Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

There is nothing that requires anybody to leave a tip. Tips are at the sole discretion of the person being served. While I don't agree with basing ones tip upon the sexual identity of the server, that is still well within the right of the individual.
I wonder if Danya ever turned down a tip that was over-inflated and given by lesbians because she was a lesbian. Just asking.

Hmmm. Good point.

Sometimes the wait staff gets customers good for them, sometimes they don't.
It's part of the territory.
Any nutritionist will tell you that pork is a very unhealthy meat to eat. . :cool:

They'd also tell me that I won't catch anything from a gay waiter :cool:
I would rather error on the side of safety and be served by a normal waiter.

It only makes sense.......... :cool:

Well I hope you never run into the people in this world that are bigoted against you and I hope that the people who you are bigoted against never run into you.
This is not the first time a waitress or waiter has been refused a tip because of their sexuality. There was another case a few weeks or months ago, if I recall...

How do you know they didn't leave a tip in cash, and that she didn't write the note herself?

What a stupid question.

How do we know she's not a Russian plant either? :cool:

Is it more stupid than declaring that someone is obviously a lesbian because they are an ex Marine with short hair?
The woman could have handled it differently.

A couple of years ago I went to a nice restaurant and the waiter who came to serve me was an obvious effeminate homo.

I just ask for the manager.

When he came to my table I requested to be served by another waiter.

The manager didn't ask why.....and immediately sent over another waiter.

The normal waiter was efficient and received a nice gratuity. .. :cool:

The other waiter was perfectly normal. You just didn't like the way he acted.
There is nothing that requires anybody to leave a tip. Tips are at the sole discretion of the person being served. While I don't agree with basing ones tip upon the sexual identity of the server, that is still well within the right of the individual.
I wonder if Dayna ever turned down a tip that was over-inflated and given by lesbians simply because she was a lesbian. Just asking.

I agree that you don't have to leave a tip, but why the expectation that there will be a tip in the first place?
She's obviously a lesbian, but if she provided good service, she should have been rewarded with a tip. Christians can be such cheapskates. Who gives a fuck if she is gay? It has no bearing on how she does her job!

So was Noomi.

Yeah... sorry Noomi. Stereotyping is bad no matter who does it.

I said 'some' Christians, as we have heard a similar story about a paster who refused to tip someone based on their lifestyle.

How come you cannot read the word "some" in your post?

I am the same way at the retail store.

If an obvious homo asks if I need any help.......I will politely say, "No".

Then I will continue shopping around until a normal salesmen shows up.

And he will be the one who makes the sale to me and gets the commission. . :cool:
I am the same way at the retail store.

If an obvious homo asks if I need any help.......I will politely say, "No".

Then I will continue shopping around until a normal salesmen shows up.

And he will be the one who makes the sale to me and gets the commission. . :cool:

I just ignore everyone equally, except really hawt wimmins, and then they can be Lesbos because I'm always open to the potential Three Way.
She's obviously a lesbian, but if she provided good service, she should have been rewarded with a tip. Christians can be such cheapskates. Who gives a fuck if she is gay? It has no bearing on how she does her job!

Yeah... sorry Noomi. Stereotyping is bad no matter who does it.

I said 'some' Christians, as we have heard a similar story about a paster who refused to tip someone based on their lifestyle.

How come you cannot read the word "some" in your post?


If I meant all of them, I would said that Christians ARE cheapskates, not that they CAN be.
She's obviously a lesbian, but if she provided good service, she should have been rewarded with a tip. Christians can be such cheapskates. Who gives a fuck if she is gay? It has no bearing on how she does her job!

I said 'some' Christians, as we have heard a similar story about a paster who refused to tip someone based on their lifestyle.

How come you cannot read the word "some" in your post?


If I meant all of them, I would said that Christians ARE cheapskates, not that they CAN be.

But you lied when you claimed to have said 'some' Christians.

Whenever I have to call someone and it's a person in India, I always ask for another representative. Not cuz they are in India either. I just have a hard time understanding them. I blame it on my ears. Or..it could be their heavy accent. I had to dump a doctor I was seeing and I really really liked him. Great doc. But...he had this thick mexican accent and I never could understand a word he said. After I would leave the exam room, I would have to ask his assistant "now, what the heck did he just say?" so I could follow his directions better.

:(. I miss him. But....I just couldn't do that any more because his assistant sometimes was not in the room..sometimes they were. I couldn't take the chance I "heard" wrong...not with having to take meds and whatnot.
Whenever I have to call someone and it's a person in India, I always ask for another representative. Not cuz they are in India either. I just have a hard time understanding them. I blame it on my ears. Or..it could be their heavy accent. I had to dump a doctor I was seeing and I really really liked him. Great doc. But...he had this thick mexican accent and I never could understand a word he said. After I would leave the exam room, I would have to ask his assistant "now, what the heck did he just say?" so I could follow his directions better.

:(. I miss him. But....I just couldn't do that any more because his assistant sometimes was not in the room..sometimes they were. I couldn't take the chance I "heard" wrong...not with having to take meds and whatnot.

I am the same. I won't go into a store that is run by Indians as they all speak with very thick accents, and being partially deaf myself, I find it hard enough to follow a conversation. An accent just makes it harder.

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