Warren: I’ll Be ‘Last American President Elected By The Electoral College’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Read much more of this wackos Unconstitutional desires at

The Federalist ^ | DECEMBER 3, 2019 | John Daniel Davidson

On Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren reiterated her view that the Electoral College should be abolished and U.S. presidents should be elected by popular vote. “My goal is to get elected—but I plan to be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College. I want my second term to be elected by direct vote,” she tweeted.

In the accompanying video clip, she said, “Call me old fashioned, but I think the person who gets the most votes should win.”

Warren has a curious idea of what counts as “old fashioned,” since her position on the Electoral College puts her at odds with the decidedly old fashioned Founding Fathers, who rightly worried about what James Madison called the “tyranny of the majority.”

Democrats are apparently unbothered by this possibility, not least because they believe they’ve secured a permanent majority and, if they could just seize power, they would govern as benign rulers.

What’s standing in their way is nothing less than our constitutional system.

That’s why you see Democrats coming out against not just the Electoral College but also the Senate and the Supreme Court. Why should Wyoming or Iowa have two votes in the Senate, so the thinking goes, when so few people live there? Why should five Supreme Court justices decide contentious questions about, say, gun rights? (Expect to hear howls of protest from the left if the gun rights case the justices heard on Monday, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York, doesn’t go their way.)

It’s not just Warren. According to one poll earlier this year, 60 percent of Democratic voters support abolishing the Electoral College, and much of the mainstream media seems to agree. After the 2016 election, The New York Times attacked the Electoral College as an “antiquated mechanism,” Time magazine published an article arguing the Electoral College was designed to protect slavery, and E. J. Dionne Jr. of The Washington Post compared it to a game of chance in a casino.

Since the 2016 election, 15 states (all of them blue) have joined the National Popular Vote movement, an interstate compact that would, if enough states joined it, award all of a state’s electoral votes to whichever candidate wins the national popular vote, regardless of who the voters in that state actually voted for.

Although it’s mostly been Democrats inveighing against the Electoral College for the past two decades, Donald Trump came out against it after President Obama won reelection in 2012, calling it a “disaster” and arguing for its abolishment, but changed his mind after 2016, calling it “genius.”

Warren Really Wants a New American Regime Warren’s opposition to the Electoral College is more principled than Trump’s. Although couched in the facile rhetoric of “every vote counts,” she means just the opposite. Under a system of direct democracy, votes in places like Wyoming, Iowa, and every other small state wouldn’t really count at all. The country would effectively be ruled by New York and California—and indeed by the residents of the largest cities in those states.

That’s what Warren and the Democrats really want, they just can’t say it. They know that most large cities are blue and that the ongoing urbanization of America would give them a huge advantage if they were able to run their votes up in those districts and ignore the rest of the country.

It certainly would have been enough to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. In fact, the collapse of Democrats’ “blue wall” in 2016 is largely what’s behind the current assault on the Electoral College. Competing for the votes of working-class whites in Pennsylvania and Michigan doesn’t appeal to progressive 2020 candidates like Warren for the simple reason that she’s unlikely to win their votes, and she knows it.

The argument against the Electoral College is therefore really an argument against the role of the states in our constitutional system, and against the scheme of federalism in general. The irony is that federalism is the one thing that might assuage rising political tensions in America.


Mathematical proof of the legitimacy of the Electoral College:

“Math Against Tyranny”

From the Archive: Math Against Tyranny

But, ultimately, it provides a firewall containing the evil fruit of the tree of voter fraud to the state in which the fraud took place, and that’s why the ‘rats want it gone.
Pocahontas is clearly deranged.

Unfortunately we will never get to see her debate President Trump.

On Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren reiterated her view that the Electoral College should be abolished and U.S. presidents should be elected by popular vote..
Aside from the fact that the presidents ARE elected by popular vote, --- --- AT THE STATE LEVEL --- ---, but that the EC preserves each state's ability to have a proportional voice in their government where the president is intended to represent the 50 united STATES of America, not individual people, how convenient a thing for the Democrats, if America could be changed FROM THIS:



The democrats must not know how a constitutional amendment is passed to use the popular vote instead of the EC.

Then again, if the blue states want to apportion their EC votes proportionally, or based on the national popular vote, that just ignores their own states' voters?!

The EC is here to stay no matter what the blue states want to do to their voters.
She is clearly insane....here she is cheering Trump at one of his rallies ....ROTFLMFAO

If Warren thinks she can win the electoral vote and the popular vote why would she want to do away with the electoral college vote?

Also if going by the popular vote what would constitute a recount for a close race? And how would a recount work?
If Warren thinks she can win the electoral vote and the popular vote why would she want to do away with the electoral college vote?

Also if going by the popular vote what would constitute a recount for a close race? And how would a recount work?
If past behavior is any indication, the Democrats would suddenly "find" millions of votes cast by illegals, dead people, and even people's pets...
Although not at all within her legal / physical / political / reality-based power to do, I am sure the average Jonathon-Gruber-defined/praised, easily emotionally manipulated, hate-driven, indoctrinated, Trump-hating 'common core' snowflake will believe proven liar lil' Liz 'Woowoo' Warren when she says if she is elected President SHE will abolish the Electoral College.

"I'm not sure if she's aware that it would take a constitutional amendment to get rid of it. Elizabeth Warren ought to brush up on that process because there's no way it's gonna happen."


HRC did not lose / failed to win the Presidential election in 2016 in a 'landslide' because of the Electoral College.

HRC was a proven criminal who was protected from Indictment so she could be on the ballot instead of a jail cell.

Hillary was a criminal candidate who the DNC admitted helping win their primary by stacking the deck against Bernie Sanders, by helping her cheat in debates, by funneling money designated to go to other Democrat Candidates in other races to Hillary, and by eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own.

Hillary lost because pissed-off Sanders voters who felt Bernie was screwed out of the nomination / presidency voted for Trump.

Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history - she arrogantly bought the MSM's dis-information campaign about how she would win in a landslide and chose to not even campaign in entire states she thought she had sewn up...only to lose those states that proved to be the difference in her winning and losing.

Hillary's team paid violent thugs to beat and bloody American citizens - Trump supporters at Trump rallies.

Hillary illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and the Russians by paying a Trump-hating foreign spy who had an anti-Trump agenda to deliver Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda AND met with corrupt former Ukraine officials to collect 'dirt' on Trump and his team with the intent of altering / controlling the outcome of the 2016 election.

Hillary was / is a corrupt, criminal, self-serving, lying, treasonous POS who was only on the ballot instead of in prison because the Obama administration protected her.

Just like they attempted to do with 'the Russians' in their ;Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia', the Democrats / snowflakes attempted to and are still attempting to make 'the Electoral College' a 'bogeyman' that 'stole' the 2016 election from Hillary.

Now Warren is running a modified version of 'Fear Mongering' to motivate the snowflake extremists into voting for her - 'If you don't vote for me the bad ol' Electoral College will steal your vote / election, too'.

Think for a second: Warren says she wants to win the 2020 election using the Electoral College system...and then vows to abolish it afterwards (something she can't do if she really wanted to)......Why would she need to do that after PROVING THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM WORKS BY WINNING THE 2020 ELECTION USING IT?!



Elizabeth Warren Promises to Abolish the Electoral College if Elected
If Warren thinks she can win the electoral vote and the popular vote why would she want to do away with the electoral college vote?

Also if going by the popular vote what would constitute a recount for a close race? And how would a recount work?

Recounts work like they keep recounting until the democrats win.
Guess she doesn't know the EC is in the Constitution.

What a moron. A moron who is running for President.

Read much more of this wackos Unconstitutional desires at

The Federalist ^ | DECEMBER 3, 2019 | John Daniel Davidson

On Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren reiterated her view that the Electoral College should be abolished and U.S. presidents should be elected by popular vote. “My goal is to get elected—but I plan to be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College. I want my second term to be elected by direct vote,” she tweeted.

In the accompanying video clip, she said, “Call me old fashioned, but I think the person who gets the most votes should win.”

Warren has a curious idea of what counts as “old fashioned,” since her position on the Electoral College puts her at odds with the decidedly old fashioned Founding Fathers, who rightly worried about what James Madison called the “tyranny of the majority.”

Democrats are apparently unbothered by this possibility, not least because they believe they’ve secured a permanent majority and, if they could just seize power, they would govern as benign rulers.

What’s standing in their way is nothing less than our constitutional system.

That’s why you see Democrats coming out against not just the Electoral College but also the Senate and the Supreme Court. Why should Wyoming or Iowa have two votes in the Senate, so the thinking goes, when so few people live there? Why should five Supreme Court justices decide contentious questions about, say, gun rights? (Expect to hear howls of protest from the left if the gun rights case the justices heard on Monday, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York, doesn’t go their way.)

It’s not just Warren. According to one poll earlier this year, 60 percent of Democratic voters support abolishing the Electoral College, and much of the mainstream media seems to agree. After the 2016 election, The New York Times attacked the Electoral College as an “antiquated mechanism,” Time magazine published an article arguing the Electoral College was designed to protect slavery, and E. J. Dionne Jr. of The Washington Post compared it to a game of chance in a casino.

Since the 2016 election, 15 states (all of them blue) have joined the National Popular Vote movement, an interstate compact that would, if enough states joined it, award all of a state’s electoral votes to whichever candidate wins the national popular vote, regardless of who the voters in that state actually voted for.

Although it’s mostly been Democrats inveighing against the Electoral College for the past two decades, Donald Trump came out against it after President Obama won reelection in 2012, calling it a “disaster” and arguing for its abolishment, but changed his mind after 2016, calling it “genius.”

Warren Really Wants a New American Regime Warren’s opposition to the Electoral College is more principled than Trump’s. Although couched in the facile rhetoric of “every vote counts,” she means just the opposite. Under a system of direct democracy, votes in places like Wyoming, Iowa, and every other small state wouldn’t really count at all. The country would effectively be ruled by New York and California—and indeed by the residents of the largest cities in those states.

That’s what Warren and the Democrats really want, they just can’t say it. They know that most large cities are blue and that the ongoing urbanization of America would give them a huge advantage if they were able to run their votes up in those districts and ignore the rest of the country.

It certainly would have been enough to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. In fact, the collapse of Democrats’ “blue wall” in 2016 is largely what’s behind the current assault on the Electoral College. Competing for the votes of working-class whites in Pennsylvania and Michigan doesn’t appeal to progressive 2020 candidates like Warren for the simple reason that she’s unlikely to win their votes, and she knows it.

The argument against the Electoral College is therefore really an argument against the role of the states in our constitutional system, and against the scheme of federalism in general. The irony is that federalism is the one thing that might assuage rising political tensions in America.


Mathematical proof of the legitimacy of the Electoral College:

“Math Against Tyranny”

From the Archive: Math Against Tyranny

But, ultimately, it provides a firewall containing the evil fruit of the tree of voter fraud to the state in which the fraud took place, and that’s why the ‘rats want it gone.
She sure isn't getting there via the popular vote. LOL
Why won't democrats just move to some other country more to their liking?
Democrats are truly miserable individuals whose goal in life is to make everyone else as miserable and seeking to control every aspect of others' lives.
Read much more of this wackos Unconstitutional desires at

The Federalist ^ | DECEMBER 3, 2019 | John Daniel Davidson

On Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren reiterated her view that the Electoral College should be abolished and U.S. presidents should be elected by popular vote. “My goal is to get elected—but I plan to be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College. I want my second term to be elected by direct vote,” she tweeted.

In the accompanying video clip, she said, “Call me old fashioned, but I think the person who gets the most votes should win.”

Warren has a curious idea of what counts as “old fashioned,” since her position on the Electoral College puts her at odds with the decidedly old fashioned Founding Fathers, who rightly worried about what James Madison called the “tyranny of the majority.”

Democrats are apparently unbothered by this possibility, not least because they believe they’ve secured a permanent majority and, if they could just seize power, they would govern as benign rulers.

What’s standing in their way is nothing less than our constitutional system.

That’s why you see Democrats coming out against not just the Electoral College but also the Senate and the Supreme Court. Why should Wyoming or Iowa have two votes in the Senate, so the thinking goes, when so few people live there? Why should five Supreme Court justices decide contentious questions about, say, gun rights? (Expect to hear howls of protest from the left if the gun rights case the justices heard on Monday, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York, doesn’t go their way.)

It’s not just Warren. According to one poll earlier this year, 60 percent of Democratic voters support abolishing the Electoral College, and much of the mainstream media seems to agree. After the 2016 election, The New York Times attacked the Electoral College as an “antiquated mechanism,” Time magazine published an article arguing the Electoral College was designed to protect slavery, and E. J. Dionne Jr. of The Washington Post compared it to a game of chance in a casino.

Since the 2016 election, 15 states (all of them blue) have joined the National Popular Vote movement, an interstate compact that would, if enough states joined it, award all of a state’s electoral votes to whichever candidate wins the national popular vote, regardless of who the voters in that state actually voted for.

Although it’s mostly been Democrats inveighing against the Electoral College for the past two decades, Donald Trump came out against it after President Obama won reelection in 2012, calling it a “disaster” and arguing for its abolishment, but changed his mind after 2016, calling it “genius.”

Warren Really Wants a New American Regime Warren’s opposition to the Electoral College is more principled than Trump’s. Although couched in the facile rhetoric of “every vote counts,” she means just the opposite. Under a system of direct democracy, votes in places like Wyoming, Iowa, and every other small state wouldn’t really count at all. The country would effectively be ruled by New York and California—and indeed by the residents of the largest cities in those states.

That’s what Warren and the Democrats really want, they just can’t say it. They know that most large cities are blue and that the ongoing urbanization of America would give them a huge advantage if they were able to run their votes up in those districts and ignore the rest of the country.

It certainly would have been enough to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. In fact, the collapse of Democrats’ “blue wall” in 2016 is largely what’s behind the current assault on the Electoral College. Competing for the votes of working-class whites in Pennsylvania and Michigan doesn’t appeal to progressive 2020 candidates like Warren for the simple reason that she’s unlikely to win their votes, and she knows it.

The argument against the Electoral College is therefore really an argument against the role of the states in our constitutional system, and against the scheme of federalism in general. The irony is that federalism is the one thing that might assuage rising political tensions in America.


Mathematical proof of the legitimacy of the Electoral College:

“Math Against Tyranny”

From the Archive: Math Against Tyranny

But, ultimately, it provides a firewall containing the evil fruit of the tree of voter fraud to the state in which the fraud took place, and that’s why the ‘rats want it gone.
She sure isn't getting there via the popular vote. LOL
Who you have that is going to beat him....OPRAH, THE MOOOOOCHER?...ROTFLMFAO!

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