Washington Post Bans 'Redskins' From Editorials

Again the only one allowing Marshalls legacy to live is you. Nobody cares about Marshall, he died over 50 years ago. Most redskins fans weren't on the earth at the same time has him.

If he was the racist that you claim he is, he would hate and despise what the name has become.
No Jew would use the term **** to celebrate and honor themselves.

It's clear the Native American population is ok with term redskins. The redskins have sold more merchandise on reservations then any other professional sports team and is a mascot used by native Americans to honor themselves.

Redskins Sports - RMUSD 27 Red Mesa High School

How much do they know about George Preston Marshall?
Again the only one allowing Marshalls legacy to live is you. Nobody cares about Marshall, he died over 50 years ago. Most redskins fans weren't on the earth at the same time has him.

If he was the racist that you claim he is, he would hate and despise what the name has become.

Marshall would be tickled shitless of his racist legacy - which is why it must die.
Why should they care about a man who died 50 years ago? It has nothing to do with what the team means today.

Should kids stop saying Hip hip hooray after games?

"However, during the Holocaust, German citizens began using it as a rallying cry while hunting for Jewish people in the ghettoes. Its anti-Semitic usage even dates back to the 1819 riots (the "Hep-Hep Riots")."
I am racist for going on a Picnic last week?

you know the term that literally means "pic a n*gger" and was used to signify the beginnings of a lynching?
Did you ever play eenie meany miney moe? You must hate blacks, because you continued the legacy of a song that was originally

Eenie meany miney moe, catch a ****** by the toe
Do the Atlanta Braves, Kansas City Chiefs, Cleveland Indians, and whoever else get this grief too? I have the suspicion this is just handful of petulant whiners complaining about it and not representative of Native Americans on the whole.
Since it is the lefties who claim to find redskins so offensive please tell us what non offensive name should the team adopt. Keep in mind the new name would have to be acceptable and non offensive to everyone not just Indians.
Washington Queers, since this outrage is totally gay.
No Jew would use the term **** to celebrate and honor themselves.

It's clear the Native American population is ok with term redskins. The redskins have sold more merchandise on reservations then any other professional sports team and is a mascot used by native Americans to honor themselves.

Redskins Sports - RMUSD 27 Red Mesa High School

How much do they know about George Preston Marshall?

As if you knew ANYTHING about him until you read it on the internet.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.
That rag's readership has been dwindling for years. Who cares.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

It's their newspaper, they can do what they want. I hope the Redskins respond by denying them access to the team
That would be cool!
In fact, due to loss of subscribers, many newspapers are cutting back on staff. Sports departments are taking the brunt of these job cuts.
Newspaper managements are sending fewer beat reporters to road games. If at all.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post says it will stop calling Washington's football team the "Redskins" on its editorial page.

The paper's editorial board announced Friday that it will refrain from using the term that it says "unquestionably offends not only many Native Americans but many other Americans, too."

The board noted that it has been speaking out against the Redskins name since 1992. Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie said the announcement was therefore "no surprise" to the team.

Several major newspapers have stopped using the name altogether.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has vowed never to change the name, saying it honors Native Americans.

Washington Post Bans Redskins From Editorials

Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.

The Racist Redskins - The Daily Beast

Progress is slow - but it's still progress. The man who named the Washington Redskins team, George Preston Marshall, was a diseased racist. His racist legacy should die.

It's their newspaper, they can do what they want. I hope the Redskins respond by denying them access to the team
That's a ridiculous thing to 'hope.'

Indeed, the right's response to this non-issue has been overall ridiculous and inane.
Why is it 'ridiculous'?....Your president's press staff does the same thing. They will pull a White House press credential just because the reporter asked the "wrong" question.
Conservatives and their myth of 'political correctness.'

Not to mention the hypocrisy of the right, where private businesses should be allowed to 'do what they want' except when private businesses do something conservatives don't like.
Nice try at deflection. Didn't work.
Conservatives and their myth of 'political correctness.'

Not to mention the hypocrisy of the right, where private businesses should be allowed to 'do what they want' except when private businesses do something conservatives don't like.
Nice try at deflection. Didn't work.

Notice he never could actually point out any conservatives who said the Post shouldn't be allowed to do this.

Dan Snyder makes a fortune off Redskins merchandise. How much does he donate to Native Americans? My guess is ZERO.

Daniel Snyder's philanthropy serves himself not Native Americans
And you have the temerity to demand?
A private individual's choice of charitable giving is his and his alone.
YOU do not have a say.

Also, I provided links to specific information about a charity ran by the Redskins for native Americans. Snyder Does in fact give to native Americans. But the dishonesty of that particular poster prevents shim from acknowledging that fact.
George Preston Marshall did not name the Washington Redskins in honor of Native Americans. He did so because he hated Native Americans. He was a hateful, diseased racist who hated all non-whites. That is why his legacy must die.
Have you nothing better to do with your time than to bitch about this crap?
Yeah yeah.. I know. You libs must keep pushing your stupid causes until tjhey either die on the vine or the rest of us get so sick of hearing your constant carping, we finally just add you to the "below the fold" status.

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