Was obama The Reason The LEFT Turned Into Full Blown Socialists?

I love these "Have you stopped beating your wife?" questions the right is fond of.

A topic that Godwinned itself right out of the gate!

Let me know when Obama comes for the Jews and homos and mental defectives, okay?

Why do you equate communist leaders pictures in schools to us? It isn't relevant to this discussion.
You need to read up on the difference between state and Federal government.
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have been inching toward socialism for over a hundred years.
I never said that the government controls GM. I said they own stocks.
Federal government owning stocks no matter how much or how little, is a form of socialism.
When our Federal Government owns stock in any company that is a form of socialism.

bull. "a form or socialism" is a made up distinction. Socialism REQUIRES government ownership and control of ALL the means of production. Even if the government DID own 100% of AN industry, that STILL would not be even "socialism", let alone "full blown communism" as you so totally erroneously suggested. When Harry Truman temporarily nationalized the steel industry back in 1952, we did not become a communist nation. You need to take a freshman level class on comparative political systems and learn the actual real meaning of the words you so ridiculously toss around.

Tell that to the older immigrants that have come to America. They recognize for what it it is.
It is you who will not see it for what it is and you who needs to be educated.

I went to a top tier school. My major was political science. My subspecialty was communism. I have forgotten more about socialism and communism and the theoretical underpinnings of those philosophies than you have ever known, buddy. "Socialism" has a definition. So does "Communism"... so does "Marxism". If you can't take the time to educate yourself as to what the definitions of those words actually ARE, please stop using them... you sound silly.... AND stupid.
I know the definition of the words.
A top tier school? Our schools are failing in education.
I bet that your top tier school was extremely liberal.
I also have talked to immigrants and have friends who moved from Cuba during the Cuban missile crises.
They vote for Republicans because they understood what the Dem's are doing. They lived in a Socialist Government.
Many of their off spring vote now for the Dems because they never lived in Cuba.
They also do not believe their grandparents.
bull. "a form or socialism" is a made up distinction. Socialism REQUIRES government ownership and control of ALL the means of production. Even if the government DID own 100% of AN industry, that STILL would not be even "socialism", let alone "full blown communism" as you so totally erroneously suggested. When Harry Truman temporarily nationalized the steel industry back in 1952, we did not become a communist nation. You need to take a freshman level class on comparative political systems and learn the actual real meaning of the words you so ridiculously toss around.

Tell that to the older immigrants that have come to America. They recognize for what it it is.
It is you who will not see it for what it is and you who needs to be educated.

I went to a top tier school. My major was political science. My subspecialty was communism. I have forgotten more about socialism and communism and the theoretical underpinnings of those philosophies than you have ever known, buddy. "Socialism" has a definition. So does "Communism"... so does "Marxism". If you can't take the time to educate yourself as to what the definitions of those words actually ARE, please stop using them... you sound silly.... AND stupid.

Give it up, I've been fruitlessly fighting the battle against the new right wing definitions to various clearly defined political systems for a long time. You can't even talk to these people if you can't settle on a common frame of reference.
No. The truth is that Obama is the result of decades of propaganda from leftist educators and union leaders.

Conservatives have become the modern American counter culture.
No. The truth is that Obama is the result of decades of propaganda from leftist educators and union leaders.

Conservatives have become the modern American counter culture.

LOL better make up a new label for yourselves too then, because counter culture conservative is an gigantic oxymoron. "Militant radical doofus" perhaps?
Tell that to the older immigrants that have come to America. They recognize for what it it is.
It is you who will not see it for what it is and you who needs to be educated.

I went to a top tier school. My major was political science. My subspecialty was communism. I have forgotten more about socialism and communism and the theoretical underpinnings of those philosophies than you have ever known, buddy. "Socialism" has a definition. So does "Communism"... so does "Marxism". If you can't take the time to educate yourself as to what the definitions of those words actually ARE, please stop using them... you sound silly.... AND stupid.

Give it up, I've been fruitlessly fighting the battle against the new right wing definitions to various clearly defined political systems for a long time. You can't even talk to these people if you can't settle on a common frame of reference.

The only thing new is, we are not shutting up from the lefty verbal abuse, accusations and intolerance like we did in the 1970's.
Perfect example is occupied who just called me silly and stupid.
I bet he has never talked to any Cuban who fled from Cuba who recognize Socialism for what it really is.
I went to a top tier school. My major was political science. My subspecialty was communism. I have forgotten more about socialism and communism and the theoretical underpinnings of those philosophies than you have ever known, buddy. "Socialism" has a definition. So does "Communism"... so does "Marxism". If you can't take the time to educate yourself as to what the definitions of those words actually ARE, please stop using them... you sound silly.... AND stupid.

Give it up, I've been fruitlessly fighting the battle against the new right wing definitions to various clearly defined political systems for a long time. You can't even talk to these people if you can't settle on a common frame of reference.

The only thing new is, we are not shutting up from the lefty verbal abuse, accusations and intolerance like we did in the 1970's.
Perfect example is occupied who just called me silly and stupid.
I bet he has never talked to any Cuban who fled from Cuba who recognize Socialism for what it really is.

You would be wrong there, I lived in Miami for years and hung out with Cubans all day, I found them to be wonderful people but incredibly reactionary and rather unsophisticated in their politics but that is besides the point. The point is that you do not get to change the definitions of words and everyone else has to fall in line to your newspeak program where socialism suddenly means anything the democrats like and that you have been frightened into rejecting.
I went to a top tier school. My major was political science. My subspecialty was communism. I have forgotten more about socialism and communism and the theoretical underpinnings of those philosophies than you have ever known, buddy. "Socialism" has a definition. So does "Communism"... so does "Marxism". If you can't take the time to educate yourself as to what the definitions of those words actually ARE, please stop using them... you sound silly.... AND stupid.

Give it up, I've been fruitlessly fighting the battle against the new right wing definitions to various clearly defined political systems for a long time. You can't even talk to these people if you can't settle on a common frame of reference.

The only thing new is, we are not shutting up from the lefty verbal abuse, accusations and intolerance like we did in the 1970's.
Perfect example is occupied who just called me silly and stupid.
I bet he has never talked to any Cuban who fled from Cuba who recognize Socialism for what it really is.

I have. I lived in Miami for 30 years. What the second and third generatiion Cuban-Americans see is the first wave being paranoid and seeing commies under every bush.

These Cuban Americans who were born here understand that being American means choosing your politics rather than it being forced upon you.

They also fully understand that they can be liberal AND a good person AND successful.

Demonizing Democrats drove these young people away. They understand that the Bay of Pigs fiasco was two generations ago....and not even the worst commies are as strongly commie as they used to be.

IOW they have matured. More than can be said for many RWers here.

Regards from Rosie
No one has changed the definition's except the lefty text books.
Your political bias just ousted you out, because they are not unsophisticated in their politics.You are a typical lefty, anyone who does not agree with your political view is stupid, silly or unsophisticated.
You refuse to believe what they lived in under Castro.Which is Socialism.They all recognize that the Dem's are going toward socialism.
Hell even Castro has admitted that Socialism does not work.
He is even starting changing things there.
No one has changed the definition's except the lefty text books.
Your political bias just ousted you out, because they are not unsophisticated in their politics.You are a typical lefty, anyone who does not agree with your political view is stupid, silly or unsophisticated.
You refuse to believe what they lived in under Castro.Which is Socialism.They all recognize that the Dem's are going toward socialism.
Hell even Castro has admitted that Socialism does not work.
He is even starting changing things there.

The "lefty" textbooks are what's called a common frame of reference, a no doubt communist idea in your book, where words have specific meanings so that discussions do not turn into dysfunctional haggling over terms. If you do not accept the solid, sometimes centuries-old definitions to these words that is YOUR problem, not the rest of the world. Not even sure you caught the reference to "newspeak", look it up.
Give it up, I've been fruitlessly fighting the battle against the new right wing definitions to various clearly defined political systems for a long time. You can't even talk to these people if you can't settle on a common frame of reference.

The only thing new is, we are not shutting up from the lefty verbal abuse, accusations and intolerance like we did in the 1970's.
Perfect example is occupied who just called me silly and stupid.
I bet he has never talked to any Cuban who fled from Cuba who recognize Socialism for what it really is.

I have. I lived in Miami for 30 years. What the second and third generatiion Cuban-Americans see is the first wave being paranoid and seeing commies under every bush.

These Cuban Americans who were born here understand that being American means choosing your politics rather than it being forced upon you.

They also fully understand that they can be liberal AND a good person AND successful.

Demonizing Democrats drove these young people away. They understand that the Bay of Pigs fiasco was two generations ago....and not even the worst commies are as strongly commie as they used to be.

IOW they have matured. More than can be said for many RWers here.

Regards from Rosie

The Health Care Bill was forced upon the majority who does not want it.
They never demonized the Dems, they were warning them, about the way the Dem's are taking this country.
You just made my point. None of their off spring ever lived in Cuba to know the difference between real freedom and big government control socialism.
The only thing new is, we are not shutting up from the lefty verbal abuse, accusations and intolerance like we did in the 1970's.
Perfect example is occupied who just called me silly and stupid.
I bet he has never talked to any Cuban who fled from Cuba who recognize Socialism for what it really is.

I have. I lived in Miami for 30 years. What the second and third generatiion Cuban-Americans see is the first wave being paranoid and seeing commies under every bush.

These Cuban Americans who were born here understand that being American means choosing your politics rather than it being forced upon you.

They also fully understand that they can be liberal AND a good person AND successful.

Demonizing Democrats drove these young people away. They understand that the Bay of Pigs fiasco was two generations ago....and not even the worst commies are as strongly commie as they used to be.

IOW they have matured. More than can be said for many RWers here.

Regards from Rosie

The Health Care Bill was forced upon the majority who does not want it.
They never demonized the Dems, they were warning them, about the way the Dem's are taking this country.
You just made my point. None of their off spring ever lived in Cuba to know the difference between real freedom and big government control socialism.

Why do you just repeat things you've read or heard?

My first generation Cuban American friend checks things out. He joined the Tea Party but then quit when he saw a web domain name was taken out SIX months before the Tea Party started recruitment. He says that kind of secretive manipulation is exactly the way Fidelistas do things - and that is 100% true.

Mike Huckabee collected signatures for TWO summers to force the Senate to consider the repeal of Obamacare.

If the majority did not want it why didn't Huckabee get enuff signatures in TWO tries to force it to the Senate floor?

Do NOT believe just what you are told. Investigate and dig deeper because that is where the truth is....not on the surface where you are looking.

Regards from Rosie
No one has changed the definition's except the lefty text books.
Your political bias just ousted you out, because they are not unsophisticated in their politics.You are a typical lefty, anyone who does not agree with your political view is stupid, silly or unsophisticated.
You refuse to believe what they lived in under Castro.Which is Socialism.They all recognize that the Dem's are going toward socialism.
Hell even Castro has admitted that Socialism does not work.
He is even starting changing things there.

The "lefty" textbooks are what's called a common frame of reference, a no doubt communist idea in your book, where words have specific meanings so that discussions do not turn into dysfunctional haggling over terms. If you do not accept the solid, sometimes centuries-old definitions to these words that is YOUR problem, not the rest of the world. Not even sure you caught the reference to "newspeak", look it up.

I read Orwells 1984 in the 1970's. I know exactly what newspeak is.
We are definitely going toward the way of Big Brother and it is being done by both parties.
Yes, the common frame of reference- translation - rewriting of history or words or definition's. Used most commonly by European style of writings and teaching. The worldly or very sophisticated point of view. :lol:
I have. I lived in Miami for 30 years. What the second and third generatiion Cuban-Americans see is the first wave being paranoid and seeing commies under every bush.

These Cuban Americans who were born here understand that being American means choosing your politics rather than it being forced upon you.

They also fully understand that they can be liberal AND a good person AND successful.

Demonizing Democrats drove these young people away. They understand that the Bay of Pigs fiasco was two generations ago....and not even the worst commies are as strongly commie as they used to be.

IOW they have matured. More than can be said for many RWers here.

Regards from Rosie

The Health Care Bill was forced upon the majority who does not want it.
They never demonized the Dems, they were warning them, about the way the Dem's are taking this country.
You just made my point. None of their off spring ever lived in Cuba to know the difference between real freedom and big government control socialism.

Why do you just repeat things you've read or heard?

My first generation Cuban American friend checks things out. He joined the Tea Party but then quit when he saw a web domain name was taken out SIX months before the Tea Party started recruitment. He says that kind of secretive manipulation is exactly the way Fidelistas do things - and that is 100% true.

Mike Huckabee collected signatures for TWO summers to force the Senate to consider the repeal of Obamacare.

If the majority did not want it why didn't Huckabee get enuff signatures in TWO tries to force it to the Senate floor?

Do NOT believe just what you are told. Investigate and dig deeper because that is where the truth is....not on the surface where you are looking.

Regards from Rosie

You are assuming that I am a Tea partier and I am not.
I always investigate.
I looked it up in the polls in 2010;
Public opinion of the health care law - CBS News
At the time of it's passage 55 percent were against it.
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The Health Care Bill was forced upon the majority who does not want it.
They never demonized the Dems, they were warning them, about the way the Dem's are taking this country.
You just made my point. None of their off spring ever lived in Cuba to know the difference between real freedom and big government control socialism.

Why do you just repeat things you've read or heard?

My first generation Cuban American friend checks things out. He joined the Tea Party but then quit when he saw a web domain name was taken out SIX months before the Tea Party started recruitment. He says that kind of secretive manipulation is exactly the way Fidelistas do things - and that is 100% true.

Mike Huckabee collected signatures for TWO summers to force the Senate to consider the repeal of Obamacare.

If the majority did not want it why didn't Huckabee get enuff signatures in TWO tries to force it to the Senate floor?

Do NOT believe just what you are told. Investigate and dig deeper because that is where the truth is....not on the surface where you are looking.

Regards from Rosie

I looked it up on the polls;
Public opinion of the health care law - CBS News
At the time of it's passage 55 percent were against it.

And why are you stuck there? Did you not see all the Huckabee ads all over the TV during the summers? If your poll still held would not have Huckabee prevailed?

Why are you reverting back to the time of passage and refusing to acknowledge the Huckabee truth I spell out for you?

Regards from Rosie
No one has changed the definition's except the lefty text books.
Your political bias just ousted you out, because they are not unsophisticated in their politics.You are a typical lefty, anyone who does not agree with your political view is stupid, silly or unsophisticated.
You refuse to believe what they lived in under Castro.Which is Socialism.They all recognize that the Dem's are going toward socialism.
Hell even Castro has admitted that Socialism does not work.
He is even starting changing things there.

The "lefty" textbooks are what's called a common frame of reference, a no doubt communist idea in your book, where words have specific meanings so that discussions do not turn into dysfunctional haggling over terms. If you do not accept the solid, sometimes centuries-old definitions to these words that is YOUR problem, not the rest of the world. Not even sure you caught the reference to "newspeak", look it up.

I read Orwells 1984 in the 1970's. I know exactly what newspeak is.
We are definitely going toward the way of Big Brother and it is being done by both parties.
Yes, the common frame of reference- translation - rewriting of history or words or definition's. Used most commonly by European style of writings and teaching. The worldly or very sophisticated point of view. :lol:

Socialism has meant the exact same thing since it was invented, who the hell is rewriting things here? I referenced newspeak because it was an intentional and ruthless dumbing down of the English language, a program to rob it of subtle meaning and gray areas where free thought operates. Your world view is already so narrow that you cannot see any space between liberalism and communism or regulation and socialism. You have a lazy incurious mind and are already a tragic victim of the right's newspeak program where they can slap a scary label on things and you automatically hate it in true reactionary fashion.

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