Washington Times: Martial Law to be Declared in Chicago (National Guard)

No need to worry, their have been safe zones set up so that the general public can take refuge, now to keep these safe zones SAFE .......... before you board the rail cars to the safe zones, the following items are forbidden:
Brass knuckles
Cutting or stabbing type weapons, anything that can be used defensively.
and NO cell phones

Civil unrest may happen everywhere due to the outcome of a certain court trial, and all Americans are welcome in the safe zones.
For extra added safety & security for your children ............. we will have them in a separate barracks from the adults like in this video:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-OpC6tnJ9c&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]separation for safety[/ame]
The children can't be sleeping in the same planks as the adults, there could be a petifile in there.

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