Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

So then how do you support spending 7 million in tax dollars and still losing jobs? We can lose jobs for free...
Because I don't expect to see anything happening in one day.
Liberals have itchy crotches When an R does anything.
And I don't see Trump running around, like Obama and GW did, offering incentives left and right.
If and when Trump feels he got screwed, he'll let everyone know it.

On the other hand, you seem to get off on the billions we lose to China and India every year.
When you can flowchart how selling our souls to China makes sense, get back to me.
Trump taxing us more isn't going to change that... Tariffs have been used many times, and they just cost us jobs.
Once more, detail in history where tariffs haven't worked.
Especially when globalism has surely failed.
And where is Trump raising taxes?
I must have missed that news on Politico and TheHill.
Yeah, I don't do CNN and DailyKOS.
You realize many have blamed the great depression on tariffs right? They have never created jobs. Look at the Bush steel tariffs, lost jobs.

Tariffs are a tax on us, do you not even realize that?
The Great Depression was caused by excessive overseas investment and the inability to instantly check how those investments were invested.
The tariffs (this does not include duty-free imports – see Tariff levels below) under the act were the second-highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] The Act and following retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners were major factors of the reduction of American exports and imports by more than half during the Depression.[4] Although economists disagree by how much, the consensus view among economists and economic historians is that "The passage of the Smoot–Hawley Tariff exacerbated the Great Depression."[5]

Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia
Because I don't expect to see anything happening in one day.
Liberals have itchy crotches When an R does anything.
And I don't see Trump running around, like Obama and GW did, offering incentives left and right.
If and when Trump feels he got screwed, he'll let everyone know it.

On the other hand, you seem to get off on the billions we lose to China and India every year.
When you can flowchart how selling our souls to China makes sense, get back to me.
Trump taxing us more isn't going to change that... Tariffs have been used many times, and they just cost us jobs.
Once more, detail in history where tariffs haven't worked.
Especially when globalism has surely failed.
And where is Trump raising taxes?
I must have missed that news on Politico and TheHill.
Yeah, I don't do CNN and DailyKOS.
You realize many have blamed the great depression on tariffs right? They have never created jobs. Look at the Bush steel tariffs, lost jobs.

Tariffs are a tax on us, do you not even realize that?
The Great Depression was caused by excessive overseas investment and the inability to instantly check how those investments were invested.
The tariffs (this does not include duty-free imports – see Tariff levels below) under the act were the second-highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] The Act and following retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners were major factors of the reduction of American exports and imports by more than half during the Depression.[4] Although economists disagree by how much, the consensus view among economists and economic historians is that "The passage of the Smoot–Hawley Tariff exacerbated the Great Depression."[5]

Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia
And according to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Slimes, off-shoring and business visas are good for the American economy.
I don't fall for that bullshit.

Now please answer my question about Democrats.
Trump taxing us more isn't going to change that... Tariffs have been used many times, and they just cost us jobs.
It is too early to draw this conclusion.
Grab your diaper, grit your teeth and give it a bit of time.

So you think this time the square peg will fit in the round hole? Unlikely...
I make no assumptions. I just realize that times change and so does everything else. A bolt of lightning might spark a fire and it might not.
We played with NK with kid gloves for DECADES. Then Trump insulted them and called them out and look at the outcome this far.
Time to stop counting the chickens before they hatch.
I don't disagree with you on NK. Glad to see people talking, but that was never tried before with NK. Tariffs have been tried over and over with the same results. The square peg will never fit in the round hole...
Do Democrats spend like drunken sailors and raise taxes when they want to spend more and more?
Replace Democrats with politicians. As we can see with a Republican controlled government, both D's and R's spend like drunken sailors.
How much $ did Carrier get to still move jobs to Mexico? Was that a good deal too?

I don't know, you tell me. How much did our federal government PAY (not tax reduction) for Carrier not to move jobs to Mexico? And even with those jobs lost, many still remained in the US.
I believe Indiana paid 7 million for lost jobs. But for you big government righties that was a good investment right?

They paid? You mean they wrote Carrier a check for 7 mil?
Does it matter? You claimed it mattered and then I showed you WI was making cash payments and you suddenly no longer cared. Your beliefs are a joke. You believe whatever Trump tells you to.

Most deals are not that way. It's an anomaly. Most cities and states offer abatements to attract businesses, but I'm sure in your mind it's all the same thing.

In a neighboring city of ours, they offered a huge tax abatement to Amazon. Now they are ripping down an old mall (the largest mall in the country at one time) and are building a new state of the art facility. Besides the construction advantages, it will create many jobs, offers college reimbursements, benefits, and a host of other related jobs in the area like packaging companies, transportation companies, revitalize the parts of the mall in jeopardy of closing up. It's a great thing for their community and ours.

In fact, Amazon will be opening up another huge facility at another closed down mall about 20 miles away in Euclid, Ohio.

Hey, if you don't want those jobs because you are hell bent on not offering them anything, just send them our way. We will be happy to take them and provide incentives to help our communities.
You do love big government.
It is too early to draw this conclusion.
Grab your diaper, grit your teeth and give it a bit of time.

So you think this time the square peg will fit in the round hole? Unlikely...
I make no assumptions. I just realize that times change and so does everything else. A bolt of lightning might spark a fire and it might not.
We played with NK with kid gloves for DECADES. Then Trump insulted them and called them out and look at the outcome this far.
Time to stop counting the chickens before they hatch.
I don't disagree with you on NK. Glad to see people talking, but that was never tried before with NK. Tariffs have been tried over and over with the same results. The square peg will never fit in the round hole...
Do Democrats spend like drunken sailors and raise taxes when they want to spend more and more?
Replace Democrats with politicians. As we can see with a Republican controlled government, both D's and R's spend like drunken sailors.
Let's see, 3, billion......10 billion. I don't know about new math, but to my knowledge, 10 billion is more than 3 billion.
Yes, but were does that 10 billion go? Not back to the state. Much of that will probably go out of state or even out of country given they are a foreign company. WI is guaranteed nothing.

I see. Would you like me to go back and quote your article?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
It is too early to draw this conclusion.
Grab your diaper, grit your teeth and give it a bit of time.

So you think this time the square peg will fit in the round hole? Unlikely...
I make no assumptions. I just realize that times change and so does everything else. A bolt of lightning might spark a fire and it might not.
We played with NK with kid gloves for DECADES. Then Trump insulted them and called them out and look at the outcome this far.
Time to stop counting the chickens before they hatch.
I don't disagree with you on NK. Glad to see people talking, but that was never tried before with NK. Tariffs have been tried over and over with the same results. The square peg will never fit in the round hole...
Do Democrats spend like drunken sailors and raise taxes when they want to spend more and more?
Replace Democrats with politicians. As we can see with a Republican controlled government, both D's and R's spend like drunken sailors.
Good...we agree.
Now we can direct our attention to the person that all politicians and globalist corporatists seem to hate.
Trump taxing us more isn't going to change that... Tariffs have been used many times, and they just cost us jobs.
Once more, detail in history where tariffs haven't worked.
Especially when globalism has surely failed.
And where is Trump raising taxes?
I must have missed that news on Politico and TheHill.
Yeah, I don't do CNN and DailyKOS.
You realize many have blamed the great depression on tariffs right? They have never created jobs. Look at the Bush steel tariffs, lost jobs.

Tariffs are a tax on us, do you not even realize that?
The Great Depression was caused by excessive overseas investment and the inability to instantly check how those investments were invested.
The tariffs (this does not include duty-free imports – see Tariff levels below) under the act were the second-highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] The Act and following retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners were major factors of the reduction of American exports and imports by more than half during the Depression.[4] Although economists disagree by how much, the consensus view among economists and economic historians is that "The passage of the Smoot–Hawley Tariff exacerbated the Great Depression."[5]

Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia
And according to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Slimes, off-shoring and business visas are good for the American economy.
I don't fall for that bullshit.

Now please answer my question about Democrats.
So you just want to ignore all the tariff history?
I don't know, you tell me. How much did our federal government PAY (not tax reduction) for Carrier not to move jobs to Mexico? And even with those jobs lost, many still remained in the US.
I believe Indiana paid 7 million for lost jobs. But for you big government righties that was a good investment right?

They paid? You mean they wrote Carrier a check for 7 mil?
Does it matter? You claimed it mattered and then I showed you WI was making cash payments and you suddenly no longer cared. Your beliefs are a joke. You believe whatever Trump tells you to.

Most deals are not that way. It's an anomaly. Most cities and states offer abatements to attract businesses, but I'm sure in your mind it's all the same thing.

In a neighboring city of ours, they offered a huge tax abatement to Amazon. Now they are ripping down an old mall (the largest mall in the country at one time) and are building a new state of the art facility. Besides the construction advantages, it will create many jobs, offers college reimbursements, benefits, and a host of other related jobs in the area like packaging companies, transportation companies, revitalize the parts of the mall in jeopardy of closing up. It's a great thing for their community and ours.

In fact, Amazon will be opening up another huge facility at another closed down mall about 20 miles away in Euclid, Ohio.

Hey, if you don't want those jobs because you are hell bent on not offering them anything, just send them our way. We will be happy to take them and provide incentives to help our communities.
You do love big government.

No, I love government doing what it can to benefit the constituents they represent. That's not big government.
Yes, but were does that 10 billion go? Not back to the state. Much of that will probably go out of state or even out of country given they are a foreign company. WI is guaranteed nothing.

I see. Would you like me to go back and quote your article?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
I am quite aware of what it said.
Yes, but were does that 10 billion go? Not back to the state. Much of that will probably go out of state or even out of country given they are a foreign company. WI is guaranteed nothing.

I see. Would you like me to go back and quote your article?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
I believe Indiana paid 7 million for lost jobs. But for you big government righties that was a good investment right?

They paid? You mean they wrote Carrier a check for 7 mil?
Does it matter? You claimed it mattered and then I showed you WI was making cash payments and you suddenly no longer cared. Your beliefs are a joke. You believe whatever Trump tells you to.

Most deals are not that way. It's an anomaly. Most cities and states offer abatements to attract businesses, but I'm sure in your mind it's all the same thing.

In a neighboring city of ours, they offered a huge tax abatement to Amazon. Now they are ripping down an old mall (the largest mall in the country at one time) and are building a new state of the art facility. Besides the construction advantages, it will create many jobs, offers college reimbursements, benefits, and a host of other related jobs in the area like packaging companies, transportation companies, revitalize the parts of the mall in jeopardy of closing up. It's a great thing for their community and ours.

In fact, Amazon will be opening up another huge facility at another closed down mall about 20 miles away in Euclid, Ohio.

Hey, if you don't want those jobs because you are hell bent on not offering them anything, just send them our way. We will be happy to take them and provide incentives to help our communities.
You do love big government.

No, I love government doing what it can to benefit the constituents they represent. That's not big government.
Government picking winner and losers is big government. And like they did with solyndra and carrier, it is often a huge waste of tax dollars.
I see. Would you like me to go back and quote your article?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
Tariffs have always lost jobs. It seems you don't support American employment.
I see. Would you like me to go back and quote your article?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
I am quite aware of what it said.

So you choose to ignore it...good move.
I see. Would you like me to go back and quote your article?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.

And I have no idea where they get their definition of welfare. Welfare means giving something to somebody they never had; somebody in dire need. It does not mean taking less from them.
Once more, detail in history where tariffs haven't worked.
Especially when globalism has surely failed.
And where is Trump raising taxes?
I must have missed that news on Politico and TheHill.
Yeah, I don't do CNN and DailyKOS.
You realize many have blamed the great depression on tariffs right? They have never created jobs. Look at the Bush steel tariffs, lost jobs.

Tariffs are a tax on us, do you not even realize that?
The Great Depression was caused by excessive overseas investment and the inability to instantly check how those investments were invested.
The tariffs (this does not include duty-free imports – see Tariff levels below) under the act were the second-highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] The Act and following retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners were major factors of the reduction of American exports and imports by more than half during the Depression.[4] Although economists disagree by how much, the consensus view among economists and economic historians is that "The passage of the Smoot–Hawley Tariff exacerbated the Great Depression."[5]

Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia
And according to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Slimes, off-shoring and business visas are good for the American economy.
I don't fall for that bullshit.

Now please answer my question about Democrats.
So you just want to ignore all the tariff history?
To a point.
I have been reading Financial Publications since 2004 when GW opened our borders.
Every Financial Publication loves cheap labor and will fight to the death to retain it.
Bush Sr set tariffs and yet was happy to off-shore businesses left and right.
So there's really no valid reference point when we're discussing a President who wants to punish off-shorers.
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
Tariffs have always lost jobs. It seems you don't support American employment.
So you're happy we've lost tens of thousands of factories.
It's obvious you have an agenda; I'd just like to know what it is.
Do you live off your investments?
Please do. You realize they are only starting with 3,000 employees right? For 3 billion...


Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.

And I have no idea where they get their definition of welfare. Welfare means giving something to somebody they never had; somebody in dire need. It does not mean taking less from them.
Neo-Cons, unlike Liberals, are proud of being selfish.
Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.

REally? Cause I've seen very cheap products from far, far away.

Made with really cheap labor. We don't have that advantage here. But there are certain products that aren't imported like paper. Even with cheap labor the value of a container of paper is not enough to be imported as the container costs are too high.

I thought robots were replacing everyone. Do Chinese robots work cheaper than American robots?
Less robots used with lots of really cheap labor.

What's your answer? Do we give up on the very idea of improving things for the working poor and Middle Class?
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

I don't care. My washer and dryer are from the 70s and 80s and my water heater is about 25 years old. Stuff will last forever if you buy the old, simple stuff made well and just SERVICE IT and use it properly. I've repaired my washer twice (direct drive motor coupling), rebuilt my dryer once (belts, lubrication, burner), and the only thing likely to go bad on my water heater is the thermocouple, which is an easy replace. New appliances are for suckers.
I finally had to replace my 40 year old washer...the internal structure was rotting away.

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