Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Here in Nebraska we never had any indication of malfesance.

We were simply going to replace him for not being a Conservative.

Hagel's nomination has been delayed because of the issues of sexual harassment and financial dealings. Evidently Hagel has received some hefty sums of money from foreign interests. In addition to a boys will be boys attitude toward sexual harassment in his staff.
I was not. He appeared shifty and unwilling to answer questions. Of course, many of those questioning him were total dicks - but he still could have done much, much better.
The Washington Post's Bob Woodward asserts that the reason President Obama picked Chuck Hagel as his new defense secretary is their shared vision of a scaled back military and redefined role for the United States in a new world order.

Woodward reports that when Hagel visited Obama in 2009, the new president asked him what he thought about foreign policy and defense:

According to an account that Hagel later gave, and is reported here for the first time, he told Obama: “We are at a time where there is a new world order. We don’t control it. You must question everything, every assumption, everything they” — the military and diplomats — “tell you. Any assumption 10 years old is out of date. You need to question our role. You need to question the military. You need to question what are we using the military for.

“Afghanistan will be defining for your presidency in the first term,” Hagel also said, according to his own account, “perhaps even for a second term.” The key was not to get “bogged down.”

Obama did not say much but listened. At the time, Hagel considered Obama a “loner,” inclined to keep a distance and his own counsel. But Hagel’s comments help explain why Obama nominated his former Senate colleague to be his next secretary of defense

Bob Woodward on why Obama chose Hagel - POLITICO.com
Sorry, Hagel is going to be SoD. You Zionazis are going to have to learn to deal

Sorry, Hitler killed all the Jewish persons this world is ever going to tolerate in the 1930s and 1940s with the assistance if not prodding of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Hitler's cheerleader for the wholesale slaughter of the entire European Jewish population during WWII.

Figure out somebody who isn't hostile toward Israel before you pick the next candidate.

And no. I'm not Jewish, and I'm not a Zionist. I grew up a boomer generation Army brat whose father and uncles fought on all fronts in WWII and Korea. Family and friends agreed: we must never again let the forces of hatred slaughter Jewish people. Just because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kept his mouth shut for 10 minutes while our anti-Israeli administration tries to insert another anti-semite into his frightening slacker attitude toward the issue does not mean he is sincere when he omits wiping Israel off the face of the map, us too if the United States fails to zeig heil.

Please: enough is enough.

Israel deserves every bit of hostility that it gets. They are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up someone else. There's nothing sympathetic about it, which is why it has so few friends left in the world.

If you are so concerned about where the Zionists live, let's just let them have Florida and be done with it.

Frankly, I'm pretty tired of hearing the Zionists whine about shit that happened 70 years ago to justify their bad behavior in the here and now.
There's never been a filibuster of a Cabinet nominee in history, and they won't start now.

Frankly, this whole episode shows how crazy the GOP has gotten, that they are eating their own.

We Republicans do not support the asinine policy of looking the other way when Hamas and Hezbollah shell Israel from child-dense areas that cause child collateral casualties so they can rant and scream inanities at Israel.

You have a problem: we are not going to lay dead for this unfortunate policy of coddling terrorist states against our oldest ally in the region.

When you sign up for the Israeli Defense FOrce, I'll take you seriously.

But usually, when your side talks that kind of shit, it usually means you want to send some poor brown kid off to fight for the Zionists with the promise of a college education that never happens
Sorry, Hagel is going to be SoD. You Zionazis are going to have to learn to deal

Sorry, Hitler killed all the Jewish persons this world is ever going to tolerate in the 1930s and 1940s with the assistance if not prodding of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Hitler's cheerleader for the wholesale slaughter of the entire European Jewish population during WWII.

Figure out somebody who isn't hostile toward Israel before you pick the next candidate.

And no. I'm not Jewish, and I'm not a Zionist. I grew up a boomer generation Army brat whose father and uncles fought on all fronts in WWII and Korea. Family and friends agreed: we must never again let the forces of hatred slaughter Jewish people. Just because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kept his mouth shut for 10 minutes while our anti-Israeli administration tries to insert another anti-semite into his frightening slacker attitude toward the issue does not mean he is sincere when he omits wiping Israel off the face of the map, us too if the United States fails to zeig heil.

Please: enough is enough.

Israel deserves every bit of hostility that it gets. They are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up someone else. There's nothing sympathetic about it, which is why it has so few friends left in the world.

If you are so concerned about where the Zionists live, let's just let them have Florida and be done with it.

Frankly, I'm pretty tired of hearing the Zionists whine about shit that happened 70 years ago to justify their bad behavior in the here and now.

Now only if Hagel were still as honest as you are with the Jew Hate.. We'd be rid of him already.
Sorry, Hagel is going to be SoD. You Zionazis are going to have to learn to deal

Sorry, Hitler killed all the Jewish persons this world is ever going to tolerate in the 1930s and 1940s with the assistance if not prodding of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Hitler's cheerleader for the wholesale slaughter of the entire European Jewish population during WWII.

Figure out somebody who isn't hostile toward Israel before you pick the next candidate.

And no. I'm not Jewish, and I'm not a Zionist. I grew up a boomer generation Army brat whose father and uncles fought on all fronts in WWII and Korea. Family and friends agreed: we must never again let the forces of hatred slaughter Jewish people. Just because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kept his mouth shut for 10 minutes while our anti-Israeli administration tries to insert another anti-semite into his frightening slacker attitude toward the issue does not mean he is sincere when he omits wiping Israel off the face of the map, us too if the United States fails to zeig heil.

Please: enough is enough.

Israel deserves every bit of hostility that it gets. They are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up someone else. There's nothing sympathetic about it, which is why it has so few friends left in the world.

If you are so concerned about where the Zionists live, let's just let them have Florida and be done with it.

Frankly, I'm pretty tired of hearing the Zionists whine about shit that happened 70 years ago to justify their bad behavior in the here and now.
But you're completely cool with people using shit that happened 150 years ago to justify THEIR bad behavior, right?
Frankly, I'm pretty tired of hearing the Zionists whine about shit that happened 70 years ago to justify their bad behavior in the here and now.
But you're completely cool with people using shit that happened 150 years ago to justify THEIR bad behavior, right?

Ernie, buddy, you really need to let the whole Romney thing go, man.

You guys made a mistake. A lot of your wingnuts are already realizing this, but you seem all focused on the fact that I told you it was a terrible idea to nominate this guy, and it turns out it was.

Incidently, what "bad behavior" towards Mormons are you talkingabout? Are we stealing their land? Bombing their children? Putting them into slums? Forcing them to go through checkpoints every time they leave Utah?

Now only if Hagel were still as honest as you are with the Jew Hate.. We'd be rid of him already.

A five year old screams "Why do you hate me?" when you point out his bad behavior.

Adults should know better.

I don't like Israel's behavior. I don't like that this country keeps getting dragged into wars because they Zionists can't live peacefully with their neighbors.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state, and the sooner it is pushed into the sea, the better.
Frankly, I'm pretty tired of hearing the Zionists whine about shit that happened 70 years ago to justify their bad behavior in the here and now.
But you're completely cool with people using shit that happened 150 years ago to justify THEIR bad behavior, right?

Ernie, buddy, you really need to let the whole Romney thing go, man.

You guys made a mistake. A lot of your wingnuts are already realizing this, but you seem all focused on the fact that I told you it was a terrible idea to nominate this guy, and it turns out it was.

Incidently, what "bad behavior" towards Mormons are you talkingabout? Are we stealing their land? Bombing their children? Putting them into slums? Forcing them to go through checkpoints every time they leave Utah?
Really Joe? I'm not talking about Mormons, but thanks for pointing out that you hate them as well as Jews. How do you feel about the Pope?

Now only if Hagel were still as honest as you are with the Jew Hate.. We'd be rid of him already.

A five year old screams "Why do you hate me?" when you point out his bad behavior.

Adults should know better.

I don't like Israel's behavior. I don't like that this country keeps getting dragged into wars because they Zionists can't live peacefully with their neighbors.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state, and the sooner it is pushed into the sea, the better.

Israel is a country born from an Arab attack against the Jews who migrated to Palestine after WWII. All the Arabs didn't participate in trying to wipe out the Jews and all the Arabs didn't have to leave the area because they started a war and got their asses kicked for doing it.

If I had the say in Israel and a missile was shot at my country, I'd level the area that missile came from and they'd be shooting the next missile from that location out of a big crater.

Israel is much more tolerant than I would be.

Now only if Hagel were still as honest as you are with the Jew Hate.. We'd be rid of him already.

A five year old screams "Why do you hate me?" when you point out his bad behavior.

Adults should know better.

I don't like Israel's behavior. I don't like that this country keeps getting dragged into wars because they Zionists can't live peacefully with their neighbors.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state, and the sooner it is pushed into the sea, the better.

Really? So 6 million Jews slaughtered would be a good thing in your mind?

Now only if Hagel were still as honest as you are with the Jew Hate.. We'd be rid of him already.

A five year old screams "Why do you hate me?" when you point out his bad behavior.

Adults should know better.

I don't like Israel's behavior. I don't like that this country keeps getting dragged into wars because they Zionists can't live peacefully with their neighbors.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state, and the sooner it is pushed into the sea, the better.

Really? So 6 million Jews slaughtered would be a good thing in your mind?

They'd have no one to blame but themselves.

Frankly, if I lived in a place where all my neighbors wanted to kill me and strapped bombs onto their kids to try to kill me, I'd move. Seriously.

The Zionists moved into someone else's land -NOT THEIRS- took it, and treated the original owners like second class citizens. They really have brought their problems on themselves.

The big thing is, America needs to stop acting like it's OUR problem. Because it isn't.
A five year old screams "Why do you hate me?" when you point out his bad behavior.

Adults should know better.

I don't like Israel's behavior. I don't like that this country keeps getting dragged into wars because they Zionists can't live peacefully with their neighbors.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state, and the sooner it is pushed into the sea, the better.

Really? So 6 million Jews slaughtered would be a good thing in your mind?

They'd have no one to blame but themselves.

Frankly, if I lived in a place where all my neighbors wanted to kill me and strapped bombs onto their kids to try to kill me, I'd move. Seriously.

The Zionists moved into someone else's land -NOT THEIRS- took it, and treated the original owners like second class citizens. They really have brought their problems on themselves.

The big thing is, America needs to stop acting like it's OUR problem. Because it isn't.

I'll take that as a yes...Hagel should be happy to have your endorsement:thup:
Really? So 6 million Jews slaughtered would be a good thing in your mind?

They'd have no one to blame but themselves.

Frankly, if I lived in a place where all my neighbors wanted to kill me and strapped bombs onto their kids to try to kill me, I'd move. Seriously.

The Zionists moved into someone else's land -NOT THEIRS- took it, and treated the original owners like second class citizens. They really have brought their problems on themselves.

The big thing is, America needs to stop acting like it's OUR problem. Because it isn't.

I'll take that as a yes...Hagel should be happy to have your endorsement:thup:

You can take it as you want.

Israel has created it's own problems, and it's high time we stopped bailing them out with the blood of our best and finest.
Frankly, I'm pretty tired of hearing the Zionists whine about shit that happened 70 years ago to justify their bad behavior in the here and now.
But you're completely cool with people using shit that happened 150 years ago to justify THEIR bad behavior, right?

Ernie, buddy, you really need to let the whole Romney thing go, man.

You guys made a mistake. A lot of your wingnuts are already realizing this, but you seem all focused on the fact that I told you it was a terrible idea to nominate this guy, and it turns out it was.

Incidently, what "bad behavior" towards Mormons are you talkingabout? Are we stealing their land? Bombing their children? Putting them into slums? Forcing them to go through checkpoints every time they leave Utah?

Oh, stop it, JoeB. The Mormon girl dumped you 30 years ago, you hit her, and the Mormon boys beat the shit out of you, rightfully so. So stop it.

We the USA will support Israel, and you can get over it because that will never stop.

Ernie S is straight on with this, and you are left on the street corner crying. Grow up.
I guess Hagel doesn't have a problem with the Irianian lobby..

Hagel linked to Iranian lobby

Mounting evidence shows vast network of ties

WASHINGTON – Could Sen. Chuck Hagel, whose Senate vote on his nomination as the next secretary of defense has been delayed until next week because of controversies over his work, be a potential lobbyist for Iran? After all, he’s already been endorsed by the rogue nation for the administrative post.

Clare Lopez, a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy, spoke to WND on the subject, asserting that Hagel “is associated … with people who are associated with” the National Iranian American Council. And that, Lopez explains, is “the center of the Iranian lobby in America.”

though not directly tied to NIAC, is affiliated with other groups that are directly tied into the funding and supporting of NIAC.

Hagel sits on the board of the left-wing foundation “Ploughshares Fund,” which has, according to Sarah Stern, the founder and president of the Endowment for Middle East Truth, “given more than $2 million in grants to organizations that support lifting sanctions on Iran and weakening the Israeli-American alliance.”

The most relevant of these organizations is the National Iranian American Council, which received since 2007, over $600,000 in grants.

The Ploughshares Fund also financially supports other left-wing groups such as Media Matters for America, National Public Radio, the Stimson Center and the Woodrow Wilson Center, all for conducting pro-Iranian/anti-war activities.

The Ploughshares Fund in June 2012 gave $65,000, “To support [Iranian] Ambassador S. Hossein Mousavian’s expert analysis, policy recommendations and media work related to reducing tensions between the U.S., the international community and Iran” at Princeton University, where he is currently a visiting research scholar

Hagel linked to Iranian lobby

Oh, stop it, JoeB. The Mormon girl dumped you 30 years ago, you hit her, and the Mormon boys beat the shit out of you, rightfully so. So stop it.

We the USA will support Israel, and you can get over it because that will never stop.

Ernie S is straight on with this, and you are left on the street corner crying. Grow up.

Dude, I'm not the one crying....

Frankly, the minute the GOP nominated the Mormon, It let me wash my hands of them, and it was a truly liberating experience.

You guys let you party get hijacked by the whacky cult, and you lost. I told you this would happen, and you are trying to blame Akin or other peoplefor your mistake.

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