Washington DC Declares a "PUBLIC EMERGENCY" Over A Few Hundred Illegal Aliens

Good to see taxpayers footing the bill for the actions of the Texicans once again.

Of course nobody will criticize Gregory for causing this...

Yeah.....and who foots the bill in Texas and other border states?
It's dem actions that cause these problem in the first place so why are ya crying now?
Because they are human beings, you nauseating, failed human.
He wanted Mexicans (and others) thrown into a wood chipper.

I say we just take her down to the city dump and run her through a wood chipper.

Run em through a wood chipper and make fertilizer out of em....

Run em through a wood chipper to feed wild hogs.
At least feral hogs are worth something.

Yeah..process em through a wood chipper. It dont get anymore timely than that.
Calling that fuckstain a human is overselling him.
It's hilarious watching dims try and defend their actions when it's their fault we have a massive influx of illegals.
Where's our border czar kamala? She's never even visited the border let alone done anything about illegal immigration.
Now that we know it pisses you off we should send every single illegal to your states. You're a sanctuary states after all right?
He wanted Mexicans (and others) thrown into a wood chipper.

Calling that fuckstain a human is overselling him.

Awwww....whats the matter?
Surely you want all these illegals in your cities right? It'd be racist to deny them your hospitality right? :laughing0301:
BRANDON created illegal immigration? What kind of fucktard says stupid shit like that? Magaturds, that's who. Choke on your hyperbole, magaturd.
BRANDON created the problem we have now with him actually encouraging Illegals to invade the US during his Campaign, STOPPED BUILDING THE WALL, and just literally letting them walk in . Since he’s been in office OVER 5,000,000 that we know of have come into the Country you Piece of SHIT
BRANDON created the problem we have now with him actually encouraging Illegals to invade the US during his Campaign, STOPPED BUILDING THE WALL, and just literally letting them walk in . Since he’s been in office OVER 5,000,000 that we know of have come into the Country you Piece of SHIT
Our politicians, of every stripe, have done little to fuck all about illegal immigration for fifty fucking years except throw money at it and hope for the best. Magaturds bellyaching about it now is annoying and unproductive. And because you're a magaturd hack, kindly fuck off and die.
Our politicians, of every stripe, have done little to fuck all about illegal immigration for fifty fucking years except throw money at it and hope for the best. Magaturds bellyaching about it now is annoying and unproductive. And because you're a magaturd hack, kindly fuck off and die.

While I'll give you no one has done shit about illegals Trump was actually doing something about it.
biden on the other hand is encouraging illegal immigration as were dems,right up until they started shipping them to blue states.
biden on the other hand is encouraging illegal immigration as were dems,right up until they started shipping them to blue states.
One side you say is 'encouraging illegal immigration' (a lie), and the other is 'shipping them to blue states'. Only one of these things is a fact. The rest? Complete utter nonsense.
One side you say is 'encouraging illegal immigration' (a lie), and the other is 'shipping them to blue states'. Only one of these things is a fact. The rest? Complete utter nonsense.

LOL...you're such a liar.
Even barry encouraged illegal immigration just like biden.
Look...everyone knows
Mod Deleted response. White 6
the left is trying to flood this country with potential voters.
New naturalized citizens can vote. A lot of them are from Mexico. I wasn't aware that that was a crime, magaturd. In fact, the right does the same type of gaslighting in conflating this perfectly legal situation with illegal immigration running rampant. You are stupid enough to buy into this conflation. Thus, magaturd.
Denying it makes you look like a retard.
Lol, denying what?
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Our politicians, of every stripe, have done little to fuck all about illegal immigration for fifty fucking years except throw money at it and hope for the best. Magaturds bellyaching about it now is annoying and unproductive. And because you're a magaturd hack, kindly fuck off and die.
Illegal immigration has been a problem for years. However , Trump was doing something about it, it has NEVER been worse then it is right now , especially with the Fentanyl pouring into this Country. Now, FUCK YOURSELF AND DIE 👍👍

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