Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Wrong. Many people were in the upper floors overlooking the motorcade, thanks to the secret service not locking down the buildings. Made for a perfect ambush, which is but one proof of conspiracy among hundreds.

Amazing fact often overlooked by dumb statists like you: Oswald was the ONLY US Marine to ever defect to the USSR and return (without any consequences...strange no?), yet he was not apprehended prior to JFK’s visit. Amazingly, the only Marine to ever defect and return just happens to work at a building above the route, is well known to authorities, but is not picked up.

Amazingly I never considered this before. Oswald was known to the FBI and CIA for a string of anti American actions (defection to Soviet Union, visits Mexico in '63 looking for a visa to Cuba and the Soviet Union, in a Fair Play for Cuba organization in New Orleans, Oswald declared himself a Marxist, etc.).

He's working in a building that JFK is going to pass right by yet the Secret Service doesn't do a thing to intervene, contrary to agency policy. It's almost as if people within in the government wanted JFK to die. Odd....
It was all a big set up and obvious coup d'etat.

You make claims, but you can provide no support for your claims that aren't conspiracy theories based on imagination and rumors. If you could, you would. You don't, because you can't.
Done it dozens of times in this thread and others. Forgive me if I find it ludicrous that you statists STILL believe the totally discredited WC.

It gets old after awhile.

You know you are lying and so does everyone else

You have never ;posted any evidence for any of your claims and that is fact

Now provide some evidence

The WC has never been discredited;least of all by you
Wrong. Many people were in the upper floors overlooking the motorcade, thanks to the secret service not locking down the buildings. Made for a perfect ambush, which is but one proof of conspiracy among hundreds.

Amazing fact often overlooked by dumb statists like you: Oswald was the ONLY US Marine to ever defect to the USSR and return (without any consequences...strange no?), yet he was not apprehended prior to JFK’s visit. Amazingly, the only Marine to ever defect and return just happens to work at a building above the route, is well known to authorities, but is not picked up.

Amazingly I never considered this before. Oswald was known to the FBI and CIA for a string of anti American actions (defection to Soviet Union, visits Mexico in '63 looking for a visa to Cuba and the Soviet Union, in a Fair Play for Cuba organization in New Orleans, Oswald declared himself a Marxist, etc.).

He's working in a building that JFK is going to pass right by yet the Secret Service doesn't do a thing to intervene, contrary to agency policy. It's almost as if people within in the government wanted JFK to die. Odd....
It was all a big set up and obvious coup d'etat.

You make claims, but you can provide no support for your claims that aren't conspiracy theories based on imagination and rumors. If you could, you would. You don't, because you can't.
Done it dozens of times in this thread and others. Forgive me if I find it ludicrous that you statists STILL believe the totally discredited WC.

It gets old after awhile.

You know you are lying and so does everyone else

You have never ;posted any evidence for any of your claims and that is fact

Now provide some evidence

The WC has never been discredited;least of all by you
Show me the evidence dummy?
Amazingly I never considered this before. Oswald was known to the FBI and CIA for a string of anti American actions (defection to Soviet Union, visits Mexico in '63 looking for a visa to Cuba and the Soviet Union, in a Fair Play for Cuba organization in New Orleans, Oswald declared himself a Marxist, etc.).

He's working in a building that JFK is going to pass right by yet the Secret Service doesn't do a thing to intervene, contrary to agency policy. It's almost as if people within in the government wanted JFK to die. Odd....
It was all a big set up and obvious coup d'etat.

You make claims, but you can provide no support for your claims that aren't conspiracy theories based on imagination and rumors. If you could, you would. You don't, because you can't.
Done it dozens of times in this thread and others. Forgive me if I find it ludicrous that you statists STILL believe the totally discredited WC.

It gets old after awhile.

You know you are lying and so does everyone else

You have never ;posted any evidence for any of your claims and that is fact

Now provide some evidence

The WC has never been discredited;least of all by you
Show me the evidence dummy?

One cannot show evidence for e negative moron

You are making the assertion and the burden in on you to prove it
Ruby acted spontaneously and showed up at the police station minutes before Oswald was brought down.

Someone planning to shoot him would have been there for an hour
LOL....that's genius at work for you.

Why would Jack Ruby, who presumably had no business being in the basement of the
Dallas police station where Lee Oswald was being held be hanging around, as conspicuous as he was (known as a shady strip club owner) for an hour as if he would fit right in and should be there.
Yeah...just hang out where he should not be....that's what a "smart" assassin would do. :113:
Especially if you aren't planning on trying to get away after shooting Oswald.

The stupidity of such a claim is stunning and fitting for a dope who believes in Warren Commission fairy tales.
Ruby was at a Western Union Office sending a money order.....FOUR MINUTES before he shot Oswald. The receipt was in his pocket

The transfer of Oswald was delayed for 45 minutes from when it was originally announced.

If he had planned to kill Oswald, he would have been there an hour earlier

6 – Lack of Conclusive Evidence

As far as I bothered to read
There is overwhelming evidence Oswald was the killer

1 He had attempted to assassinate Gen Walker
2. It was his rifle (same one used on Walker)
3. Rifle and casings bearing his prints were found in his place of work
4. Oswald fled the scene after the shooting
5. His handgun killed Officer Tippett who was detaining him as a possible suspect

The article does not even give one good reason

All it does is to express generalities with no specifics and it is prove wrong by evidence.

In the case of oswald we have his rifle with his prints which is the only murder weapon.

We have expended casings from that gun gunh his prints

We have the ONLY recovered bullets which were fired exclusively from his gun.

We have the autopsy performed by experienced experts which back up that evience

We have the bag he used to smuggle in the rifle and fibers on the match the blanket he wrapped the rifle in when he stored it

We have witnesses placing him there and the vast overwhelming majority of witnesses who heard only three shots coming from the direction of his nest.

And more.

What I have just listed is far more than what is used to reasonably convict many known murderers.

The case and evidence against him was overwhelming

Your article is also false about many things.

The Warren commission did NOT assume his guilt but had a mandate to find the truth regardless

To this end they actually pursued leads which pointed to conspiracy but they led no where and no evidence was found.

An article which simply agrees with you on general is not evidence.

You need evidence and like the silly conspiracy fools on here you have failed to cite any
Among the many false claims in the article is the one about the bag.

It was actually plenty long enough and wide enough and thick enough to hide oswalds rifle.

Oswald kept the rifle in Ruth Payne's garage wrapped in a blanket and fibers from that blanket were found in the bag.

Rather than posting articles which are nothing more than opinion based on falsehoods try citing some real evidence

So far you are like gipper and laram and Dale and the many other fools who preach crap but never cite evidence
Ruby was at a Western Union Office sending a money order.....FOUR MINUTES before he shot Oswald. The receipt was in his pocket

The transfer of Oswald was delayed for 45 minutes from when it was originally announced.

If he had planned to kill Oswald, he would have been there an hour earlier
So Jack Ruby would have an hour to kill as well as Lee Oswald....so what? He couldn't have known that
the time line had changed?
Prove it!
Ruby was at a Western Union Office sending a money order.....FOUR MINUTES before he shot Oswald. The receipt was in his pocket

The transfer of Oswald was delayed for 45 minutes from when it was originally announced.

If he had planned to kill Oswald, he would have been there an hour earlier
So Jack Ruby would have an hour to kill as well as Lee Oswald....so what? He couldn't have known that
the time line had changed?
Prove it!
Because the timeline changed partly due to decisions which Oswald was allowed to make.

Such as showering and changing clothes.

He actually primped and tried on different articles of clothing till he settled on an outfit.

He knew he was going on tv.

There was no possible way for Ruby to know Oswald was being allowed to prep for the camera which directly influenced the timing

There was no way for Ruby to know which combination of clothes Oswald would choose such as the first one or the second one

Once again Ruby got there less than 2 minutes before Oswald was brought out and he walked there

These cannot be anything else except actions of two men each unaware of what the other was doing and having a coincidental meeting.
As far as I bothered to read
There is overwhelming evidence Oswald was the killer

1 He had attempted to assassinate Gen Walker
2. It was his rifle (same one used on Walker)
3. Rifle and casings bearing his prints were found in his place of work
4. Oswald fled the scene after the shooting
5. His handgun killed Officer Tippett who was detaining him as a possible suspect
Or one of his doubles did this, hopelessly incriminating the patsy the CIA hoped to pin the murder of the president on.
Seeing the Unspeakable: Lee Harvey Oswald and his Identical Twin

Paraffin test run on Oswald while in custody showed he had fired no rifle that day. They were ignored.
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Wrong. Many people were in the upper floors overlooking the motorcade, thanks to the secret service not locking down the buildings. Made for a perfect ambush, which is but one proof of conspiracy among hundreds.

Amazing fact often overlooked by dumb statists like you: Oswald was the ONLY US Marine to ever defect to the USSR and return (without any consequences...strange no?), yet he was not apprehended prior to JFK’s visit. Amazingly, the only Marine to ever defect and return just happens to work at a building above the route, is well known to authorities, but is not picked up.

Amazingly I never considered this before. Oswald was known to the FBI and CIA for a string of anti American actions (defection to Soviet Union, visits Mexico in '63 looking for a visa to Cuba and the Soviet Union, in a Fair Play for Cuba organization in New Orleans, Oswald declared himself a Marxist, etc.).

He's working in a building that JFK is going to pass right by yet the Secret Service doesn't do a thing to intervene, contrary to agency policy. It's almost as if people within in the government wanted JFK to die. Odd....
It was all a big set up and obvious coup d'etat.

You make claims, but you can provide no support for your claims that aren't conspiracy theories based on imagination and rumors. If you could, you would. You don't, because you can't.
Done it dozens of times in this thread and others. Forgive me if I find it ludicrous that you statists STILL believe the totally discredited WC.

It gets old after awhile.

It does get old to read the same retreaded conspiracy theory fantasies over and over while seeing no proof. The Warren Commission has not been "discredited", in fact the evidence has been examined again and again over 50 years and has never been disproved. It's been independently proven again and again that the rifle could have been used to do the shooting. For example:

There was no WC witness who recanted their testimony, saying it was fiction. No one has ever been shown that their version was fabricated. Conspiracy theorists cannot say the same. Why don't you folks just give up your fantasies and accept that, within limits, we know what happened.
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Ruby was at a Western Union Office sending a money order.....FOUR MINUTES before he shot Oswald. The receipt was in his pocket

The transfer of Oswald was delayed for 45 minutes from when it was originally announced.

If he had planned to kill Oswald, he would have been there an hour earlier
So Jack Ruby would have an hour to kill as well as Lee Oswald....so what? He couldn't have known that
the time line had changed?
Prove it!
I did prove it

Someone planning a hit does not wait on line st Western Union

Wow, a whole conspiracy theory article and (I'm sure you're shocked) no evidence at all to support the author's beliefs. They ignore the witness testimony and then complain that the witnesses they like were not taken seriously without providing evidence as to why they SHOULD be taken seriously. It's just more of the same sad song.
As far as I bothered to read
There is overwhelming evidence Oswald was the killer

1 He had attempted to assassinate Gen Walker
2. It was his rifle (same one used on Walker)
3. Rifle and casings bearing his prints were found in his place of work
4. Oswald fled the scene after the shooting
5. His handgun killed Officer Tippett who was detaining him as a possible suspect
Or one of his doubles did this, hopelessly incriminating the patsy the CIA hoped to pin the murder of the president on.
Seeing the Unspeakable: Lee Harvey Oswald and his Identical Twin

Paraffin test run on Oswald while in custody showed he had fired no rifle that day. They were ignored.

Body doubles? LMAO!!!!

Two Oswalds Theories in the JFK Assassination

Two Oswalds Theory Supported by any Photographic Evidence?

Wonder if Eric the Troll would accept the second link since it comes from his beloved HSCA? Nah, probably not...after all, it was just science.
I did prove it

Someone planning a hit does not wait on line st Western Union
Why not? And who says he was waiting in any sort of line at all? Only you.
Why Wasn’t Jack Ruby Present to Murder Lee Harvey Oswald at the Announced 10 a.m. Transfer Time? - Through the 'Oswald' Window

Maybe one of his many friends among Dallas police tipped him off and Ruby showed up at the police station at 11:21 rather than at the originally scheduled 10:00 am time of Oswald's transfer.
Ruby said he was forced by figures of great power to do what he did and he begged Earl Warren to let him testify in Washington DC in front of committee where he could tell what he knew. Earl Warren said no....not very concerned for a man who was supposedly heading a commission after the whole truth of the JFK coup, was he.
Not exactly turning over all stones, was he.

Jack Ruby's communications with Mafia figures jumped dramatically after the president was shot. We see now why Ruby was so conflicted about the squeeze he was in.
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I did prove it

Someone planning a hit does not wait on line st Western Union
Why not? And who says he was waiting in any sort of line at all?
Why Wasn’t Jack Ruby Present to Murder Lee Harvey Oswald at the Announced 10 a.m. Transfer Time? - Through the 'Oswald' Window

Maybe one of his many friends among Dallas police tipped him off and Ruby showed up at the police station at 11:21 rather than at the originally scheduled 10:00 am time of Oswald's transfer.

LOL! "maybe". The foundation of a conspiracy theory nut.
As far as I bothered to read
There is overwhelming evidence Oswald was the killer

1 He had attempted to assassinate Gen Walker
2. It was his rifle (same one used on Walker)
3. Rifle and casings bearing his prints were found in his place of work
4. Oswald fled the scene after the shooting
5. His handgun killed Officer Tippett who was detaining him as a possible suspect
Or one of his doubles did this, hopelessly incriminating the patsy the CIA hoped to pin the murder of the president on.
Seeing the Unspeakable: Lee Harvey Oswald and his Identical Twin

Paraffin test run on Oswald while in custody showed he had fired no rifle that day. They were ignored.

Ah, Eric the Troll finally mentions the paraffin test. He lies. First, he lies when he says the test showed he had not fired a rife and then he lied when he said the paraffin test was ignored.

Paraffin test showed a positive reaction to nitrates on the hands, just a negative reaction to nitrates on Oswald's cheek.

"FBI expert Cortlandt Cunningham testified...in front of the Warren Commission:

EISENBERG: A paraffin test was also run of Oswald's cheek and it produced a negative result.
EISENBERG: Do your tests, or do the tests which you ran, or your experience with revolvers and rifles, cast any light on the significance of a negative result being obtained on the right cheek?
CUNNINGHAM: No, sir; I personally wouldn’t expect to find any residues on a person's right cheek after firing a rifle due to the fact that by the very principles and the manufacture and the action, the cartridge itself is sealed into the chamber by the bolt being closed behind it, and upon firing the case, the cartridge case expands into the chamber filling it up and sealing it off from the gases, so none will come back in your face, and so by its very nature, I would not expect to find residue on the right cheek of a shooter."

(edited for length, but here's the entire article: JFK Assassination Firearms Factoids -- The "Paraffin Test" )
As far as I bothered to read
There is overwhelming evidence Oswald was the killer

1 He had attempted to assassinate Gen Walker
2. It was his rifle (same one used on Walker)
3. Rifle and casings bearing his prints were found in his place of work
4. Oswald fled the scene after the shooting
5. His handgun killed Officer Tippett who was detaining him as a possible suspect
Or one of his doubles did this, hopelessly incriminating the patsy the CIA hoped to pin the murder of the president on.
Seeing the Unspeakable: Lee Harvey Oswald and his Identical Twin

Paraffin test run on Oswald while in custody showed he had fired no rifle that day. They were ignored.

His wife 'claimed' it was Lee.....now why would she do that?

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