Was Jesus Gay?

Sounds like someone found the lost gospel of Gluteous Maximus, the homosexual Roman gladiator. In Gluteous 127:46 we read "Never leave your buddies behind!"
Was Jesus Gay?

Interesting piece, interesting ideas.

As it turns out, this is not a unique theory. Dr. Reverend Bob Shore-Goss, an openly gay senior pastor, has written several books on the subject, including Queering Christ and Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto. He holds a doctorate degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard, and he serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion. Oh, and he believes that Jesus was gay. I got in touch with Reverend Goss, who laid out the Biblical evidence and explained how his theory plays out.

Some more facts from the article:

Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

What's great about that is that every time you go to communion on Sunday, millions of Catholics say, "Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." They're uttering this homoerotic phrase that was uttered by a Centurion in an actual homosexual relationship with a youth. We've just sanitized that and forgotten those sort of things in the meantime. But a church of the second century would understand that this is a homosexual relationship and it wasn't a big deal.


yeah Jesus was a lesbian.

Funny shit, Bodecca
No I think he was married to Mary M. and she was the apostle Jesus loved.

At 30-40 years old, Jesus was old enough to have been a grandfather before he ever said a word publicly. The missing 18 years was plenty of time to have raised children to maturity.
Was Jesus Gay?

Interesting piece, interesting ideas.

As it turns out, this is not a unique theory. Dr. Reverend Bob Shore-Goss, an openly gay senior pastor, has written several books on the subject, including Queering Christ and Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto. He holds a doctorate degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard, and he serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion. Oh, and he believes that Jesus was gay. I got in touch with Reverend Goss, who laid out the Biblical evidence and explained how his theory plays out.

Some more facts from the article:

Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

What's great about that is that every time you go to communion on Sunday, millions of Catholics say, "Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." They're uttering this homoerotic phrase that was uttered by a Centurion in an actual homosexual relationship with a youth. We've just sanitized that and forgotten those sort of things in the meantime. But a church of the second century would understand that this is a homosexual relationship and it wasn't a big deal.

I don't know about all of that but Jesus did take on all the sins of the world which would include the sins of sodomy. There was a moment in history when Jesus was a gay, murderous, theiving, adulterous and idolaterous monster. He took on the sins of the world.

To simplistic answer the question. Yes. Jesus was gay.
Was Jesus Gay?

Interesting piece, interesting ideas.

As it turns out, this is not a unique theory. Dr. Reverend Bob Shore-Goss, an openly gay senior pastor, has written several books on the subject, including Queering Christ and Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto. He holds a doctorate degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard, and he serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion. Oh, and he believes that Jesus was gay. I got in touch with Reverend Goss, who laid out the Biblical evidence and explained how his theory plays out.

Some more facts from the article:

Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

What's great about that is that every time you go to communion on Sunday, millions of Catholics say, "Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." They're uttering this homoerotic phrase that was uttered by a Centurion in an actual homosexual relationship with a youth. We've just sanitized that and forgotten those sort of things in the meantime. But a church of the second century would understand that this is a homosexual relationship and it wasn't a big deal.


yeah Jesus was a lesbian.

Funny shit, Bodecca

Actually in the 80's the Omni magazine had an article that had an interesting argument to Jesus possibly being a woman with turner's syndrome thus explaining sweating blood and small feminine described stature at onlyv4'6".
Woman with turners sweat blood and can be confused in appearances like Pat the Sat Night Live character thus can fool people.
The only person recorded in Israel named Jesus in the AD era was a woman named Jesus, as being a ladies name.
The Church also swore it had a catheric relic that of the skull of Jesus, but embarassingly it turned out to be that of a woman.
Therefore Bi Jesus would have naturally had relations with John and Lazarus but her relations with Mary would have been Lesbian in nature.
to think about, improbable but not impossible
that you should joke about.
Was Jesus Gay?

Interesting piece, interesting ideas.

As it turns out, this is not a unique theory. Dr. Reverend Bob Shore-Goss, an openly gay senior pastor, has written several books on the subject, including Queering Christ and Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto. He holds a doctorate degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard, and he serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion. Oh, and he believes that Jesus was gay. I got in touch with Reverend Goss, who laid out the Biblical evidence and explained how his theory plays out.

Some more facts from the article:

Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

What's great about that is that every time you go to communion on Sunday, millions of Catholics say, "Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." They're uttering this homoerotic phrase that was uttered by a Centurion in an actual homosexual relationship with a youth. We've just sanitized that and forgotten those sort of things in the meantime. But a church of the second century would understand that this is a homosexual relationship and it wasn't a big deal.


yeah Jesus was a lesbian.

Funny shit, Bodecca

Actually in the 80's the Omni magazine had an article that had an interesting argument to Jesus possibly being a woman with turner's syndrome thus explaining sweating blood and small feminine described stature at onlyv4'6".
Woman with turners sweat blood and can be confused in appearances like Pat the Sat Night Live character thus can fool people.
The only person recorded in Israel named Jesus in the AD era was a woman named Jesus, as being a ladies name.
The Church also swore it had a catheric relic that of the skull of Jesus, but embarassingly it turned out to be that of a woman.
Therefore Bi Jesus would have naturally had relations with John and Lazarus but her relations with Mary would have been Lesbian in nature.
to think about, improbable but not impossible
that you should joke about.
I will load up the pipe and toke on that one. Sounds really deep man.
Does Jesus himself ever address that?
As a matter of fact, one of Jesus's miracles is the healing the Centurion's boy. It's in Matthew and Luke. Matthew uses the word "pais"—you get the word pederasty from it, it means youth—to describe this boy, who is essentially a concubine to the Centurian. It's an erotic relationship. He comes to Jesus and asks for his boy to be healed. And Jesus asks if he should heal him, and he says, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof, but say the word and my boy will be healed." Jesus says about the faith of the Centurion, who is in a homoerotic relationship, that "there is no greater faith than I've encountered in Israel."

At least four problems here.

1. Jesus' original words were not in Greek, but Aramaic.
2. 'Pais' is most often defined as 'boy'.
3. 'Pais' is the word used to describe a young male apprentice (i.e., servant)
4. 'Pais' is used throughout the Gospels, including describing all the male babies two and under that were ordered killed after the visit of the Maji.

Unless the argument is that every single time 'pais' is used in the New Testament (and it is used frequently), it means a boy in an erotic relationship, there isn't a case here.

Would you argue that in Matthew 2, when Herod commanded on all males under two be put to death, that the command was really only to order the deaths of all boys in erotic relationships, who were two years or younger? Would you argue that every time the Bible describes a young male as an apprentice/servant, it was really a euphemism for a young man in an erotic relationship?

So you argue this point recognizing useage of words but then allow your faith to lie when it changes Allmah (young woman) to Virgin in order to deceive people?
I also don't remember you telling Jeremiah the Psalms doesn't say Pierced the Hebrew text (tanakh) says at his hands and feet.
If you stand silent and allow these lies and abuses simply because you are in the same affiliation (same gang/home team) then your former pistcto me about seperate beliefs and values is a lie and meaningless if you liecas a group and protect that lie you are affiliated with that group as a gang and not seperate with distinct ideaologies.
anti-Christs feed up such falsities.

2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Hmmmmm....no proof jesus exsisted outside of the self testimony of the new testament...... But i digress people should ask themselves was it normal in the time of jesus for men to not have wives and children...if gd is a gd of procreation and he wanted people to go forth and multiply and we are blessed by our children then would not jesus behaviour be seen as contrary to the teachings of the time and would not jesus stick out like a sore thumb if he was indeed a jew as it is argued......definately food for thought....
So you argue this point recognizing useage of words but then allow your faith to lie when it changes Allmah (young woman) to Virgin in order to deceive people?

My faith teaches that Isaiah 7:14 refers to a young woman, the mother of the future ruler, King Hezekiah.

Now exactly what do you wish me to change about this teaching?

Perhaps you will recall that I have suggested before that you allow people to tell you what they believe/what their religion teaches, rather than you telling them what their religion teaches. You get it wrong (and so wrong) more often than not.

I also don't remember you telling Jeremiah the Psalms doesn't say Pierced the Hebrew text (tanakh) says at his hands and feet.

As I skip over ninety-nine percent of what Jeremiah says, I don't doubt you. However, what if I tell you what I remember being taught in middle school?

The original Hebrew word more accurately describes a lion gnawing. (The psalmist's enemies are gnawing at his hands and feet--probably figuratively speaking). I guess the true question is whether the original Greek Septuagint used the word 'pierce' or 'gnaw' and that is where the early Church picked up on 'pierce' or whether the early Church changed later translations of the Septuagint to read 'pierce' instead of 'gnaw.' I haven't researched this in decades, so I don't know if this question has ever been resolved.

If you stand silent and allow these lies and abuses simply because you are in the same affiliation (same gang/home team) then your former pistcto me about seperate beliefs and values is a lie and meaningless if you liecas a group and protect that lie you are affiliated with that group as a gang and not seperate with distinct ideaologies.

Stand silent? Grin. I think some might suggest I be quiet more often than I am. Honestly, HaShev, sometimes a post is such a mess it is just not worth the time to straighten out. Other times, it's just a matter of me skipping past more posts than I read. Finally, everyone's time is limited, and mine is no exception. I respond when I have time, and when something sparks my interest.

Again, please don't tell me what I believe or what my religion teaches because you get it wrong, apparently under the impression all Christian denominations teach the exact same thing. Ask me, and I'll be delighted to tell you what the majority of Christianity teaches/believes.
Hmmmmm....no proof jesus exsisted outside of the self testimony of the new testament...... But i digress people should ask themselves was it normal in the time of jesus for men to not have wives and children...if gd is a gd of procreation and he wanted people to go forth and multiply and we are blessed by our children then would not jesus behaviour be seen as contrary to the teachings of the time and would not jesus stick out like a sore thumb if he was indeed a jew as it is argued......definately food for thought....

How do you know he didn't have a wife?
anti-Christs feed up such falsities.

2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Umm bad move to use Timothy in a
'Was Jesus Gay' post discussion, since Timothy was the book with verses about hating woman.
anti-Christs feed up such falsities.

2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Umm bad move to use Timothy in a
'Was Jesus Gay' post discussion, since Timothy was the book with verses about hating woman.- 1 Timothy 2:11-15
Hmmmmm....no proof jesus exsisted outside of the self testimony of the new testament...... But i digress people should ask themselves was it normal in the time of jesus for men to not have wives and children...if gd is a gd of procreation and he wanted people to go forth and multiply and we are blessed by our children then would not jesus behaviour be seen as contrary to the teachings of the time and would not jesus stick out like a sore thumb if he was indeed a jew as it is argued......definately food for thought....

How do you know he didn't have a wife?[/QUOTE. In the nt it sugests that he is the groom and the church to come is his bride in many places ...i have not found an actual wife spoken of.... Now the problem lies with the fact that jesus figure was converged from a number of story lines so there is a posibility that one of the characters borrowed to create his persona did have a wife but according to the scriptures his wife was not a physical women..... Now i am not interested in the word play and symbolism...i am interested in once again if this is normal in this time frame that he supposedly lived ...gd is a gd of procreation.... Even rabbis which is claimed for him have wives and offspring that is the way of it and would seem out of place once again for a grown man
Hmmmmm....no proof jesus exsisted outside of the self testimony of the new testament...... But i digress people should ask themselves was it normal in the time of jesus for men to not have wives and children...if gd is a gd of procreation and he wanted people to go forth and multiply and we are blessed by our children then would not jesus behaviour be seen as contrary to the teachings of the time and would not jesus stick out like a sore thumb if he was indeed a jew as it is argued......definately food for thought....

How do you know he didn't have a wife?[/QUOTE. In the nt it sugests that he is the groom and the church to come is his bride in many places ...i have not found an actual wife spoken of.... Now the problem lies with the fact that jesus figure was converged from a number of story lines so there is a posibility that one of the characters borrowed to create his persona did have a wife but according to the scriptures his wife was not a physical women..... Now i am not interested in the word play and symbolism...i am interested in once again if this is normal in this time frame that he supposedly lived ...gd is a gd of procreation.... Even rabbis which is claimed for him have wives and offspring that is the way of it and would seem out of place once again for a grown man
Hmmmmm....no proof jesus exsisted outside of the self testimony of the new testament...... But i digress people should ask themselves was it normal in the time of jesus for men to not have wives and children...if gd is a gd of procreation and he wanted people to go forth and multiply and we are blessed by our children then would not jesus behaviour be seen as contrary to the teachings of the time and would not jesus stick out like a sore thumb if he was indeed a jew as it is argued......definately food for thought....

Contrary to popular myth Jewish men were not forced by any social or religious code to marry nor would it have been possible. So many women died in childbirth that adult men outnumbered adult women by a pretty good margin. There was simply not enough women to go around for every man to have a wife.
Hmmmmm....no proof jesus exsisted outside of the self testimony of the new testament...... But i digress people should ask themselves was it normal in the time of jesus for men to not have wives and children...if gd is a gd of procreation and he wanted people to go forth and multiply and we are blessed by our children then would not jesus behaviour be seen as contrary to the teachings of the time and would not jesus stick out like a sore thumb if he was indeed a jew as it is argued......definately food for thought....

Contrary to popular myth Jewish men were not forced by any social or religious code to marry nor would it have been possible. So many women died in childbirth that adult men outnumbered adult women by a pretty good margin. There was simply not enough women to go around for every man to have a wife.
That is absolute nonsense a man as popular as jesus was according to the stories in the new testament would have had what few women you claim avaliable absolutely throwing themselves at him...he was everybit as popular as a rock star is today and we all know that even if they are not attractive men they have women literally throwing themselves at them so your point is rediculous....he would have had his pick no matter the supposed scarcity...

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