Was purpose of Constitution to make liberals illegal?


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2011
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/

The Govt was small because the US was small like under 200K citizens. No planes, trains or automobiles, no military, no foreign aid etc.

comparing the Govt of the 18th century with the current govt is like comparing a horse carriage to a 767....
The Constitution was written by Liberals

Brutus: if so they were liberals who wanted a very tiny government!

Maybe you should read the Constitution. The federal government has some very broad powers and is supreme over the states.

The thing you may want to pay attention to is that the Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from trampling on the rights of the Indivdual. Something Conservatives continue to ignore..right to this day. The "Patriot" Act and "Enhanced" Interrogation are clear examples of that.
The Constitution was written by Liberals
Classical liberals (i.e. libertarians), not 20th century Fabian socialist/progressive "liberals".

You know this and may now cease and desist spreading that half-truth.
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/

The Govt was small because the US was small like under 200K citizens. No planes, trains or automobiles, no military, no foreign aid etc.

comparing the Govt of the 18th century with the current govt is like comparing a horse carriage to a 767....

Part of the beauty of the Constitution is it's "Scalability". It's pretty much remained intact for several centuries. This despite the continued and arrogant rants of the right for "Originalist" interpretation. It was funny to watch Republicans actually read aloud the document in Congress. It was a first time for many of them.
The Constitution was written by Liberals
Classical liberals (i.e. libertarians), not 20th century Fabian socialist/progressive "liberals".

You know this and may now cease and desist spreading that half-truth.

That's a bullshit term created by Conservatives.

Liberals are not "Traditional" or "Classical". That..is Conservativism. One people, One god, One Country, One King - The Conservative mantra.
The Constitution was written by Liberals

Brutus: if so they were liberals who wanted a very tiny government!

Maybe you should read the Constitution. The federal government has some very broad powers and is supreme over the states.
Pure garbage.

See: 9th & 10th Amendments.

The thing you may want to pay attention to is that the Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from trampling on the rights of the Indivdual. Something Conservatives continue to ignore..right to this day. The "Patriot" Act and "Enhanced" Interrogation are clear examples of that.
Lots of fake "liberals" (like you) are all for the idiotic USAPATRIOT Act, Echilon, Carnivore and a whole slew of other police/nanny state agencies that pry into the private affairs of individuals....In fact, the provisions of USAPATRIOT Act were floated by Bubba Clintoon piecemeal, during his 8 years in office.

Physician, heal thyself.
The Constitution was written by Liberals
Classical liberals (i.e. libertarians), not 20th century Fabian socialist/progressive "liberals".

You know this and may now cease and desist spreading that half-truth.

That's a bullshit term created by Conservatives.

Liberals are not "Traditional" or "Classical". That..is Conservativism. One people, One god, One Country, One King - The Conservative mantra.

Typical Conservatives.....they finally get on board with the ideals of the Liberals of the eighteenth century and then claim them as their own

The conservatives of the eighteenth century were loyal to the crown
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/

The government was much smaller at the time the Constitution was written and the founders probably imagined a smaller government than the one we have now. But the Constitution is flexible and some people have used it to expand government.
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/

The conservative position in those days was to the stay under the rule of Britain. It was the liberals of the day who risked everything to create this country. This makes your question pretty stupid.
The Constitution was written by Liberals

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHahahahahaha... Prove it? Then prove they were liberals in terms of liberals today.

Waiting for your fail.

The FF were none of what we see today if anything.

They weren't.

For one thing..Liberals today do not believe in slave ownership. For another thing, Liberals today believe women should be allowed to vote. Those weren't popular ideas for Liberals back in the day. But Liberalism is about growing. Conservatism is about staying the same.
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/

The Govt was small because the US was small like under 200K citizens. No planes, trains or automobiles, no military, no foreign aid etc.

comparing the Govt of the 18th century with the current govt is like comparing a horse carriage to a 767....

The physical size of the country is of little relevance, but the rather the size of the government in proportion to the size of the nation. Just because we have a nation of 300 million today does not mean we can't still have a government in proportion to that of colonial times.
The Constitution was written by Liberals

Brutus: if so they were liberals who wanted a very tiny government!

Maybe you should read the Constitution. The federal government has some very broad powers and is supreme over the states.
Pure garbage.

See: 9th & 10th Amendments.

The thing you may want to pay attention to is that the Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from trampling on the rights of the Indivdual. Something Conservatives continue to ignore..right to this day. The "Patriot" Act and "Enhanced" Interrogation are clear examples of that.
Lots of fake "liberals" (like you) are all for the idiotic USAPATRIOT Act, Echilon, Carnivore and a whole slew of other police/nanny state agencies that pry into the private affairs of individuals....In fact, the provisions of USAPATRIOT Act were floated by Bubba Clintoon piecemeal, during his 8 years in office.

Physician, heal thyself.

The only "fake" around here is you pal. For all your bleating about being "anti-gubmint" you depend on it more then me.
Of course it was. The entire purpose of it was to keep government small while liberals openly stand for the exact opposite/

The conservative position in those days was to the stay under the rule of Britain. It was the liberals of the day who risked everything to create this country. This makes your question pretty stupid.

This post makes you look pretty stupid.

True stuury

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