Was Jesus Gay?

I think you misunderstand. Luissa loves this attention. In case you hadn't noticed, she gets quite pissed off when she is out of the loop, whatever that loop is that she imagines exists.

Well, let's see. You've gone postal in this thread over not being included in IM convos and you went postal in my congrats thread to CG being quite upset that you didn't know why I would congratulate her.

You are pretty easy to upset, especially when you don't have your nose in someone else's business.

Looks to me that you have your nose way up in Luissa's personal bussiness..

Yeah, you "planned" that out.

I actually did, I knew you would answer at some point. You always get pissed and crack. It happened the night you called me an entitlement whore and it happened last night. You don't think I don't know what stupid woman like you think about me? I just wanted you to say it out loud.
I'm pissed?

Tell me more about me.


Pissed enough to neg me....:lol::lol::lol:
I actually did, I knew you would answer at some point. You always get pissed and crack. It happened the night you called me an entitlement whore and it happened last night. You don't think I don't know what stupid woman like you think about me? I just wanted you to say it out loud.
I'm pissed?

Tell me more about me.


Pissed enough to neg me....:lol::lol::lol:

That's not pissed. That's just her showing how much she doesn't care.

She's right up there with daveman and sandy for how much she doesn't care.

Lots of women get pregnant and chose not to abort. It doesn't make them entitlement whores.

This thread has made me sad.

Well I've seen people stoop really low on political boards before but I have never seen someone take such delight in doing something so evil. Anywhere, anytime.

I spent a Summer as a volunteer with Special Olympics. I can guarantee there is not a parent on Earth who has ever thought "Jackpot!" because their child was born with a disability.

I couldn't even imagine anyone being so damaged, as to post such a thing until I read that.

You're right. It's sad.
I actually did, I knew you would answer at some point. You always get pissed and crack. It happened the night you called me an entitlement whore and it happened last night. You don't think I don't know what stupid woman like you think about me? I just wanted you to say it out loud.
I'm pissed?

Tell me more about me.


Pissed enough to neg me....:lol::lol::lol:
This thread is rich in neg whines.

And, I'm all out of rep at the moment.
This thread is rich in neg whines.

And, I'm all out of rep at the moment.

Don't try to correct her, NLT. She needs your comment to be taken as a neg rep whine. Well, "needs" in a totally non-caring way of course. Don't misunderstand.

No worries, the hateful low class bitch can neg me all she wants.
And, you're sure not only to PM a response, but when I don't respond to that, you'll be sure to PM me again.

Rest assured, I won't respond to that shit in PM.
Don't try to correct her, NLT. She needs your comment to be taken as a neg rep whine. Well, "needs" in a totally non-caring way of course. Don't misunderstand.

No worries, the hateful low class bitch can neg me all she wants.
And, you're sure not only to PM a response, but when I don't respond to that, you'll be sure to PM me again.

Rest assured, I won't respond to that shit in PM.

heres a PM for ya :ahole-1::anj_stfu::finger3::fu:

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