Washington Lays All the Ugly Cards on the Table—and at Last We Have Clarity


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Washington Lays All the Ugly Cards on the Table—and at Last We Have Clarity

Washington Lays All the Ugly Cards on the Table—and at Last We Have Clarity
18 July 2019 ~ By Richard Fernandez
We all know the scene. James Bond is losing a hopeless fight against a man-mountain in the baggage compartment of a train. Things look grim for Her Majesty's Secret Agent until he coils a rope linked to a heavy object around his opponent's neck and kicks it off the train. The villain is yanked into the night and James Bond wins again. Trump's strategy is to fight the Washington establishment with this outlandish plot device. By engaging in a bare-knuckle public row with four Democratic left-wing congresswomen, he's creating a rope he plans to loop round the more careful centrists who, with any luck, will be dragged into the darkness by AOC. Nothing like this has happened before because for years political arguments took place at the stately pace dictated by the news cycle in terms calculated to preserve decorum. The pattern was predictable. Leaks set up the story and talk shows filled in the blanks and the nation had its narrative for the week. But by resorting to Twitter the president can engage any part of the Democratic lineup, bypassing the party front office. With rapid-fire Tweets calling the four congresswomen un-American and they, in turn, calling him a racist, Trump has cut the Democratic center out of a public stage that is now an arena of spontaneous, fiery exchanges.
Time was when it was axiomatic that America belonged to Americans but those were simpler, more innocent times before Washington became capital of the world. That title -- the caput mundi -- once belonged to Rome before it moved on to Constantinople, then London and now D.C. Perhaps one day history will move on again and leave Washington once more the capital of the mere United States of America.

Excellent article. This is the first time I’ve seen this take on the Twitter approach, although it is mixed in with other explanations about Twitter that I have read. I think the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Squad of Four need to know the difference between capital and Capitol.
Hmm...., According to the PMS/DSA "Squad of Four", If America belongs to everybody then why don't we tax everybody in the world instead of the middle class who pays most of the taxes?
The "America belongs to everyone" idea has been bandied about in PMS/DSA Leftist circles for some time. I was listening to U2's latest album (from 2017), and in it there's a song called 'American Soul'. The lyric says something about how America is not a place, but a dream the whole world owns. And something about how America is the world's sanctuary and we should welcome everyone. Look up the lyrics. It's some scary stuff. IMHO, "America's not a sanctuary, It's a "COUNTRY."
If America belongs to everyone, then America is not a country at all. Just a soup kitchen where taxpayers pay for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education and entertainment to anyone who come in the door, no questions asked. Any member of MS-13, any human trafficker, any terrorist, any criminal, any welfare seeker, anyone for any reason or no reason can come and enjoy all the benefits of a first world lifestyle with none of the responsibilities. All they have to do is vote for their patron...err...the democratic party.
The goal here is clear: import a new class of voters who will allow neo-feudalism in return for welfare, while a demoralized, disarmed, despised minority of white taxpayers gets to pay for it all while enjoying none of it. One could equate the taxation of the white taxpayers as a form of jizyah on Freedom.
Democrats don't really know what's hitting them. It hurt them that they didn't developed a platform beside resist since the last Presidential campaign. Everything was going along fine. Trump would say something and they would belittle him and have the full backing of the fake news to justify their position. It was a perfect setup from the start. But then two things happened. Trump withstood all the bogus accusations and started fulfilling many of his campaign promises. At the same time, a group of brash, young female freshmen came along and challenged their own party by supporting socialism and turning the press on the establishment. All the confusion that has come out of this has made the Democrats and their media butt boys look like a bunch of confused ignoramuses. They can't even get their story straight from day to day let alone hour to hour. The result is chaos and that's the #1 thing that can destroy a country.

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