Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

By "backfiring", you of course mean "working".

Move to China if you want those slave wage labor products. Sign up for the slave wage labor.

Also this will reduce the deficit by raising tax money. I always thought you loved taxes.

Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

It's protectionism learn the difference...

protectionism is a form of socialism as it involves the central government controlling parts of the economy, which is the central tenet of socialism.

No it's not you are making stuff up.
By "backfiring", you of course mean "working".

Move to China if you want those slave wage labor products. Sign up for the slave wage labor.

Also this will reduce the deficit by raising tax money. I always thought you loved taxes.

Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

This time the government picked the winner:

Of course you are upset.
He wants free shit and he could give a rat's ass if America workers make $3 bucks an hour and have locked factorys..

I do not want free shit, free shit is always low quality shit. I want the freedom to buy what I want to buy without the government trying to influence my decision.

Why do you hate freedom so very much?
Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

It's protectionism learn the difference...

protectionism is a form of socialism as it involves the central government controlling parts of the economy, which is the central tenet of socialism.

No it's not you are making stuff up.

If you had gone past the 2nd grade in school you would know that I am correct.
Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

This time the government picked the winner:

Of course you are upset.
He wants free shit and he could give a rat's ass if America workers make $3 bucks an hour and have locked factorys..

I do not want free shit, free shit is always low quality shit. I want the freedom to buy what I want to buy without the government trying to influence my decision.

Why do you hate freedom so very much?

Of course you want free shit by sweat shop labor it's obvious..
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

I bet if they went up because of a union strike settlement or huge minimum wage increase, you would be celebrating.

And how many washers or dryers does one buy in a lifetime? I'm pushing 60 and perhaps I owned about four different sets. The set I have now I've owned for 15 years and have no plans on replacing it. Older Maytag's that are working just fine.

Union bashing, not surprised. Let me guess you work non union and have no health and welfare benies.

Trying to change the subject I see. What do you think companies in the past had to do to make those dramatic increases in wages and benefits when unions made the demand? What do you think businesses who are stuck in liberal cities with huge minimum wage increases have to do to pay those new higher wages?
Union workers make up about 10% of the private workforce but are all the problems, how does that make sense? How about your health benies bro.

We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.
It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

It's protectionism learn the difference...

protectionism is a form of socialism as it involves the central government controlling parts of the economy, which is the central tenet of socialism.

No it's not you are making stuff up.

If you had gone past the 2nd grade in school you would know that I am correct.

Good thing I dropped out of skool in kindergarten, because you don't have a clue,

The greed is you it's obvious.
By "backfiring", you of course mean "working".

Move to China if you want those slave wage labor products. Sign up for the slave wage labor.

Also this will reduce the deficit by raising tax money. I always thought you loved taxes.

Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

This time the government picked the winner:

Of course you are upset.

Only some Americans, only those who are in an industry that is deemed worthy.

Only those Americans who don't see themselves living in China, looking for that job under the communist regime in the future.
By "backfiring", you of course mean "working".

Move to China if you want those slave wage labor products. Sign up for the slave wage labor.

Also this will reduce the deficit by raising tax money. I always thought you loved taxes.

Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

It's protectionism learn the difference...

protectionism is a form of socialism as it involves the central government controlling parts of the economy, which is the central tenet of socialism.

Are you dumb or something? How long do you think America will survive allowing other countries to dump products into the US destroying American jobs and businesses? Typical of the left they are self centered prissy me me me thinkers.
You want to know what happened?

We were all guilty, we wanted cheap , low quality goods, in return our wages went down...

That's what happened, the greed was us..
Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

It's protectionism learn the difference...

protectionism is a form of socialism as it involves the central government controlling parts of the economy, which is the central tenet of socialism.

Are you dumb or something? How long do you think America will survive allowing other countries to dump products into the US destroying American jobs and businesses? Typical of the left they are self centered prissy me me me thinkers.

Exactly they want high wages and cheap products..
Another hundred bucks or so for a new washer.

Well, there goes your tax cuts, rubes.
Another hundred bucks or so for a new washer.

Well, there goes your tax cuts, rubes.

Smart people know how to shop. Liberals apparently not?
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
First of all, your comment is nothing but an unsupported assertion, furthermore, the article you linked to has a paywall.
I bet if they went up because of a union strike settlement or huge minimum wage increase, you would be celebrating.

And how many washers or dryers does one buy in a lifetime? I'm pushing 60 and perhaps I owned about four different sets. The set I have now I've owned for 15 years and have no plans on replacing it. Older Maytag's that are working just fine.

Union bashing, not surprised. Let me guess you work non union and have no health and welfare benies.

Trying to change the subject I see. What do you think companies in the past had to do to make those dramatic increases in wages and benefits when unions made the demand? What do you think businesses who are stuck in liberal cities with huge minimum wage increases have to do to pay those new higher wages?
Union workers make up about 10% of the private workforce but are all the problems, how does that make sense? How about your health benies bro.

We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.
Perhaps you should move out since being an American is so hard for you.

Another moron who thinks those that want freedom are the ones that should leave the country.
No, we want the communist pigs and other criminals who interfere with our freedom to leave the country.

Or spend your life in prison. Or just die. It's all the same.

You people are mentally ill, you're anti-American and you actively work to destroy our form of government and our prosperity. You also are always actively chipping away at human rights.

That means you belong behind bars.

Sad, useful idiots are reaching the end of their *useful* faze. Now you're just dead weight.

Damn girl, it is too early to be drunk, or are you still drunk from last night. I am the guy fighting against government control, not supporting it like everyone else in this thread.

Well the fact is, the government controls the border, as it does military.

Your idea of "free market" is therefore to abolish the military and border controls. Because that's somehow less socialist. In reality, that's realistic only if someone else gets the rights. Until you have a plan how to complete that transfer, the government better try doing the best job they can with the power they have, as a free market agency would do.

Because simply abolishing the border and the military would be a suicide.

Controlling the borders against attack and invasion has nothing to do with free trade.
The way free trade has been is that other countries were free to sell their goods here but we could not sell many of our goods to them.
Last edited:
Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

It's protectionism learn the difference...

protectionism is a form of socialism as it involves the central government controlling parts of the economy, which is the central tenet of socialism.

Are you dumb or something? How long do you think America will survive allowing other countries to dump products into the US destroying American jobs and businesses? Typical of the left they are self centered prissy me me me thinkers.

I am really starting to think that a great many of you on this forum are bi-polar. We have a dozen threads in the last week talking about the amazing economy and then you turn around and it is the end of the world as we know it because we are getting fucked over.

Well, it cannot be both. Pick one or the other.
Another moron who thinks those that want freedom are the ones that should leave the country.
No, we want the communist pigs and other criminals who interfere with our freedom to leave the country.

Or spend your life in prison. Or just die. It's all the same.

You people are mentally ill, you're anti-American and you actively work to destroy our form of government and our prosperity. You also are always actively chipping away at human rights.

That means you belong behind bars.

Sad, useful idiots are reaching the end of their *useful* faze. Now you're just dead weight.

Damn girl, it is too early to be drunk, or are you still drunk from last night. I am the guy fighting against government control, not supporting it like everyone else in this thread.

Well the fact is, the government controls the border, as it does military.

Your idea of "free market" is therefore to abolish the military and border controls. Because that's somehow less socialist. In reality, that's realistic only if someone else gets the rights. Until you have a plan how to complete that transfer, the government better try doing the best job they can with the power they have, as a free market agency would do.

Because simply abolishing the border and the military would be a suicide.

Controlling the borders against attack and invasion has nothing to do with free trade.
The way free trade has been is that other countries were free to sell their goods here but we could not sell many our goods to them.

You are half right. The way free trade has been is that in this country we had the freedom to choose what to buy and where it was made, other countries do not give their citizens that same freedom. Other countries sell their stuff here because we the people have chosen to buy it, and now you want the central government to curtail that freedom so we can be more like other countries.

I do not want to be like them.
No, we want the communist pigs and other criminals who interfere with our freedom to leave the country.

Or spend your life in prison. Or just die. It's all the same.

You people are mentally ill, you're anti-American and you actively work to destroy our form of government and our prosperity. You also are always actively chipping away at human rights.

That means you belong behind bars.

Sad, useful idiots are reaching the end of their *useful* faze. Now you're just dead weight.

Damn girl, it is too early to be drunk, or are you still drunk from last night. I am the guy fighting against government control, not supporting it like everyone else in this thread.

Well the fact is, the government controls the border, as it does military.

Your idea of "free market" is therefore to abolish the military and border controls. Because that's somehow less socialist. In reality, that's realistic only if someone else gets the rights. Until you have a plan how to complete that transfer, the government better try doing the best job they can with the power they have, as a free market agency would do.

Because simply abolishing the border and the military would be a suicide.

Controlling the borders against attack and invasion has nothing to do with free trade.
The way free trade has been is that other countries were free to sell their goods here but we could not sell many our goods to them.

You are half right. The way free trade has been is that in this country we had the freedom to choose what to buy and where it was made, other countries do not give their citizens that same freedom. Other countries sell their stuff here because we the people have chosen to buy it, and now you want the central government to curtail that freedom so we can be more like other countries.

I do not want to be like them.
No we don't liar, we want trade to be fair, which is exactly the opposite of what you libwit shills want.
Love this sentiment...buy what the central government tells you to buy, or move to China and by what their central government tells you to buy.

I remember the days when socialism was seen as a bad thing by those on the "right".

It's not socialism, it protectionism . So you have to pay more to support the working man of America and now your upset?

Yes, yes I am. I am upset that the government is picking winners and losers and I am upset that socialist like you are supporting it.

This time the government picked the winner:

Of course you are upset.

Only some Americans, only those who are in an industry that is deemed worthy.

Only those Americans who don't see themselves living in China, looking for that job under the communist regime in the future.

3.8% unemployment and more jobs than people to fill them..and we are going to have to go to China to find a job! You are a hoot

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