Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

Waitress in tip tale, a former Stony Point resident, 'lies about everything,' former co-workers, friends say

But Morales has been caught in multiple lies, telling co-workers she shaved her head because she had brain cancer and later telling them it was her friend who had brain cancer, her colleagues and friends said.

They said she also told co-workers at a day care center where she once worked that Superstorm Sandy severely damaged her home in Stony Point, and sent a boat into her living room. Concerned co-workers dropped by her home and found only minor damage to the carpet by her front door and no sign of a boat, they said.

“Every story she comes up with has a lie,” said Julie Howat, 23, of Pomona.

Morales told people she was a former Marine who was sent to Afghanistan and that everyone in her platoon died in an explosion except her, Larkin and Howat said....A spokesman for the Marines, Major Shawn Haney, said in an email that Morales had served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve from July 13, 2009, to May 21, 2013 at the rank of Lance Corporal, E-3, as an administrative specialist..There is no indication of combat service in Iraq or Afghanistan,” he added in a follow-up email. Also, “While (Morales) did not fulfill her reserve obligation,.


She also claimed her father raped her and got her pregnant, when her friends asked where the child was she said she got cervical cancer which killed the baby. :eusa_hand:
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.
Damn, you are incredibly stupid, aren't you?

Did anyone ask the restaurant about the tip, or did you just assume that the family was a bunch of haters? The restaurant gets hundreds of customers every day, should they go through all of their receipts to prove one of their employees is lying just to relieve you from the burden of actually giving someone the fucking benefit of the doubt?

Frankly, it sounds to me like you are an asshole.

Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

I seriously doubt that the restaurant had anything to do with this. This tip WAS processed.

The waitress received thousands of dollars, though, from folks who felt sorry for her.

Which were then donated to a worthy cause, which she can prove.
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

She got money, and sympathy, from the idiots that are willing to believe that homophobia is a real thing.
Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

I seriously doubt that the restaurant had anything to do with this. This tip WAS processed.

The waitress received thousands of dollars, though, from folks who felt sorry for her.

Which were then donated to a worthy cause, which she can prove.

She can prove that she donated the cash that was left to her by customers who didn't even eat at the restaurant was donated to a worthy cause?

Why do I have as hard a time believing that as I did the original story that she got a slur instead of a tip?
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

People felt sorry for her and sent lots and lots of money. Money motivates some people.
Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

I seriously doubt that the restaurant had anything to do with this. This tip WAS processed.

The waitress received thousands of dollars, though, from folks who felt sorry for her.

Which were then donated to a worthy cause, which she can prove.

Can you be sure she donated all of it? She lied once, why would you trust her again?
Here's the visual.


Proof? The controversial receipt (left) shows exactly the same price, time and date of the meal as the family's copy (right) - but does not have the $18 tip the family swear they left bringing the total to $111.55

Family who 'left gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip' claim it's a hoax | Mail Online

:eusa_think: can you print a second receipt without the machine cataloging it?

the customer copy shows the tip, the merchant receipt doesn't yet the CC co. paid off on the tipped amount so there had to be a merchant copy with the tip added, so that apparently disappeared..;) and another one showed up with no tip and the comments:eusa_eh:...AND the "5's" written on the merchant copy with the note, do not look like the customer "5's" at all....TrajaniFact.org rates this claim-


Yes, they can make another copy. When I go out with my friend for lunch we usually get a couple of appetizers and a drink. We ask them to split the check evenly between is. They bring us two checks evenly split. So not only can they print another, they can also change it.

But as to the other question, if the waiter took the $18 out in cash from the register, there would be no discrepancy.

I think this claim is false as well.
The customer receipt isn't proof since they could have written that on it any time, because they kept it. The actual amount billed is what matters

Their bank statement would show what was actually billed. If the $18 tip went through the bank, then the waiter made the whole thing up. And as I posted earlier the waiter could have printed a second receipt and taken the $18 in cash. But the entire amount would have gone through the bank. OR the person didn't take a tip and was looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Either way, I think the allegation against the customer is false.
Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

I seriously doubt that the restaurant had anything to do with this. This tip WAS processed.

The waitress received thousands of dollars, though, from folks who felt sorry for her.

Which were then donated to a worthy cause, which she can prove.

Not as of the other night when she was caught in her lies by the news crew, she said "I'm donating pretty much three thousand dollars" ....She never said she did yet or I have already. Watch the video again.

Family Says They Did Tip Gay Server, Didn't Leave Note | NBC New York
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I often fill out both copies just out of habit. In any even the CC company has records showing what was billed to them, and it agrees with a tip being left behind.

I haven't seen anything posted showing a credit card company record. The couple said so, but I didn't see anything

If the couple left an $18 tip on the merchant copy, how did it disappear when the waitress posted it?

From a post I made with all the copies.

'We would never leave a message like that': Family accused of leaving gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip claim they've been set up... and can prove it


Proof? The controversial receipt (left) shows exactly the same price, time and date of the meal as the family's copy (right) - but does not have the $18 tip the family swear they left bringing the total to $111.55



Confirmation: This credit card statement the family possess proves that they paid a tip and their bill came to a total of $111.55 as shown on their receipt and that something has gone wrong at the New Jersey restaurant

AND ta da, the other reason the family came forward is apparently the waitress has been receiving money that she is claiming she will donate to Wounded Warriors.

Morales announced last week she would donate thousands of dollars in gratuities from supporters to the Wounded Warrior Project.

But the wife countered this gesture of apparent good will saying: ' I just felt like people have a right to know that - it's fine if people want to donate to her or to the Wounded Warriors but they're doing it under a false pretense.

Family who 'left gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip' claim it's a hoax | Mail Online

Good for them. This waiter needs to be fired and prosecuted. And the restaurant could have checked this out with the customers, but chose to let this go viral. I would sue them. This, no doubt, is copycat of the one a few weeks back.

I never much liked the waiters taking the money because I think it spreads germs, but I got used to the convenience of it in Nashville. Here you check out at the front and the owner or manager cashes you out. It is inconvenient, but less likely for something like this to happen.
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

But you were quick to hold her blameless!~
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

People felt sorry for her and sent lots and lots of money. Money motivates some people.

It actually sounds like Munchausen syndrome to me.

It does a little bit, but usually it is unnecessary medical services they are seeking. There definitely IS a secondary gain for the person, and, even though I've never known of a Munchausen who made stuff up for money, it could happen and likely does.
Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

I seriously doubt that the restaurant had anything to do with this. This tip WAS processed.

The waitress received thousands of dollars, though, from folks who felt sorry for her?

Which were then donated to a worthy cause, which she can prove.

Has she proven that she donated the money to a worthy cause, or is it just her word.
Okay, Steve's usual "gays under his bed" paranoia aside, a few questions.

If the resturant charged the Credit Card company for the tip, then why didn't they call shennanigans on their waitress making these claims?

Honestly, it almost sounds like the resturant pocketed the tip, and then decided to prank the waitress with a spare copy.

Damn, you are incredibly stupid, aren't you?

Did anyone ask the restaurant about the tip, or did you just assume that the family was a bunch of haters? The restaurant gets hundreds of customers every day, should they go through all of their receipts to prove one of their employees is lying just to relieve you from the burden of actually giving someone the fucking benefit of the doubt?

Frankly, it sounds to me like you are an asshole.

Um, yeah, here's the thing.

The resturant should have known this was a big deal the minute it made the news.

Also, it would the resturant, NOT the waitress, that would print and process the receipts.

Not always true, if the waitress makes the change, she would be the one to print the receipt.
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

But you were quick to hold her blameless!~

Because it makes no logical sense for someone to lie about something like that. You'd have been nuts, which is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
I seriously doubt that the restaurant had anything to do with this. This tip WAS processed.

The waitress received thousands of dollars, though, from folks who felt sorry for her?

Which were then donated to a worthy cause, which she can prove.

Has she proven that she donated the money to a worthy cause, or is it just her word.

Nope, she will probably forge that receipt too.
This waitress would be ill-advised to give away ANY of the money she has collected if any of her statements are deemed by a court to be fraudulent. They call that felony fraud. If she lied and people sent her money, she needs to immediately return all monies received.

It is not her money to donate! This happens all the time.

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