Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

But you were quick to hold her blameless!~

Because it makes no logical sense for someone to lie about something like that. You'd have been nuts, which is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

She seems a little off, but people do this ALL THE TIME!
Interesting...I don't know what she thought she would gain from lying about something something so simple as a tip, though. Sometimes I don't understand what motivates people.

But you were quick to hold her blameless!~

Because it makes no logical sense for someone to lie about something like that. You'd have been nuts, which is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Sure it did, it came on the heels of the other waitress claiming someone wrote the 'n' word on her check ( yet ANOTHER LIE) and she got over 11 grand in donations.
CaféAuLait;8215291 said:
But you were quick to hold her blameless!~

Because it makes no logical sense for someone to lie about something like that. You'd have been nuts, which is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Sure it did, it came on the heels of the other waitress claiming someone wrote the 'n' word on her check ( yet ANOTHER LIE) and she got over 11 grand in donations.

That other waitress hasn't been shown to be guilty though, this other couple seem to have more proof that they were truthful.
This waitress would be ill-advised to give away ANY of the money she has collected if any of her statements are deemed by a court to be fraudulent. They call that felony fraud. If she lied and people sent her money, she needs to immediately return all monies received.

It is not her money to donate! This happens all the time.

I don't know about that. She did not solicit the donations, other people, out of the kindness of their hearts got together ( to include the restaurant who removed an entrée to tip her the same night) made these donations sites for her. Since she did not solicit the money she may not be on the hook for that.

However, she did commit fraud by forging a receipt and signing the persons name. So I don't know what can come out of that.
CaféAuLait;8215291 said:
Because it makes no logical sense for someone to lie about something like that. You'd have been nuts, which is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Sure it did, it came on the heels of the other waitress claiming someone wrote the 'n' word on her check ( yet ANOTHER LIE) and she got over 11 grand in donations.

That other waitress hasn't been shown to be guilty though, this other couple seem to have more proof that they were truthful.

Ill take the hand writing expert who compared the pictures of her handwriting ( which was taken off her Facebook wall) and the customers and said she wrote the word. There is a story on that too. The customer is suing the establishment and the waitress in that case.
CaféAuLait;8215312 said:
This waitress would be ill-advised to give away ANY of the money she has collected if any of her statements are deemed by a court to be fraudulent. They call that felony fraud. If she lied and people sent her money, she needs to immediately return all monies received.

It is not her money to donate! This happens all the time.

I don't know about that. She did not solicit the donations, other people, out of the kindness of their hearts got together ( to include the restaurant who removed an entrée to tip her the same night) made these donations sites for her. Since she did not solicit the money she may not be on the hook for that.

However, she did commit fraud by forging a receipt and signing the persons name. So I don't know what can come out of that.

Nothing needs to happen. Her reputation has been ruined, due to her own stupidity.
CaféAuLait;8215328 said:
CaféAuLait;8215291 said:
Sure it did, it came on the heels of the other waitress claiming someone wrote the 'n' word on her check ( yet ANOTHER LIE) and she got over 11 grand in donations.

That other waitress hasn't been shown to be guilty though, this other couple seem to have more proof that they were truthful.

Ill take the hand writing expert who compared the pictures of her handwriting ( which was taken off her Facebook wall) and the customers and said she wrote the word. There is a story on that too. The customer is suing the establishment and the waitress in that case.

If the handwriting expert was correct though, it should have been enough for the girl to cave and admit she lied, but she is sticking by her story.
Besides, handwriting can be faked.
CaféAuLait;8215328 said:
That other waitress hasn't been shown to be guilty though, this other couple seem to have more proof that they were truthful.

Ill take the hand writing expert who compared the pictures of her handwriting ( which was taken off her Facebook wall) and the customers and said she wrote the word. There is a story on that too. The customer is suing the establishment and the waitress in that case.

If the handwriting expert was correct though, it should have been enough for the girl to cave and admit she lied, but she is sticking by her story.
Besides, handwriting can be faked.

The waitress above is sticking to her story too, means squat!

There were two experts and they both say the customers did not write the word and waitress DID.

Devin Barnes, Accused Of Writing "N-Word" On Red Lobster Receipt, To Sue Waitress And Restaurant
But no one has been proved to be guilty of anything. I'm gonna wait and see what happens in that case.
Coworkers also say she lied about having cancer to get money from ppl.

Waitress in Anti-Gay Note Dispute Was Dishonorably Discharged From Marines: Source | NBC New York

wednesday, Nov 27, 2013

Former co-workers and friends of Dayna Morales are speaking out. While the waitress is sticking to her story that she was stiffed of a tip because of her gay lifestyle, some people from her past claim this is not the first time she's duped others. Brynn Gingras reports.

The New Jersey waitress whose story has been questioned after she claimed she received an anti-gay note instead of a tip on a restaurant bill was dishonorably discharged from the Marines last spring after she stopped showing up, NBC 4 New York has learned.

Others who say they knew her tell NBC 4 New York there were things about her background that didn't seem to add up.

A woman who says she and Morales worked together at a Cheesecake Factory in Nyack, N.Y., last year said Morales told coworkers she had brain cancer.

"She came in with her hair shaved because she wanted to shave it herself before she lost it," said Jacqie Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick said Morales also leaned on the cancer story to accept offers of help from friends at work.

Then, she abruptly quit, according to Fitzpatrick, and her coworkers didn't see her again until she appeared in news reports about the receipt.

Because it makes no logical sense for someone to lie about something like that. You'd have been nuts, which is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

She seems a little off, but people do this ALL THE TIME!

I don't understand why. You know you will get caught, yet you do it anyway? Its pathetic.

Simple rule to remember, people lie. They don't need a reason, and it doesn't matter if they will get caught, they lie.
I always thought that a homophobe was someone who was afraid of queers. Why should anyone be afraid of a queer?
I have no idea. They are still people like the rest of us whether everyone else on the planet is a fan of their lifestyle or not.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

If she did lie, why do it when she knew she'd be caught out?

Why did she lie about a boat destroying her house?

Why did she lie about being the only survivor of her platoon in Afghanistan?

The answer seems pretty obvious, she is bat shit crazy.
Family who 'left gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip' claim it's a hoax | Mail Online


There's no "if she lied" She LIED!

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