Zone1 Was The Garden Of Eden A Real Place?

I believe in Jesus. What does that have to do with the myths borrowed from Sumer, Egypt, Dilmun and Ras Shamra? Isn't the message of the Christ enough? The stories illustrate a truth. They are not history.
you dont believe he was born and lived and died and was resurrected.
I believe everything in the Bible, unlike you I don't pick and choose which of God's words to believe.

Good for you. Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written for Bronze Age Hebrews and I'm not all that keen on the death penalty for hundreds of crimes.
He walked on water, he feed thousands with just a couple loaves of bread, he did miracles for people, he died on the cross, he was resurrected and then he ascended to heaven.

Read your Bible carefully. He fed the people spiritual food and quenched their thirst when he spoke to them..

Is is important that he walked on water or more important that he gave his companions courage in the storm?

Read Guide for the Perplexed.
Read your Bible carefully. He fed the people spiritual food and quenched their thirst when he spoke to them..

Is is important that he walked on water or more important that he gave his companions courage in the storm?

Read Guide for the Perplexed.
No he actually fed them retard so you don't believe in miracles either I see. You don't get to pick and choose what to believe. So, you don't believe Jesus did the things he did which also means you don't believe he was resurrected. Like I said you are not a Christian.
It's human nature.

Do you believe Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead?

Nope. I think the writers were selling a new religion and couldn't resist embellishing the life of a Holy man.

Like they borrowed from old testament scriptures to "prove" Jesus was the expected messiah. They borrowed from Isaiah, Hosea, Psalm 22 and so forth.

The only other explanation is that the scriptures were wrong and the Jews got it all wrong. Where does that leave you?
Nope. I think the writers were selling a new religion and couldn't resist embellishing the life of a Holy man.

Like they borrowed from old testament scriptures to "prove" Jesus was the expected messiah. They borrowed from Isaiah, Hosea, Psalm 22 and so forth.

The only other explanation is that the scriptures were wrong and the Jews got it all wrong. Where does that leave you?
Told ya she doesn't believe in Jesus at all or the Bible.
I believe in Jesus. What does that have to do with the myths borrowed from Sumer, Egypt, Dilmun and Ras Shamra? Isn't the message of the Christ enough? The stories illustrate a truth. They are not history.

You are a liar. You don't believe Jesus was born of a Virgin. You don't believe He was raised from the dead. You don't believe in Hell , that erases His sacrifice. You don't believe in a literal creation. You are a despicable human being.

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