Washington DC Declares a "PUBLIC EMERGENCY" Over A Few Hundred Illegal Aliens

Another lying thread title from the USMB king of lying thread titles.
Don’t you ever get tired of being bitch slapped by me?

Hilarious. Hispanics are invading!!!
DC is also demanding Federal Emergency Management Agency money, too.
When is Joe going to secure the borders?

Another fine example of NIMBY leftists.
That's your idiotic question? Okay: he is.
You’re the idiot. Refusing to acknowledge BRANDON is actually encouraging them
Condemning Gov Abbot for not taking responsibility for all of them yet condoning that Dems who live in Sanctuary Cities are complaining because he’s not “ taking care of them” instead of doing what they want him to do
All that talk of welcoming the downtrodden! In actuallity it's right here in song:

Oh...only about every other second of the day here...

PS: Biden didn't create the problem of illegal immigration. Don't be stupid.
Maybe you should open your eyes and clean out your ears. In his campaign he stated that those South of the border were WELCOME. Maybe YOU can tell us why he stopped the building of the Wall or why these illegals get onto planes ✈️ the dead of night and fly to
Since he’s been in office we have been bombarded with over 5,000,000 illegals that we know of
Maybe you should open your eyes and clean out your ears. In his campaign he stated that those South of the border were WELCOME. Maybe YOU can tell us why he stopped the building of the Wall or why these illegals get onto planes ✈️ the dead of night and fly to
Since he’s been in office we have been bombarded with over 5,000,000 illegals that we know of
Wow...so much silliness...so well sourced too. Got any reputable sources for any of that? Likely not.

The blob built something like 45 miles of new wall in 48 months. Your blob wasn't building the wall.

And unlike you... I have a reputable source to back that up:


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