Washington Examiner vs Trump

Harris will lead the ticket in 2024 ... the identity politics of the left will not allow them to primary the 1st African American woman VP for the nomination in 2024 ! lol ! the lefts own wokeness his bitten them in the ass !
Thank you Nostradamus, it's always a pleasure to see the future by trump supporters seeing your crystal balls.
Trump is more popular than the disaster in the WH at this time ... polls say he would beat Biden easily if the elections were held today ... Biden isnt changing course ... he's beholden to the far left ... his polling will not improve .
Define the "far left". Bet you can't.
Name calling has been going on for centuries in America politics. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson ran dirty campaigns. Adams called Jefferson a fool, hypocrite, criminal and a tyrant. Jefferson called Adams a weakling, atheist, a libertine and a coward. Accusing the other side of sedition, terrorism, etc. is what Democrats today do. Trump just ridiculed other candidates and called them silly names. Pretty harmless stuff compared to what the Democrats do. Today the Democrat Party is actually trying to jail Americans for protesting. So, you can stop crying and wetting your panties over schoolyard name calling.
Topic Sentence: "Name calling has been going on for centuries in America politics."

Response: Hearsay ^^^.
My, how quickly you jumped to THAT conclusion, without so much as a SHRED of credible evidence. Where is the sworn testimony that ANYTHING she said was false.

All you have is a bunch of "unnamed sources", on billionaire owned "Questionable Source" websites, who say that the incident in the car never happened, but absolutely NO ONE has that Trump wasn't angry about Secret Service refusal to drive him to the Capitol. No one said he didn't plan or organize January 6th, or that he didn't know the mob was armed. And everyone has said that Pence deserved to be hung for letting him down.
Doesn't sould plausable.
Did the Examiner just come out of a freaking coma? Biden is the president and the elephant in the room is whether he is fit to continue.

Lot's of donkey vultures
circling the White House too.
LOL, your link and your 'argument' prove nothing. Your source, an official in the secret service whose identify was not disclosed and it seems was not in the SUV is worthless.
CNN said that Tony Ornato and the driver will testify it never happened.
Keep believing hearsay bullshit.
That said, I'm waiting for Ornato's testimony.
He's the guy Cassidy is quoting?! Someone is lying.

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