Washington Post Bans 'Redskins' From Editorials

George Preston Marshall did not name the Washington Redskins in honor of Native Americans. He did so because he hated Native Americans. He was a hateful, diseased racist who hated all non-whites. That is why his legacy must die.

You and I both know it's not going to happen. At least you've got a long term future in fighting this losing battle.

Snyder comes from the fanbase. He grew up a FAN of the team. He's still a FAN. It's not a business for him, it's his life and his passion. Short of assassinating Snyder nothing is changing in the next 30 years.
I see at least THREE posters disagree with the OP. I wonder why...

At least in my case because I'm a Redskins fan and have been for more than 30 years. I understand the team, fans, and owner.

I also understand that most people are sick and tired of the PC society.
George Preston Marshall did not name the Washington Redskins in honor of Native Americans. He did so because he hated Native Americans. He was a hateful, diseased racist who hated all non-whites. That is why his legacy must die.

You and I both know it's not going to happen. At least you've got a long term future in fighting this losing battle.

Snyder comes from the fanbase. He grew up a FAN of the team. He's still a FAN. It's not a business for him, it's his life and his passion. Shirt of assassinating Snyder nothing is changing in the next 30 years.

Oh, I believe the NFL COULD force a name change, I just don't think they will.
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

Shouldn't you be starting a thread about how offensive the name Packers is to gays?

Also, where is your proof that George Marshall was racist towards Indians?
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

You really think Snyder cares what anyone thinks about the name of the team other than him?

How about the Washington Wounded Knees?
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

You really think Snyder cares what anyone thinks about the name of the team other than him?

How about the Washington Wounded Knees?

No, since Snyder is Jewish, I like Washington Kikes much better.
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

Shouldn't you be starting a thread about how offensive the name Packers is to gays?

Also, where is your proof that George Marshall was racist towards Indians?
@Lakhota do you intend to avoid this one to?
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

Shouldn't you be starting a thread about how offensive the name Packers is to gays?

Also, where is your proof that George Marshall was racist towards Indians?
@Lakhota do you intend to avoid this one to?

Hey, dumbass, how much proof you need? It's even in the OP. He hated all non-whites.

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins Thomas Smith Amazon.com Books

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

The Racist Redskins by Michael Tomasky The New York Review of Books

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins by Thomas G Smith - Powell s Books
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

Shouldn't you be starting a thread about how offensive the name Packers is to gays?

Also, where is your proof that George Marshall was racist towards Indians?
@Lakhota do you intend to avoid this one to?

Hey, dumbass, how much proof you need? It's even in the OP. He hated all non-whites.

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins Thomas Smith Amazon.com Books

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

The Racist Redskins by Michael Tomasky The New York Review of Books

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins by Thomas G Smith - Powell s Books

NONE of that shows that the man was racist towards Native Americans. NONE of it.

Your claim wasn't that he was a racist, your claims was that e was racist towards native Americans. PROVE IT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

If they REALLY were against the use of the name...they'd stop covering the team on their sports page!

Of course that would probably lose them about half of their subscribers so I won't be holding my breath on that one!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

If they REALLY were against the use of the name...they'd stop covering the team on their sports page!

Of course that would probably lose them about half of their subscribers so I won't be holding my breath on that one!

Correct. This is a symbolic gesture that the Post hopes its more sensitive readers are dumb enough to fall for.
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

Shouldn't you be starting a thread about how offensive the name Packers is to gays?

Also, where is your proof that George Marshall was racist towards Indians?
@Lakhota do you intend to avoid this one to?

Hey, dumbass, how much proof you need? It's even in the OP. He hated all non-whites.

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins Thomas Smith Amazon.com Books

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

The Racist Redskins by Michael Tomasky The New York Review of Books

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins by Thomas G Smith - Powell s Books

NONE of that shows that the man was racist towards Native Americans. NONE of it.

Your claim wasn't that he was a racist, your claims was that e was racist towards native Americans. PROVE IT

Since Native Americans are non-white - it is proven by default.
Dan Snyder is Jewish, by the way; if he can’t see the similarity between “Redskin” and “****” or “Hebe,” then he’s got a dark spot on his soul that I sure can’t help cleanse.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Yeah, the Washington Kikes sounds good.

Shouldn't you be starting a thread about how offensive the name Packers is to gays?

Also, where is your proof that George Marshall was racist towards Indians?
@Lakhota do you intend to avoid this one to?

Hey, dumbass, how much proof you need? It's even in the OP. He hated all non-whites.

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins Thomas Smith Amazon.com Books

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

The Racist Redskins by Michael Tomasky The New York Review of Books

Showdown JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins by Thomas G Smith - Powell s Books

NONE of that shows that the man was racist towards Native Americans. NONE of it.

Your claim wasn't that he was a racist, your claims was that e was racist towards native Americans. PROVE IT

Since Native Americans are non-white - it is proven by default.

LOL no it isn't. Just admit that for the third time in this thread you made a claim you can't substantiate
No, since Snyder is Jewish, I like Washington Kikes much better.

You miss the whole basis of the problem for Mr. Snyder..... He understands that the minute he changes the name to ANYTHING other than Redskins, his franchise value will be cut in half overnight. He's going to lose somewhere between 40 and 70% of his fan base overnight. His vaunted "season ticket waiting list", second in size only to the Green Bay Packers (supposedly) will disappear overnight.

THERE IS NO POSITIVE FINANCIAL BENEFIT TO CHANGING THE REDSKINS NAME. Get that through your head. It's not going to happen.

If he changes that name the team will have to be sold for a loss within three years and/or could very possibly end up heading to the other coast (Los Angeles).

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

.....yet you accept the Post using Redskins and Marshall's racist legacy where it counts: The Sports Page. If the Post did that, they would lose money and profits. You Liberals are full of shit.

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