Ponzi scheme.

Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always.
Don't worry, you never ever have to invest. I'm sure Mom's coach will be there for you, always
Are you sure you want to bring family into this discussion, Porky?

Sure. My parents were public school teachers. That's it.

They just bought a lake house on Lake Erie, using investment money from their careers as public school teachers.

That doesn't include their main house, that is worth $750K.

My parents taught me to save, and invest. That's why they are millionaires today.

What did your parents teach you? How to complain about the system that produces the most wealthy for the most people, more than any other country on Earth?
My parents taught me to save, and invest. That's why they are millionaires today.

What did your parents teach you? How to complain about the system that produces the most wealthy for the most people, more than any other country on Earth?
You and your hard-working family, along with all other Americans, are about 5% of global population. Your lifestyles and mine are paid for in places like Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. Capitalism has murdered hundreds of millions of innocent human beings across the past five hundred years so that greedy, ignorant Americans can prosper. If that's something you celebrate, it's not hard to understand why you hold the political views you do.

You are an idiot now. If you really believe that, then you have condemned yourself with your own statement.

If you want to fix that, be my guest at moving to Venezuela, where no one is being forced to pay for the lifestyles of others... and they are dying of starvation.
If you want to fix that, be my guest at moving to Venezuela, where no one is being forced to pay for the lifestyles of others... and they are dying of starvation.
Starvation has come to countries like Venezuela, Iraq, and Honduras because of greedy, self-absorbed "patriots" like you who believe their level of consumption justifies starvation and worse elsewhere,

Moving won't change anything,

Only cowards offer that as a solution.
/——-/ So your level of consumption causes starvation? You selfish pig.
As I understand it, a federal charter would give the federal government the ability to ensure large corporations function for the benefit of all stakeholders, i.e., employees, vendors, surrounding communities and not for the sole purpose of maximizing shareholder value; they would no longer be allowed to foul the local air or water and pass the clean-up costs off on government.

Should those corporations decided to move to another country, government could make it more expensive for them to market their goods and services in the US.

George, we have agencies that try to prevent further damage to the environment - the EPA.. They've done a poor job of forcing corporations not to pollute. Giving government more control over the private sector does not give me any assurances that it will be any less of a disaster than it has in the past when the government took a hand in "controlling" . Government is not equipped, and likely never will be, with a strong consensus of the bureaucracy to show continued improvement in anything they are involved in.

Look at one example:

Medicare Fraud:
Each year, roughly 10 cents of every dollar budgeted for the giant health insurance program is stolen or misdirected before it helps any enrollee. Looked at another way, about $1,000 is lost per Medicare member through theft or waste each year. That is according to the federal government’s reckoning. But it could be far worse. Malcolm Sparrow, a Harvard University professor and leading expert on health care fraud, says the true amount lost to fraud, abuse or improper payments could be 20 percent, or even as high as 30 percent.

Medicare Fraud, Medical Identity Theft And Scams

The different administrations have never been able to correct/stop/prevent this abuse, and likely never will. What makes you think they can do any better with corporations? Good intentions are insufficient reasons to take such actions. Government doesn't have a very good track record.
The different administrations have never been able to correct/stop/prevent this abuse, and likely never will. What makes you think they can do any better with corporations? Good intentions are insufficient reasons to take such actions. Government doesn't have a very good track record.
From your link:

  • "Charge for services never delivered
  • Falsify records
  • Inflate claims
  • Steal your ID
  • File duplicate claims
  • Provide unneeded equipment
  • Buy off doctors/patients"
These frauds are perpetrated by private interests (corporations) upon Medicare. It seems to me anyone concerned about correcting such criminality would be calling for greater enforcement efforts (and budgets) on the part of government. Imho, this is another example of private for-profit corporations corrupting a public service that provides high quality health care to millions of Americans at a fraction of the overhead of private insurance.

The efficiencies of publicly provided health care, revisited
To quote the X-Files, Trust No One.
o quote the X-Files, Trust No One.

Why I trust Donald Trump | Conservative News and Views
Sorry, I already own the Brooklyn Bridge.
/—-/ Impossible. My Uncle Theo bought the Brooklyn Bridge in 1958.
Self-cannibalizing Ponzi scheme characteristic of the greediest society ever to inhabit planet Earth.

"This is actually a negative-sum situation because the underlying company isn’t involved in the transaction.

"The investors are just cannibalizing each other for profits, and there are fees attached to every transaction.”

"Ah, cannibalizing each other for profits—now this is starting to sound like an American enterprise! It says it right there on our flag, 'America: Cannibalizing each other for profits since 1776!'"

Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The Stock Market Ponzi Scheme. Occupy Deep Karma.
You claim capitalists are greedy...but you and other socialists think you're entitled to what you didn't earn.

YOU'RE greedy, George. This is undeniable.
You claim capitalists are greedy...but you and other socialists think you're entitled to what you didn't earn.

YOU'RE greedy, George. This is undeniable
The greed of capitalism produces waste through externalities that require costly, public corrective measures and regulation. Capitalists get rich from clean, clean coal, for example, while externalizing health and air quality onto the greater society. Capitalism also concentrates power and wealth within a small segment of society who don't use available technology and resources for their maximum potential in the interest of the public, but rather concentrating wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation.
George, when has government ever solved any of the problems you claim it can solve?
eorge, when has government ever solved any of the problems you claim it can solve?
Social Security solved the problem of senior poverty in the US, and state, local, and federal governments greatly improved air quality in the LA basis over the past fifty years. When have capitalists ever cleaned up any of their externalities without government mandate?
Social Security is exactly the kind of Ponzi scheme you've been screeching about.

But consistency is not your strong suit, is it?
Social Security is exactly the kind of Ponzi scheme you've been screeching about.

But consistency is not your strong suit, is it?

"GOP Candidate Rick Perry caused a relative firestorm in recent weeks by referring to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme. This has caused a number of rebuttals – one I’m particularly fond of – being a visual person – is this one at MotherJones.

"While that graphic makes a number of good points – and it may reasonably demonstrate that Gov. Perry’s statement that 'Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme' is false as-stated at face-value – it doesn’t really acknowledge that there are some striking similarities between the two – let’s explore..."

Eschewing Obfuscation » Social Security and Ponzi Schemes

How do you square this circle: The structure and legal basis of the modern MAGA corporation bears a great deal of resemblance to feudal estates, and this reality is at odds in an era that claims to value democracy over the Divine Right of Kings?

Warren has a plan:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"

The US is among a minority of OECD countries that gives no representation to the workforce (majority) in corporate governance.

For years Warren has claimed "corporations are not people."

Now her Accountable Capitalism Act demands that corporations that claim the legal rights of personhood should be legally required to accept the moral obligations of personhood.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
What's wrong with any of the following, Loon?

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"
/----/ All socialist Bullshyt designed to hamper the economic growth of our country,
"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter." Why? For what purpose? So Progs can over regulate them to death? Besides, it would just cause the companies to restrict their revenue to $999,999,999.99 and to split off into separate companies. Nothing you want will get accomplished. They can just restructure. Gubmint tired this crap in the 1970s with "Whip Inflation Now" and it was a dud. Companies found workarounds. Only the employees got screwed.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' More liberal double talk. Pure horseshyt with zero benefits and more regulation.
It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic
Not as idiotic as your pathetic attempt to edit my quote, Rube:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending."

Are you sufficiently delusional to believe corporations with over a billion dollars in tax receipts don't have workers who are qualified to pick directors?

What makes you think rich parasites make better choices?
/----/ Pure socialist hogwash with no benefit except to the ruling class.
/----/ Pure socialist hogwash with no benefit except to the ruling class.
How does the ruling class benefit from including productive workers on the board of directors of corporations with over $1 billion in tax receipts?
It's pretty easy to accept the fact that if you are not born into money you are never going to have it. It matters not how hard you are willing to work. But you can squeak by....be elated for that.
Those of us lucky enough to be born into this country without the benefit of rich parents are still confronted with some significant peril to personal liberty:

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

"In September 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners."

I've been in the lower class my entire life. Up till 2016, the most money I've ever made in a given year was $20,000 or less, since I was in college.

Never been incarcerated. Likely because I don't violate the law. Have I been pulled over by police? Sure. And I said things like "yes sir", and followed their every command.

If you get put in prison... it's because you deserved to be in prison. Not because you are poor. Being poor is not a crime, and I have seen a video of a police officer asking for a tax return before being arrested, yet.

If you are in prison.... the cause is in the mirror.
f you get put in prison... it's because you deserved to be in prison. Not because you are poor. Being poor is not a crime, and I have seen a video of a police officer asking for a tax return before being arrested, yet.
What percentage of those currently incarcerated in US prisons have had a trial on the charges that put them behind bars?
It's pretty easy to accept the fact that if you are not born into money you are never going to have it. It matters not how hard you are willing to work. But you can squeak by....be elated for that.
Those of us lucky enough to be born into this country without the benefit of rich parents are still confronted with some significant peril to personal liberty:

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

"In September 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners."

I've been in the lower class my entire life. Up till 2016, the most money I've ever made in a given year was $20,000 or less, since I was in college.

Never been incarcerated. Likely because I don't violate the law. Have I been pulled over by police? Sure. And I said things like "yes sir", and followed their every command.

If you get put in prison... it's because you deserved to be in prison. Not because you are poor. Being poor is not a crime, and I have seen a video of a police officer asking for a tax return before being arrested, yet.

If you are in prison.... the cause is in the mirror.
If you are in prison.... the cause is in the mirror.
What explains the racial disparity in US prisons?

Jim Crow or redlining?
About 50% of the stock market and private equity companies would be affected by her re-regulation, by break up, by some of, one of her many very big, ambitious proposals, and I think it’s not just that there are individual policies that one can disagree with, and there are many

The broader philosophy underpinning it has two elements: one is that she has an enormous faith in government and government regulation, and as we all know, government regulation has its downsides, and we may be in a situation where we need different kind of regulation of some industries, but she is driven by a faith in government

She’s really a democratic socialist in some ways, and she wants to fundamentally change the role of an American company, how an American company is governed, what it’s supposed to do, in ways that I think at least would be disastrous for the American economy

she says she’s a capitalist, but she’s not a capitalist

I think you could make an argument that her plans and policies are far more extreme than Bernie Sanders’ in terms of its impact on the American economy
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
/——-/ Unless employees own significant shares of stock or are invested in a privately held company, they have no say in how the company is run. Don’t like it? Then quit and work somewhere else.
What's wrong with any of the following, Loon?

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.[1]"
/----/ All socialist Bullshyt designed to hamper the economic growth of our country,
"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic.

"Corporations with revenue over $1 billion would be required to obtain a federal corporate charter." Why? For what purpose? So Progs can over regulate them to death? Besides, it would just cause the companies to restrict their revenue to $999,999,999.99 and to split off into separate companies. Nothing you want will get accomplished. They can just restructure. Gubmint tired this crap in the 1970s with "Whip Inflation Now" and it was a dud. Companies found workarounds. Only the employees got screwed.

"The Act contains a 'constituency statute' that would give directors a duty of 'creating a general public benefit' More liberal double talk. Pure horseshyt with zero benefits and more regulation.
It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors..." Who the hell thinks the employees are qualified to pick the Board? The janitor and receptionist get a say? What if the employees are minimum wage, with limited education? They would just be guessing. That's idiotic
Not as idiotic as your pathetic attempt to edit my quote, Rube:

Accountable Capitalism Act - Wikipedia

"The Accountable Capitalism Act, 115th Congress (2017-2018) S. 3348 is a proposed federal bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren in August 2018.

"It would require that employees elect 40% of a board of directors of any corporation with over $1 billion in tax receipts, and that 75% of shareholders and directors must approve any political spending."

Are you sufficiently delusional to believe corporations with over a billion dollars in tax receipts don't have workers who are qualified to pick directors?

What makes you think rich parasites make better choices?
/----/ Pure socialist hogwash with no benefit except to the ruling class.
/----/ Pure socialist hogwash with no benefit except to the ruling class.
How does the ruling class benefit from including productive workers on the board of directors of corporations with over $1 billion in tax receipts?
/——/ They use the tools to put radicals on the board. Stop be so naive.
About 50% of the stock market and private equity companies would be affected by her re-regulation, by break up, by some of, one of her many very big, ambitious proposals, and I think it’s not just that there are individual policies that one can disagree with, and there are many

The broader philosophy underpinning it has two elements: one is that she has an enormous faith in government and government regulation, and as we all know, government regulation has its downsides, and we may be in a situation where we need different kind of regulation of some industries, but she is driven by a faith in government

She’s really a democratic socialist in some ways, and she wants to fundamentally change the role of an American company, how an American company is governed, what it’s supposed to do, in ways that I think at least would be disastrous for the American economy

she says she’s a capitalist, but she’s not a capitalist

I think you could make an argument that her plans and policies are far more extreme than Bernie Sanders’ in terms of its impact on the American economy
Some progressives would argue Warren is not going far enough to roll back capitalist corruption:

What Elizabeth Warren Is Quietly Telling Democratic Insiders

"As Ms. Warren steadily rises in the polls she is working diligently to protect her left flank, lining up with progressives on nearly every issue and trying to defuse potential attacks from supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. 'I’m with Bernie,' she responds when asked about what is perhaps the most contentious issue of the primary race: 'Medicare for all.'

"Yet publicly, and even more in private, she is signaling to party leaders that, far from wanting to stage a 'political revolution' in the fashion of Mr. Sanders, she wants to revive the beleaguered Democratic National Committee and help recapture the Senate while retaining the House in 2020."

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