Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

A hired killer is still a human being.
They tend to rationalize their motivations.
Some feel they're doing a service, or some just enjoy killing. If you're the kind of sick fuck who likes watching heads explode then you have the right type of personality.
Oswald, to me, didn't seem to me to be a nutcase. He was just a loser, possibly picked as a fall-guy. He said he was a patsy because he had lived in Russia.

Hired killers do not grow on trees. Contrary to what Hollywood presents there are few such people and the selection would be small. Usually in fact they ARE just sociopaths and thugs with no motive other than getting paid and often not even paid well.

A real example would be Frank Netty who was a semi famous underline of Al Capone. He did many criminal jobs for Capone including murder but worked exclusively for Capone because that was who paid him. He needed no other rationalization.

In fact a hired killer is unlikely simply because you may be able to find people to commit murder for money but committing a spectacular murder such as JFK for money would be far less likely. Few would be killers would agree to such a job because they would no the massive dangers involved. Finding a military trained sniper to kill Kennedy would have been next to impossible especially as the military was actually supportive of Kennedy especially the special operations community. They considered Kennedy to be their patron.

Oswald said was a patsy because accused criminals TYPICALLY deny their guilt and claim to be set up or framed or the fall guy or whatever. His choice of words was just a little odd.

We can in fact show Oswald was a deranged nut job. He had a proven history of attempted political assassination before Kennedy when he tried to kill General Edwin Walker with the same rifle he used on Kennedy. He often spoke to his wife about being the first prime minister of the United Socialist States of America. He read a lot of spy novels and often hinted to others that he was such a spy involved in the same plot as what he read about in a book.

As a Child he and his mother lived briefly in New York. HE was arrested for attempting to stab his mother with a knife. The judge ordered him to be examined by a child psychologist who diagnosed him as a paranoid sociopath. The judge ordered him to be given therapy on an outpatient basis at a mental hospital. Oswald's mother was having none of this and skipped town returning to New Orleans.

So we know Oswald was a nut who suffered from mental illness as a child. That mental illness went untreated which means chances are it only got worse. Such issues do not tend to fix themselves.

I was on a Special Forces A Team for several years.
Trust me, even they have their share of degenerates.

Assuming that a grandiose personal claim is true so what?

We have evidence Oswald was a degenerate nut, We have evidence he had the skill to kill Kennedy, We have evidence he committed the act.

We have no evidence anyone else did.

And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all

So you've seen it personally?
A trained sniper would figure that JFK was being killed for a good reason. Perhaps he felt that JFK was a threat similar to Donald J. Trump. Someone who threatened the establishment. Someone who said he may totally change the FBI and CIA. Not to mention rub elbows with likes of communists like MLK. JFK needed to die, according to the shooter. The shooter would think he was saving the country from a great danger, and thus the powers that be owed him a debt. It doesn't make much sense that Oswald would do this. What were his motives?
Usually a hit results in no motive. John Wilks Booth had a motive. What was Oswald's?
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.
No one paid him he acted alone.

Losers commit murder all the time and sometimes fold under questioning and sometimes not.
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
And this is pure speculation of course.
I think a trained sniper would react that way.
Especially if they had a weapon they were extremely familiar with.
I don't know enough about the facts to say that about this situation.

Anyone would react that way.

You're over looking the fact that a trained sniper would have been MORE nervous than Oswald would have been. A trained sniper recruited to kill Kennedy would have been just as frightened as Oswald about the consequences of his actions. Like Oswald he would have known that once he took the shot the entire federal state and local government will be after him.

But unlike Oswald who acted alone a trained sniper would know that his life was also in danger by the very people who hired him. Such a man would KNOW that the people who recruited him would want to tie up loose and and would want him dead. Therefore he has to worry about who is right behind him or in the next room or waiting for him in a safehouse or at home or whatever. Oswald had only the consequences of his actions to worry about. A trained sniper would know that someone crazy enough to want to kill the president would also want HIM dead.
A trained sniper would figure that JFK was being killed for a good reason. Perhaps he felt that JFK was a threat similar to Donald J. Trump. Someone who threatened the establishment. Someone who said he may totally change the FBI and CIA. Not to mention rub elbows with likes of communists like MLK. JFK needed to die, according to the shooter. The shooter would think he was saving the country from a great danger, and thus the powers that be owed him a debt. It doesn't make much sense that Oswald would do this. What were his motives?
Usually a hit results in no motive. John Wilks Booth had a motive. What was Oswald's?
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.

Back and to the left, a gunshot wound to the throat, a shot through the windshield, one missed shot that hit the pavement that caused a piece of the pavement that put a cut under the eye of a bystander. Audio where you can hear two consecutive shots that a bolt action rifle could not duplicate. There were at least six shooters strategically placed. G.H Bush, Nixon, Johnson, Lansdale and J. Edgar Hoover were all in Dallas on that day along with some of their mafia pals. Kennedy's body taken at gunpoint and shipped to Bethesda, Maryland usurping the jurisdiction of Dallas County.

Anyone that buys the bullshit in the Warren report that including Allen Dulles that was fired by Kennedy is an idiot.

Ok all wrong.

The back and to the left movement is irrelevant. AS we have already established bodies do not automatically move AWAY from the location of the shooter when shot and there are many reasons why bodies move and react unpredictably when shot. ( it is simply not like you see on TV when people jerk and fall away from the gun ).

The wound in the throat was an EXIT wound it was not a wound TO the throat but out of the throat and originated from behind.

The windshield was removed and entered into evidence and carefully examined. The hole came from the inside and passed out proving, once again the shot came from behind.

Oswald was of course BEHIND Kennedy.

The bystanders name was James Tague and yes his minor injury accounts for one shot while all the rest of the injuries were caused by two other shots.

The evidence leads to that conclusion as opposed to what conspiracy theorists do which is to try and twist the evidence to fit their conclusion.

That is the difference between the Warren Commission and conspiracy theorists. The WC was ordered to find out the truth FULL STOP. They were not under any mandate to find out anything else except what happened regardless of who it reflected on and that is what they did. They based their conclusion on the evidence.

There is no audio recording where you can hear two shots in fact there is no audio recording of the shooting at all.

There was one known audio recording which unfortunately did not survive. It was taken by a reporter who then asked some technicians in his news studio to copy it but instead they goofed and copied over it thus erasing it. Another recording surfaced which some experts CLAIMED recorded the shots as you say unfortunately they undermined and debunked themselves. This recording was taken from the shoulder mic of a motorcycle officer in the parade. The very experts who claimed it was evidence established a premise that the officer HAD TO BE in a certain spot at the corner of Houston and Elm street to make their conclusion work. Photographic evidence proves he was a block away from that spot thus negating their whole theory. It was a theory because there are no audible shots on the take there is only static and belles and voices. The experts tried to claim that the static was gun shots which is preposterous.

The bells turned out to be from a church right next to Parkland hospital and the voices were actually recorded from the Parkland hospital PA system paging a doctor.

The recording was not of the shooting at all but merely a recording of a few minutes at the hospital which was some time after the shooting.

Hoover Bush and Nixon were NOT in Dallas that day.

LBJ's presence means nothing and Lansdale is irrelevant. They had no known mafia buddies and the claim they did is nothing more than Hyperbole.

The body was NOT removed at gun point. The Secret Service may have wrongfully ignored Texas law by removing it but they did not pull any guns to do so.
Last edited:
Hired killers do not grow on trees. Contrary to what Hollywood presents there are few such people and the selection would be small. Usually in fact they ARE just sociopaths and thugs with no motive other than getting paid and often not even paid well.

A real example would be Frank Netty who was a semi famous underline of Al Capone. He did many criminal jobs for Capone including murder but worked exclusively for Capone because that was who paid him. He needed no other rationalization.

In fact a hired killer is unlikely simply because you may be able to find people to commit murder for money but committing a spectacular murder such as JFK for money would be far less likely. Few would be killers would agree to such a job because they would no the massive dangers involved. Finding a military trained sniper to kill Kennedy would have been next to impossible especially as the military was actually supportive of Kennedy especially the special operations community. They considered Kennedy to be their patron.

Oswald said was a patsy because accused criminals TYPICALLY deny their guilt and claim to be set up or framed or the fall guy or whatever. His choice of words was just a little odd.

We can in fact show Oswald was a deranged nut job. He had a proven history of attempted political assassination before Kennedy when he tried to kill General Edwin Walker with the same rifle he used on Kennedy. He often spoke to his wife about being the first prime minister of the United Socialist States of America. He read a lot of spy novels and often hinted to others that he was such a spy involved in the same plot as what he read about in a book.

As a Child he and his mother lived briefly in New York. HE was arrested for attempting to stab his mother with a knife. The judge ordered him to be examined by a child psychologist who diagnosed him as a paranoid sociopath. The judge ordered him to be given therapy on an outpatient basis at a mental hospital. Oswald's mother was having none of this and skipped town returning to New Orleans.

So we know Oswald was a nut who suffered from mental illness as a child. That mental illness went untreated which means chances are it only got worse. Such issues do not tend to fix themselves.
I was on a Special Forces A Team for several years.
Trust me, even they have their share of degenerates.

Assuming that a grandiose personal claim is true so what?

We have evidence Oswald was a degenerate nut, We have evidence he had the skill to kill Kennedy, We have evidence he committed the act.

We have no evidence anyone else did.
And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.
No one paid him he acted alone.

Losers commit murder all the time and sometimes fold under questioning and sometimes not.
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
And this is pure speculation of course.

The last part about what Oswald may have done is of course pure speculation which is why I said it is what I believe. I do in fact separate facts from my own musings. You do not seem to do the same.

The previous part about what the Dallas police did is not speculation it is factual.
I was on a Special Forces A Team for several years.
Trust me, even they have their share of degenerates.

Assuming that a grandiose personal claim is true so what?

We have evidence Oswald was a degenerate nut, We have evidence he had the skill to kill Kennedy, We have evidence he committed the act.

We have no evidence anyone else did.
And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
You didn't answer, you simply deflected.
Assuming that a grandiose personal claim is true so what?

We have evidence Oswald was a degenerate nut, We have evidence he had the skill to kill Kennedy, We have evidence he committed the act.

We have no evidence anyone else did.
And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
You didn't answer, you simply deflected.
I clearly did answer without deflection.
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.
No one paid him he acted alone.

Losers commit murder all the time and sometimes fold under questioning and sometimes not.
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
And this is pure speculation of course.

The last part about what Oswald may have done is of course pure speculation which is why I said it is what I believe. I do in fact separate facts from my own musings. You do not seem to do the same.

The previous part about what the Dallas police did is not speculation it is factual.
Fuck you.
You speculate and claim innocence.
I speculate and it's an indictment.
Assuming that a grandiose personal claim is true so what?

We have evidence Oswald was a degenerate nut, We have evidence he had the skill to kill Kennedy, We have evidence he committed the act.

We have no evidence anyone else did.
And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
You didn't answer, you simply deflected.
Now you are being dishonest as I gave a clear answer without deflection in post 116.

Now you keep dodging the issue and offering no evidence to the contrary.

So what evidence do you have.
And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
You didn't answer, you simply deflected.
I clearly did answer without deflection.
Now you're a liar.

I asked if you had seen this evidence personally and you deflected by saying it was easily available. That was almost the same as a denial.
No one paid him he acted alone.

Losers commit murder all the time and sometimes fold under questioning and sometimes not.
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
And this is pure speculation of course.

The last part about what Oswald may have done is of course pure speculation which is why I said it is what I believe. I do in fact separate facts from my own musings. You do not seem to do the same.

The previous part about what the Dallas police did is not speculation it is factual.
Fuck you.
You speculate and claim innocence.
I speculate and it's an indictment.

You are a liar who presents no evidence and merely makes stolen valor horseshit claims about being special forces. I state what is speculation and what is fact and what is evidence and you have no evidence.

You never served anywhere but mcdonalds and are a fool.

It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
You didn't answer, you simply deflected.
I clearly did answer without deflection.
Now you're a liar.

I asked if you had seen this evidence personally and you deflected by saying it was easily available. That was almost the same as a denial.
Read post #116 as anyone here can do little boy I deflected nothing I answered and you are the PROVEN liar to deny that fact
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
And this is pure speculation of course.

The last part about what Oswald may have done is of course pure speculation which is why I said it is what I believe. I do in fact separate facts from my own musings. You do not seem to do the same.

The previous part about what the Dallas police did is not speculation it is factual.
Fuck you.
You speculate and claim innocence.
I speculate and it's an indictment.

You are a liar who presents no evidence and merely makes stolen valor horseshit claims about being special forces. I state what is speculation and what is fact and what is evidence and you have no evidence.

You never served anywhere but mcdonalds and are a fool.
Well as to the stolen valor claim, you have no more proof of that then you do anything else.
You haven't personally seen my DD-214, which contains the proof that I graduated from the Q Course August 1990, nor have you been to the national archives to see the evidence you say is irrefutable.
Do, basically you're full of shit.
A trained sniper would figure that JFK was being killed for a good reason. Perhaps he felt that JFK was a threat similar to Donald J. Trump. Someone who threatened the establishment. Someone who said he may totally change the FBI and CIA. Not to mention rub elbows with likes of communists like MLK. JFK needed to die, according to the shooter. The shooter would think he was saving the country from a great danger, and thus the powers that be owed him a debt. It doesn't make much sense that Oswald would do this. What were his motives?
Usually a hit results in no motive. John Wilks Booth had a motive. What was Oswald's?
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.
No one paid him he acted alone.

Losers commit murder all the time and sometimes fold under questioning and sometimes not.
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
Agree, Dallas PD screwed the pooch with Ruby
No excuse for turning the transfer of one of the most famous suspects in history into a media circus

I agree Oswald would have turned his trial into a Marxist rant. He probably would have had F Lee Bailey as his defense and would have been the equivalent of Charley Manson in prison......up until they executed him
So you've seen it personally?
Asked and answered.

What evidence to the contrary do you have?
You didn't answer, you simply deflected.
I clearly did answer without deflection.
Now you're a liar.

I asked if you had seen this evidence personally and you deflected by saying it was easily available. That was almost the same as a denial.
Read post #116 as anyone here can do little boy I deflected nothing I answered and you are the PROVEN liar to deny that fact
Little Boy???

I got yer boy right here between my legs.
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
And this is pure speculation of course.

The last part about what Oswald may have done is of course pure speculation which is why I said it is what I believe. I do in fact separate facts from my own musings. You do not seem to do the same.

The previous part about what the Dallas police did is not speculation it is factual.
Fuck you.
You speculate and claim innocence.
I speculate and it's an indictment.

You are a liar who presents no evidence and merely makes stolen valor horseshit claims about being special forces. I state what is speculation and what is fact and what is evidence and you have no evidence.

You never served anywhere but mcdonalds and are a fool.
Well as to the stolen valar claim, you have no more proof of that then you do anything else.
You haven't personally seen my DD-214, which contains the proof that I graduated from the Q Course August 1990, nor have you been to the national archives to see the evidence you say is irrefutable.
Do, basically you're full of shit.

Uh wrong boy.

Wanna be punks abound in the internet and you are one of them.

I have asked you multiple times for evidence and you give nothing except some horseshit claim. Your A team service is a fake as your you tube videos.
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.
No one paid him he acted alone.

Losers commit murder all the time and sometimes fold under questioning and sometimes not.
To his credit,, Oswald did not fold under questioning

They beat the shit out of him and he still claimed he didn’t do it. But many small time thugs do the same
Yes small time thugs often do the same thing.

But to be fair one punch to the face is not beating the shit out of someone. Once he was actually arrested the Dallas PD behaved very professionally with him. They did not rough him up after he was placed in custody and they were very careful to safeguard his rights. They knew it would be the most talked about criminal case in history and they did not want anyone accusing them of mistreating the suspect.

The Dallas PD actually did a magnificent job investigating the crime and developing a great deal of evidence in the 48 hours or so after he was arrested.

Unfortunately they destroyed all of this with a moment of negligence which allowed Ruby to slip in and kill Oswald which of course erased all of their excellent work and made the entire department look incompetent.

As the saying goes you are most remembered for your last failure and not for all the good stuff you did before that failure. Dallas PD suffered that fate.

We can obviously never know but I believe it is likely Oswald was biding his time. Had he gone to trial, which is what he was waiting for, he would have turned it into a circus all about himself. He would have preached Marxist doctrine and tried to make himself out to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted a stage and once he got on it he probably would have admitted his guilt or at least stopped denying it. He probably would have said something to the effect of he murdered no one he instead struck a blow against the evil capitalist system blah blah blah.
Agree, Dallas PD screwed the pooch with Ruby
No excuse for turning the transfer of one of the most famous suspects in history into a media circus

I agree Oswald would have turned his trial into a Marxist rant. He probably would have had F Lee Bailey as his defense and would have been the equivalent of Charley Manson in prison......up until they executed him

I have often wondered if he would have been executed had he stood trial.

It is true that Texas would have probably given him the death penalty but a lot of people would have tried to commute that for the simple reason that they would have wanted to study the hell out of the guy. No one can know for sure but they might have prevailed and turned him into a career project for teams of pshrinks.
Anyone would react that way.

You're over looking the fact that a trained sniper would have been MORE nervous than Oswald would have been. A trained sniper recruited to kill Kennedy would have been just as frightened as Oswald about the consequences of his actions. Like Oswald he would have known that once he took the shot the entire federal state and local government will be after him.

But unlike Oswald who acted alone a trained sniper would know that his life was also in danger by the very people who hired him. Such a man would KNOW that the people who recruited him would want to tie up loose and and would want him dead. Therefore he has to worry about who is right behind him or in the next room or waiting for him in a safehouse or at home or whatever. Oswald had only the consequences of his actions to worry about. A trained sniper would know that someone crazy enough to want to kill the president would also want HIM dead.
A trained sniper would figure that JFK was being killed for a good reason. Perhaps he felt that JFK was a threat similar to Donald J. Trump. Someone who threatened the establishment. Someone who said he may totally change the FBI and CIA. Not to mention rub elbows with likes of communists like MLK. JFK needed to die, according to the shooter. The shooter would think he was saving the country from a great danger, and thus the powers that be owed him a debt. It doesn't make much sense that Oswald would do this. What were his motives?
Usually a hit results in no motive. John Wilks Booth had a motive. What was Oswald's?
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.

Back and to the left, a gunshot wound to the throat, a shot through the windshield, one missed shot that hit the pavement that caused a piece of the pavement that put a cut under the eye of a bystander. Audio where you can hear two consecutive shots that a bolt action rifle could not duplicate. There were at least six shooters strategically placed. G.H Bush, Nixon, Johnson, Lansdale and J. Edgar Hoover were all in Dallas on that day along with some of their mafia pals. Kennedy's body taken at gunpoint and shipped to Bethesda, Maryland usurping the jurisdiction of Dallas County.

Anyone that buys the bullshit in the Warren report that including Allen Dulles that was fired by Kennedy is an idiot.

Ok all wrong.

The back and to the left movement is irrelevant. AS we have already established bodies do not automatically move AWAY from the location of the shooter when shot and there are many reasons why bodies move and react unpredictably when shot. ( it is simply not like you see on TV when people jerk and fall away from the gun ).

The wound in the throat was an EXIT wound it was not a wound TO the throat but out of the throat and originated from behind.

The windshield was removed and entered into evidence and carefully examined. The hole came from the inside and passed out proving, once again the shot came from behind.

Oswald was of course BEHIND Kennedy.

The bystanders name was James Tague and yes his minor injury accounts for one shot while all the rest of the injuries were caused by two other shots.

The evidence leads to that conclusion as opposed to what conspiracy theorists do which is to try and twist the evidence to fit their conclusion.

That is the difference between the Warren Commission and conspiracy theorists. The WC was ordered to find out the truth FULL STOP. They were not under any mandate to find out anything else except what happened regardless of who it reflected on and that is what they did. They based their conclusion on the evidence.

There is no audio recording where you can hear two shots in fact there is no audio recording of the shooting at all.

There was one known audio recording which unfortunately did not survive. It was taken by a reporter who then asked some technicians in his news studio to copy it but instead they goofed and copied over it thus erasing it. Another recording surfaced which some experts CLAIMED recorded the shots as you say unfortunately they undermined and debunked themselves. This recording was taken from the shoulder mic of a motorcycle officer in the parade. The very experts who claimed it was evidence established a premise that the officer HAD TO BE in a certain spot at the corner of Houston and Elm street to make their conclusion work. Photographic evidence proves he was a block away from that spot thus negating their whole theory. It was a theory because there are no audible shots on the take there is only static and belles and voices. The experts tried to claim that the static was gun shots which is preposterous.

The bells turned out to be from a church right next to Parkland hospital and the voices were actually recorded from the Parkland hospital PA system paging a doctor.

The recording was not of the shooting at all but merely a recording of a few minutes at the hospital which was some time after the shooting.

Hoover Bush and Nixon were NOT in Dallas that day.

LBJ's presence means nothing and Lansdale is irrelevant. They had no known mafia bodies and the claim they did is nothing more than Hyperbole.

The body was NOT removed at gun point. The Secret Service may have wrongfully ignored Texas law by removing it but they did not pull any guns to do so.
LBJ was in the car ahead of Kennedy’s

If there were multiple shooters, he could have just as well been a victim
And this is pure speculation of course.

The last part about what Oswald may have done is of course pure speculation which is why I said it is what I believe. I do in fact separate facts from my own musings. You do not seem to do the same.

The previous part about what the Dallas police did is not speculation it is factual.
Fuck you.
You speculate and claim innocence.
I speculate and it's an indictment.

You are a liar who presents no evidence and merely makes stolen valor horseshit claims about being special forces. I state what is speculation and what is fact and what is evidence and you have no evidence.

You never served anywhere but mcdonalds and are a fool.
Well as to the stolen valar claim, you have no more proof of that then you do anything else.
You haven't personally seen my DD-214, which contains the proof that I graduated from the Q Course August 1990, nor have you been to the national archives to see the evidence you say is irrefutable.
Do, basically you're full of shit.

Uh wrong boy.

Wanna be punks abound in the internet and you are one of them.

I have asked you multiple times for evidence and you give nothing except some horseshit claim. Your A team service is a fake as your you tube videos.
And you claim you have evidence but never saw it yourself.
And my A Team service was more real than your evidence. Ask me anything about the course. Ask me about "Goat Lab". Ask me about Somalia in 93', when I spent 7 months working for UNISOM in a JSOTF. Look up JSOTF..... tell me what you find, boy.
A trained sniper would figure that JFK was being killed for a good reason. Perhaps he felt that JFK was a threat similar to Donald J. Trump. Someone who threatened the establishment. Someone who said he may totally change the FBI and CIA. Not to mention rub elbows with likes of communists like MLK. JFK needed to die, according to the shooter. The shooter would think he was saving the country from a great danger, and thus the powers that be owed him a debt. It doesn't make much sense that Oswald would do this. What were his motives?
Usually a hit results in no motive. John Wilks Booth had a motive. What was Oswald's?
A trained sniper would kill a president if he was being paid a hell of a lot of money.
Oswald could barely afford a gun and bus fare

Oswald’s motives?

He was a runt and a loser his whole life. He wanted to go out a big shot. Now, fifty years later, everyone knows his name
So who paid him?
Why would they pay such a loser to do something so important.
A loser who would most assuredly fold under questioning in a matter of hours.

Back and to the left, a gunshot wound to the throat, a shot through the windshield, one missed shot that hit the pavement that caused a piece of the pavement that put a cut under the eye of a bystander. Audio where you can hear two consecutive shots that a bolt action rifle could not duplicate. There were at least six shooters strategically placed. G.H Bush, Nixon, Johnson, Lansdale and J. Edgar Hoover were all in Dallas on that day along with some of their mafia pals. Kennedy's body taken at gunpoint and shipped to Bethesda, Maryland usurping the jurisdiction of Dallas County.

Anyone that buys the bullshit in the Warren report that including Allen Dulles that was fired by Kennedy is an idiot.

Ok all wrong.

The back and to the left movement is irrelevant. AS we have already established bodies do not automatically move AWAY from the location of the shooter when shot and there are many reasons why bodies move and react unpredictably when shot. ( it is simply not like you see on TV when people jerk and fall away from the gun ).

The wound in the throat was an EXIT wound it was not a wound TO the throat but out of the throat and originated from behind.

The windshield was removed and entered into evidence and carefully examined. The hole came from the inside and passed out proving, once again the shot came from behind.

Oswald was of course BEHIND Kennedy.

The bystanders name was James Tague and yes his minor injury accounts for one shot while all the rest of the injuries were caused by two other shots.

The evidence leads to that conclusion as opposed to what conspiracy theorists do which is to try and twist the evidence to fit their conclusion.

That is the difference between the Warren Commission and conspiracy theorists. The WC was ordered to find out the truth FULL STOP. They were not under any mandate to find out anything else except what happened regardless of who it reflected on and that is what they did. They based their conclusion on the evidence.

There is no audio recording where you can hear two shots in fact there is no audio recording of the shooting at all.

There was one known audio recording which unfortunately did not survive. It was taken by a reporter who then asked some technicians in his news studio to copy it but instead they goofed and copied over it thus erasing it. Another recording surfaced which some experts CLAIMED recorded the shots as you say unfortunately they undermined and debunked themselves. This recording was taken from the shoulder mic of a motorcycle officer in the parade. The very experts who claimed it was evidence established a premise that the officer HAD TO BE in a certain spot at the corner of Houston and Elm street to make their conclusion work. Photographic evidence proves he was a block away from that spot thus negating their whole theory. It was a theory because there are no audible shots on the take there is only static and belles and voices. The experts tried to claim that the static was gun shots which is preposterous.

The bells turned out to be from a church right next to Parkland hospital and the voices were actually recorded from the Parkland hospital PA system paging a doctor.

The recording was not of the shooting at all but merely a recording of a few minutes at the hospital which was some time after the shooting.

Hoover Bush and Nixon were NOT in Dallas that day.

LBJ's presence means nothing and Lansdale is irrelevant. They had no known mafia bodies and the claim they did is nothing more than Hyperbole.

The body was NOT removed at gun point. The Secret Service may have wrongfully ignored Texas law by removing it but they did not pull any guns to do so.
LBJ was in the car ahead of Kennedy’s

If there were multiple shooters, he could have just as well been a victim

Actually he was in one of the cars behind Kennedy. But you are correct he could have just as easily been hit.

This would make sense if the Cubans or Soviets tried to kill Kennedy. Kill the president and his immediate successor.

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