Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

She's obviously a lesbian, but if she provided good service, she should have been rewarded with a tip. Christians can be such cheapskates. Who gives a fuck if she is gay? It has no bearing on how she does her job!

Christians can be such cheapskates.


This is not the first time a waitress or waiter has been refused a tip because of their sexuality. There was another case a few weeks or months ago, if I recall...

annnnd they were Christian?
It's a fact that many gays carry infectious diseases due to their lifestyle.

So I don't feel safe having them handle my food. . :cool:

You also think pork is unclean. So I guess having a second stupid opinion shouldn't be that surprising.
Any nutritionist will tell you that pork is a very unhealthy meat to eat. . :cool:

Everyone should stay home and have a nice family meal around a big bowl of Barilla Pasta instead of being served by the genderally ambiguant.

And YOU need to post more often so I can drool at your avie.:lol:
There is nothing that requires anybody to leave a tip. Tips are at the sole discretion of the person being served. While I don't agree with basing ones tip upon the sexual identity of the server, that is still well within the right of the individual.
I wonder if Dayna ever turned down a tip that was over-inflated and given by lesbians simply because she was a lesbian. Just asking.
It's a fact that many gays carry infectious diseases due to their lifestyle.

So I don't feel safe having them handle my food. . :cool:

Um. Ok. It's also a fact that muslim use their fingers to wipe their ass. Right? Doesn't it say so in the koran? Do you wipe your ass with your finger, sunni? Would a dishwasher at a restaurant feel safe handling the dishes you just touched?

This is a sample only. I don't know how you wipe your ass. Please don't tell me :lol:. I was just making a point.
There is nothing that requires anybody to leave a tip. Tips are at the sole discretion of the person being served. While I don't agree with basing ones tip upon the sexual identity of the server, that is still well within the right of the individual.
I wonder if Danya ever turned down a tip that was over-inflated and given by lesbians because she was a lesbian. Just asking.

Hmmm. Good point.
It's a fact that many gays carry infectious diseases due to their lifestyle.

So I don't feel safe having them handle my food. . :cool:

Um. Ok. It's also a fact that muslim use their fingers to wipe their ass. Right? Doesn't it say so in the koran? Do you wipe your ass with your finger, sunni? Would a dishwasher at a restaurant feel safe handling the dishes you just touched?

This is a sample only. I don't know how you wipe your ass. Please don't tell me :lol:. I was just making a point.

I think you are mixing up material (toilet paper) with social norms (wiping ones ass with a finger) when said materials are not available. It has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with whether or not a society has toilet paper.

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