Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

Family Says They Did Tip Gay Server, Didn't Leave Note | NBC New York

Their own copy could e different given carbon copies are not used but apparently the cc was charged 18 more than the store copy

Okay, Steve's usual "gays under his bed" paranoia aside, a few questions.

If the resturant charged the Credit Card company for the tip, then why didn't they call shennanigans on their waitress making these claims?

Honestly, it almost sounds like the resturant pocketed the tip, and then decided to prank the waitress with a spare copy.
Wow, the latest internet social media pastime continues. What a wonderful time we live in.

Fire the dyke ****.
Looks like its time to bring in the handwriting analysis people, same as in the case of the racist note left on the reciept, the one where the people accused deny every writing it.
Except the note allegedly written on the receipt right?

But written by whom?

It's honestly starting to look like the resturant owner is the one trying to pull a fast one, not the waitress.

This scenerio is not unheard of. The note on the reciept is the new twist. The descrepency of the differing amounts would have showed up after going over the daily reciepts. The waitress could not pull this off on her own without the management going along with it. Hard to imagine the management disregarding an $18 difference in those daily reciepts. The waitress was not however required to be involved for the scam to work. Management could be ripping off their employees on a routine basis. One should wonder how much increased business the restaurant has done since this event took place. It could be a one time gimmick used by management to increase business. How many patrons have showed up to show support for the waitress?
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Except the note allegedly written on the receipt right?

But written by whom?

It's honestly starting to look like the resturant owner is the one trying to pull a fast one, not the waitress.

This scenerio is not unheard of. The note on the reciept is the new twist. The descrepency of the differing amounts would have showed up after going over the daily reciepts. The waitress could not pull this off on her own without the management going along with it. Hard to imagine the management disregarding an $18 difference in those daily reciepts. The waitress was not however required to be involved for the scam to work. Management could be ripping off their employees on a routine basis. One should wonder how much increased business the restaurant has done since this event took place. It could be a one time gimmick used by management to increase business. How many patrons have showed up to show support for the waitress?

The waitress would have to be in on it for that to be the case considering she was the one who claimed it happened.
And if you think she didnt look at the receipt to see how much they tipped or didnt tip you're nuts.
She's either an attention lesbo or she was out for sympathy money.
How is this news>?

Mostly entertaining human interest story, but also making folks aware of a possible new kind of scam going on. This is the second time recently that people allegedly left anti gay remarks on a reciept and refused to leave a tip. When this allegation is made it seems to attract donations to the server and increased business to the restaurant. If the allegations are true, it may indicate a hateful feeling towards gays by some along with an attitude that individuals have a right to punish gays in a financial way on an idividual basis by those who disagree with the gay lifestyle or orientation. If the allegations are false, it would mean folks are attempting to profit off a fraudulent belief that anti gay people or people disagreeing with the gay lifestyle are doing this activity. The media is quick to make the gay servers "victims". These stories seem to run without much investigation or effort to be accurate and reliable.
Looks like there is a rising trend in attempt of easy earnings from duped supporters by some shrewd lying "minorities"
Lot of fake stories recently. One recent story was of a woman who lied about rape who previously had lied about cancer and collected donations from that
I'm thinking the manager and the lezbo tried to concoct a scam. This was a coordinated effort.
It was the butch who thought she could get away with what the Red Lobster waitress didn't get away with.
Lesson learned: when fabricating a 'I didn't get tipped because I'm ' whatever group, only do it when cash is paid
I wonder if the waitress or the restaurant apologized to the family for the false accusation.

If any names were given out, their could be a basis for a lawsuit.

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