Was Gadafi cauught in crossfire or executed

probably the former

usual chaos in the media

Either way I'm with the Libyans. They really don't care. They've got more important things to worry about. If they can bring stability to Libya, oil revenues will go a long way towards improving the lives of only 6 million people. Should we tell the Mexicans? :cool:
He was executed. It matters little. No matter what happened he was going to end up dead. Now the revenge slaughter in Libya will start as the nation collapses into civil war.
Ghadafi, or Quadafi, or however you spell his name is dead. Okay...

He either bled out because of his wounds or they took him somewhere and executed him. Okay...

Amnesty International is DEMANDING an answer because, well people can't go around summarily executing brutal dictators. Okay...

Did you know that Antlers, Oklahoma is putting in another stop light because of the traffic congestion at the highway intersection?

Guess which one I'm more interested in...
I'd say executed. And it doesn't bother me at all. Live by the sword, die by the sword. And the world's down one scumbag.
He was caught alive in a sewer holding a golden gun. They beat the crap out of him with fists and shoes. Then they shot him in the head and abdomen.
Wounded from an air attack, pulled out of a drainpipe, hit with shoes, shot in the stomach, and finally dispatched with a shot in the head above his left eye.
And the OP has to start a thread on this? Sheesh!......

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