Warren: Yeah, We'll Raise Your Taxes If We Regain Power

democrat Socialists 2016 and Beyond: FUCK YOU, AMERICA!! Put down your weapon and hand over your wallet, we have Illegals we need to support.

2016: The year our democrat Socialists openly embraced their Inner Mao
Yes, they take all your money so they can give you this

Joe Scarborough declared the 'Leftist Socialist Resistance' to be the 'TEA PARTY 2018'.

The dumbass is too stupid to realize 'TEA' stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY', declares the Democratic Socialist Party is now the New 'Taxed Enough Already' Party, and Warren, Schumer, and Pelosi are all vowing to RAISE taxes on Americans.


Raise Taxes
- End the best economy in decades
- End the lowest unemployment in decades
- End the most Americans working
- End more jobs, end more full-time jobs, end higher wager, end bonuses
- Return to Obama era unemployment numbers, more Americans dependent on them/welfare/food stamps

:5_1_12024: Go, Dems, Go! :clap:
Joe Scarborough declared the 'Leftist Socialist Resistance' to be the 'TEA PARTY 2018'.

The dumbass is too stupid to realize 'TEA' stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY', declares the Democratic Socialist Party is now the New 'Taxed Enough Already' Party, and Warren, Schumer, and Pelosi are all vowing to RAISE taxes on Americans.


Raise Taxes
- End the best economy in decades
- End the lowest unemployment in decades
- End the most Americans working
- End more jobs, end more full-time jobs, end higher wager, end bonuses
- Return to Obama era unemployment numbers, more Americans dependent on them/welfare/food stamps

:5_1_12024: Go, Dems, Go! :clap:

Well if they are lucky enough to get their wish they won't last long.
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.
Top earners - translation- any family making over $55,000 a year.
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.
Top earners - translation- any family making over $55,000 a year.
Where does she say that?

A family making $55k a year in SF is considered at poverty level. Not even middle class.
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.
Top earners - translation- any family making over $55,000 a year.

And corporations. I'm sure corporations will continue to hire when paying 50 to 70% higher taxes.

To help the poor?? Bullshit. The poor get more than enough help. We taxpayers pay for all of these freeloaders.
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.

That's what they say they want, but the increases usually work their way down the chain when they realize they can't tax their way out of their spending fixes with just the "wealthy"

And yet when Trump goes after the wealthy via the SALT limitation, progressives lose it.

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