Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

Look at the difference in the number 5 on the receipts. Look carefully - the $111.55 receipt has slightly raised humps on the lower, half circle of the 5's. Also, the tops of the 5's are curled up - an indication of lightheartedness.


In the $93.55 version of the bill, the top of the 5's are straight as can be - very militant like.

The $111.55 total is right on the line - very even, a sign of being well-grounded and/or financial security.

The $93.55 was written by someone who was quite mad/hurt.
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying
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The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

I often fill out both copies just out of habit. In any even the CC company has records showing what was billed to them, and it agrees with a tip being left behind.
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

I often fill out both copies just out of habit. In any even the CC company has records showing what was billed to them, and it agrees with a tip being left behind.

I haven't seen anything posted showing a credit card company record. The couple said so, but I didn't see anything

If the couple left an $18 tip on the merchant copy, how did it disappear when the waitress posted it?
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

I often fill out both copies just out of habit. In any even the CC company has records showing what was billed to them, and it agrees with a tip being left behind.

I haven't seen anything posted showing a credit card company record. The couple said so, but I didn't see anything

If the couple left an $18 tip on the merchant copy, how did it disappear when the waitress posted it?

It was in the linked story. I would be loathe to post my CC record online, but one has to hope the journalists in question reviewed it without publishing it.

As for the 2nd part of your question, she hit "re-print" afterwards as part of a scam, or someone in the resturant is playing with the tip money.
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

I often fill out both copies just out of habit. In any even the CC company has records showing what was billed to them, and it agrees with a tip being left behind.

I haven't seen anything posted showing a credit card company record. The couple said so, but I didn't see anything

If the couple left an $18 tip on the merchant copy, how did it disappear when the waitress posted it?

1. It looks like an extra copy. (And lots of people write in how much they tipped on their copy, so they can check against the credit card bill when it arrives to confirm the charges)
2. The credit card company confirms the 18.00 was charged at the same time, not later.
3. the comments on the article state the waitress "set up a pay pal account" to receive sympathy tips.

I would think this borders on fraud. Depending how money is solicited or sent, it can count as more serious charges if anyone bothers to pursue this.

It looks like the couple is too nice to make an issue of it. But maybe if the restaurant gets bad press they might do more to take action to resolve this, so it doesn't look like they're involved.
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

I don't know if this is what happened, but here is how cashiers rip off tips, or management rips off tips.
The credit card is slid through a terminal that is connected to a credit card service. There is a display on the terminal. The display will approve or disapprove the transaction with an approval code if it is approved. The cashier hits the print button and a merchant copy and customer copy are printed. If a mistake is made or for any reason the customer or cashier wishs to cancel the transaction there is a way to do this. The display on the terminal will show the transaction is canceled and the cashier printes the coded cancellation reciept.
The cashier still has the first printed reciepts. They rerun the credit card for the new amount, typicaly with the tip included, the actual charge that will go on the customers card and be payed to the restaurant. This is the reciept the customer signs. The cashier still has the original short charged reciept. This is the one they will show or give to the waitress or waiter, showing no tip. The accurate one is placed into the cash register. This method of theft should be easily caught by management if the cashier is working alone. If the cashier and management are working together, it can go on for a long time. If management makes certain adjustments to the cash register and credit card numbers, it can go on forever, provided higher up accountants do not have access or do not check the daily cash register daily reciepts. Cash register reciepts are often inaccurate in regards to cash sales versus credit card sales. If a credit card button on the cash register is not hit, it appears as a cash sale. The cash versus credit card sales reciepts won't match, but it is often looked at as a simple mistake of failing to hit the cc button.
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Just because she eats pussy doesn't mean shes a liberal...unless...repubs are anti cunilingus
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

I often fill out both copies just out of habit. In any even the CC company has records showing what was billed to them, and it agrees with a tip being left behind.

I haven't seen anything posted showing a credit card company record. The couple said so, but I didn't see anything

If the couple left an $18 tip on the merchant copy, how did it disappear when the waitress posted it?

From a post I made with all the copies.

'We would never leave a message like that': Family accused of leaving gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip claim they've been set up... and can prove it


Proof? The controversial receipt (left) shows exactly the same price, time and date of the meal as the family's copy (right) - but does not have the $18 tip the family swear they left bringing the total to $111.55



Confirmation: This credit card statement the family possess proves that they paid a tip and their bill came to a total of $111.55 as shown on their receipt and that something has gone wrong at the New Jersey restaurant

AND ta da, the other reason the family came forward is apparently the waitress has been receiving money that she is claiming she will donate to Wounded Warriors.

Morales announced last week she would donate thousands of dollars in gratuities from supporters to the Wounded Warrior Project.

But the wife countered this gesture of apparent good will saying: ' I just felt like people have a right to know that - it's fine if people want to donate to her or to the Wounded Warriors but they're doing it under a false pretense.

Family who 'left gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip' claim it's a hoax | Mail Online
The only way a leftist ever wins an argument is by telling a lie.....maybe she's a leftist lesbian?

She wanted attention.....but she probably didn't bargain for this kind.
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Okay, Steve's usual "gays under his bed" paranoia aside, a few questions.

If the resturant charged the Credit Card company for the tip, then why didn't they call shennanigans on their waitress making these claims?

Honestly, it almost sounds like the resturant pocketed the tip, and then decided to prank the waitress with a spare copy.

Damn, you are incredibly stupid, aren't you?

Did anyone ask the restaurant about the tip, or did you just assume that the family was a bunch of haters? The restaurant gets hundreds of customers every day, should they go through all of their receipts to prove one of their employees is lying just to relieve you from the burden of actually giving someone the fucking benefit of the doubt?

Frankly, it sounds to me like you are an asshole.

Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

Because they have people who have nothing better to do than call a waitress, who happens to be a lesbian, a liar. If they had done that you would have accused them of being haters just as quickly as you accused the family that actually left a tip.

You really need to stop expecting other people to do your thinking.
But written by whom?

It's honestly starting to look like the resturant owner is the one trying to pull a fast one, not the waitress.

That would violate federal law, and probably state law. Why would anyone risk going to prison over less than $20? Is it really that hard for you to admit you hate?

Oh, yeah, because most business owners really care about those laws to keep them from fucking over the wage slaves.

Get real.

Sorry, really looking like the resturant owner is the guilty party here to me.

Tax fraud will catch you a lot more heat than you seem to think. One of the reasons the US has such a high compliance rate on taxes is that the IRS doesn't fuck around.
The couples story also seems a bit odd

When you pay by credit card you get one copy you sign and include a tip on. That goes to the restaurant. The other copy you keep. Why write anything on it? It is not going anywhere. It is easy to take the blank receipt and write anything you want on it.
Once the patron has signed the credit card receipt and included an $18 tip on it, how does the waitress come up with a receipt that doesn't have anything under tip?

Let's see the store pull the credit card receip and see if it has the $18 tip. Then we will know who is lying

Your bigotry was exposed and you refuse to admit you were wrong. What does that say about you?

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