Was Jesus Gay?


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Was Jesus Gay?

Interesting piece, interesting ideas.

As it turns out, this is not a unique theory. Dr. Reverend Bob Shore-Goss, an openly gay senior pastor, has written several books on the subject, including Queering Christ and Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto. He holds a doctorate degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard, and he serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion. Oh, and he believes that Jesus was gay. I got in touch with Reverend Goss, who laid out the Biblical evidence and explained how his theory plays out.

Some more facts from the article:

Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

What's great about that is that every time you go to communion on Sunday, millions of Catholics say, "Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." They're uttering this homoerotic phrase that was uttered by a Centurion in an actual homosexual relationship with a youth. We've just sanitized that and forgotten those sort of things in the meantime. But a church of the second century would understand that this is a homosexual relationship and it wasn't a big deal.
I believe it may have to do more with perceptions.

Would that same perception be true if women had insisted on being moral enough to just come up to us and tell us when it is our turn to use them, instead of merely appealing to ignorance, with all of their practice and high numbers.

Here is some special pleading from proverbs for illustration:

13 She took hold of him and kissed him
and with a brazen face she said:

14 “Today I fulfilled my vows,
and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.

15 So I came out to meet you;
I looked for you and have found you!

16 I have covered my bed
with colored linens from Egypt.

17 I have perfumed my bed
with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.

18 Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning;
let’s enjoy ourselves with love!

If Only Jesus the Christ could have found nice girls of morals.
Gays are so pathetic and desperate to feel the tiniest bit normal and accepted that they pretend everyone is gay. Lincoln was gay, Hoover was gay, Jesus was gay. Everyone that doesn't swear some kind of fidelity to gayness is at least a closet gay. Meanwhile they are just mentally ill and emotionally stunted.
If He was, Jimmy Carter said that God would be cool with that shit.
You can come up with better arguments.
The problem is figuring out which of the many Christ figures was used for the Jesus image that was the bi sexual one who slept with Lazarus.
Probably not Yehuda the Galilean Christ cause he had 2 sons. Most likely it was Theudas the AD era figure with apostles since Judas wrote about their exploits as such.

Here's my research on the subject:

I hate to tell you this but the Church of Jesus was based on a character that was gay.
THe secret to that statue found in the French Church with the son did not depict his children but his secret society of man- boy child lovers.
The Priest who converted out of the church when he found the scroll found information leading to the conclusion that the early church and the present church is nothing but a man-boy love cult that gets rich and powerful and gets away with it under the guise of religion.
Fact: The characters real home town is Capernaum not Nazareth which didn't exist at that era.

he taught in the town of Capernaum - John 6:17, 24, 59, Mark 1:21, 2:1 , Luke 4:31, 7:1, Matthew 4:13, 8:5, 17:24.
He lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali mentioned in Luke 10:15 and John 2:12.
Jesus visits his home town of Capernaum it says in the NT.
So why would they try and make people believe he's from Nazareth instead?
Why would they hide the fact he was from Capernaum?

Answer: Because Capernaum was like our modern day San Fransisco whereby it was a trading port where men layed down with men.

There is enough evidence to conclude Jesus sexual orientation was questionable:
1) Christians admit a 33 year old man never had a girl. That is not normal social behavior for a man that age.
**2) Christians admit a half naked John is seen in the River Jordan with a naked Jesus dunking each other under the water in folly.
***3) Christians unanimously say Michael Jackson is guilty when caught sleeping with a young boy and Jesus has a similar account of being found sleeping with a young boy or boys depending if the Lazarus account is that same young boy.
This account was probably what that priest discovered when he set up that statue of Jesus with a little boy as a clue and warning.
****4) There is hidden gospel accounts of him being Bi that are just as valid as any other Gospel.
They have recently been uncovered and interpreted.
5) We know his home town of Capernaum was liken to San Francisco whereby it was a port town where men slept with men as the NT accounts.
6) The priests who claim to reflect and emulate their figure carry on this tradition even to this very day.
7) lastly he is recorded to be unaturally affectionate towards men while accounting hate for woman, while also leaning on their bare bodies, warm embracing etc in the NT accounts. Remember Satan hates woman according to Daniel and Jesus was the adversary of G0d by claiming himself higher and above G0d and by claiming to be the morning star (rev 22:16).

**Testimony of truth gospel which later was used for Book of Revelations had this odd commentary:
But the Son of Man came forth from Imperishability, being alien to defilement. He came to the world by the Jordan river, and immediately the Jordan turned back. And John bore witness to the descent of Jesus. For it is he who saw the power which came down upon the Jordan river; for he knew that the dominion of carnal procreation had come to an end. The Jordan river is the power of the body, that is, the senses of pleasures. The water of the Jordan is the desire for sexual intercourse. John is the archon of the womb. (is there any clearer a picture that John was his booty)

***Missing Fragments from St. Mark's Gospel According to the US Biblical scholar, Morton Smith, of Columbia University, a fragment of manuscript he found at the Mar Saba monastery nearJerusalem in 1958, showed that the full text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible) includes the following passage:
"And the youth, looking upon him (Jesus), loved him and beseeched that he might remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days, Jesus instructed him and, at evening, the youth came to him wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God".

To confirm this is legitimate and not forged texts: there is a letter from Clement of Alexandria to one Theodore in which this passage is quoted from what is now known as "The Secret Gospel According to Mark".

****A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According to this seemingly
authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus had an active bisexual love life,
including relations
with John, Lazarus and Mary Magdelene, served an LSD-like psychedelic at
the Last Supper, faked his own crucifixion in collaboration with Judas and
Joseph of Arimathea [as in the Koranic account] and died a natural death.

But there’s more verses:
"...there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and
the young men laid hold of him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked." (Mark 14:51-52). Was this the companion that Luke observed with Jesus inside the garden?

"...he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked on that day..."(Amos 2:16----the Hebrew 'labab' translated 'flee away' here, actually means 'transported with love', and also 'ravished'). Now that certainly fits this episode of the young man fleeing away naked from Jesus outside the garden of Gethsemane.

Who was this young man if not perhaps the rich man whom "Then Jesus
beholding him, loved him..."(Mark 10:21).
Perhaps it was the rich man Lazarus, of whom "...he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth..."(John 11:11----The Greek 'philos' translated 'friend', also means 'dear' and 'fond of').

Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his deciples, whom Jesus loved." (John 13:23----the Greek word 'anakeimai' translated 'leaning', also means 'recline' and 'outstretched'). Several passages later
again "He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?"(John 13:25----the Greek word 'epipipto' translated 'lying' also means 'embrace with affection').

A very intimate portrait begins to emerge of Jesus' close physical contact with certain male friends. They are seen "...stretched out...", and "...in close embrace...", and "...lying together...", and "...kissing...", and affection-ately (and publicly) displaying their 'phileo' and 'agapao' for each other.

Conclusion: these openly gay priests and followers of Christ are merely emulating the nature of their icon who was also gay.

*in my best Jerry Seinfeld voice* " Not that there's anything wrong with that"
No I think he was married to Mary M. and she was the apostle Jesus loved.
Was Jesus Gay?

Interesting piece, interesting ideas.

As it turns out, this is not a unique theory. Dr. Reverend Bob Shore-Goss, an openly gay senior pastor, has written several books on the subject, including Queering Christ and Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto. He holds a doctorate degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard, and he serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion. Oh, and he believes that Jesus was gay. I got in touch with Reverend Goss, who laid out the Biblical evidence and explained how his theory plays out.

Some more facts from the article:

Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

What's great about that is that every time you go to communion on Sunday, millions of Catholics say, "Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." They're uttering this homoerotic phrase that was uttered by a Centurion in an actual homosexual relationship with a youth. We've just sanitized that and forgotten those sort of things in the meantime. But a church of the second century would understand that this is a homosexual relationship and it wasn't a big deal.

Doubt it. If that tomb is legit, he had children with Magdalene. Could still be gay of course, but becomes way less likely.
Jesus wore a dress.
Only hung around with guys.
Looks pretty buff in all the pictures of him.
Rode a donkey, which was reserved for women and slaves back then.
Only fucked a woman once to see if he'd like it. "Once" means he didn't.
Was betrayed by his gay lover.
He turned water into wine. A hetero man would have turned it into beer.
Jesus healed many sinners. I can't speak to the validity of your interpretation, however, Jesus healed and interacted with sinners of various kinds.

The woman at the well had been married numerous times, and, was presently (at the time of their interaction) living with a man she was not married to. He was more worried about her salvation and her telling others. He didn't address her sins in detail and chastise her.

When you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, God cleans you up from the inside out. You are aware of your sins, and no longer rationalize them away.
Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

At least four problems here.

1. Jesus' original words were not in Greek, but Aramaic.
2. 'Pais' is most often defined as 'boy'.
3. 'Pais' is the word used to describe a young male apprentice (i.e., servant)
4. 'Pais' is used throughout the Gospels, including describing all the male babies two and under that were ordered killed after the visit of the Maji.

Unless the argument is that every single time 'pais' is used in the New Testament (and it is used frequently), it means a boy in an erotic relationship, there isn't a case here.

Would you argue that in Matthew 2, when Herod commanded on all males under two be put to death, that the command was really only to order the deaths of all boys in erotic relationships, who were two years or younger? Would you argue that every time the Bible describes a young male as an apprentice/servant, it was really a euphemism for a young man in an erotic relationship?
No I think he was married to Mary M. and she was the apostle Jesus loved.

Jesus was so hated and reviled if he did have children his followers would have hid their existence otherwise they too would have been killed by his enemies to insure the elimination of his DNA as was common in biblical times..

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