Washington’s Still Billing Taxpayers for a Border Wall. So, Let’s Build It!

Of course people climb under and over it because it can only reduce illegal immigration and not stop it. So it needs constant repairing and patrolling, both cost money.

The alternative is to scrap it, but then what.

Any country cannot take in millions of people, it's infrastructure and standard of living won't cope.

A country that built itself up to have a good quality of infrastructure and standard of living, cannot give it away free of charge to people from countries that didn't. And it's a sad state of reality, but that's how it is, the opposite is Utopia and we all know that's not achievable.

You know Israel build a "wall" to protect Israel from the Palestinians right? 90% of the "wall" is not a wall, it's a fence.

1) Sensors. Because sensors are what makes it WORK
2) Drones. Because drones are what makes it WORK.
3) 3D Sensor Imaging Device. Because they are what makes it WORK.

"About 90–95% of the barrier will be constructed as a "multi-layered fence system""

Why? Because it's CHEAPER. You don't need a wall in 90%-95% of the barrier. What's the point in paying for loads of concrete or stones which just increases the price of locally procured resources? Just make it a fence and then have TECHNOLOGY to stop things.

Trump knew he could manipulate people with a wall. It became a catch phrase, something simple minded people could get behind, shout "build the wall, build the wall" without any understand of what makes a good, efficient and effective BARRIER.

Yes, drones and sensors cost money. But the wall also costs money and needs drones and sensors and personnel to man it anyway to make it effective. A fence would have been just as effective as a wall, were it manned and having appropriate technology.

But people don't care.

Like they complain about the "stolen election" but don't actually want to talk about a better electoral system that would reduce the chances of electoral fraud or reduce the impact of it greatly.

They like slogans, something to shout about, not real solutions.
You know Israel build a "wall" to protect Israel from the Palestinians right? 90% of the "wall" is not a wall, it's a fence.

1) Sensors. Because sensors are what makes it WORK
2) Drones. Because drones are what makes it WORK.
3) 3D Sensor Imaging Device. Because they are what makes it WORK.

"About 90–95% of the barrier will be constructed as a "multi-layered fence system""

Why? Because it's CHEAPER. You don't need a wall in 90%-95% of the barrier. What's the point in paying for loads of concrete or stones which just increases the price of locally procured resources? Just make it a fence and then have TECHNOLOGY to stop things.

Trump knew he could manipulate people with a wall. It became a catch phrase, something simple minded people could get behind, shout "build the wall, build the wall" without any understand of what makes a good, efficient and effective BARRIER.

Yes, drones and sensors cost money. But the wall also costs money and needs drones and sensors and personnel to man it anyway to make it effective. A fence would have been just as effective as a wall, were it manned and having appropriate technology.

But people don't care.

Like they complain about the "stolen election" but don't actually want to talk about a better electoral system that would reduce the chances of electoral fraud or reduce the impact of it greatly.

They like slogans, something to shout about, not real solutions.
Everyone keeps going back to Trump when discussing the wall. Probably the president who spent the most was Clinton as the majority of it went up under his administration.

America needs a wall and it needs supervised.

I don't know how the election process works in the US, as in, how you are vetted to vote and how you guys vote etc..

Good fences make for good neighbours.
Everyone keeps going back to Trump when discussing the wall. Probably the president who spent the most was Clinton as the majority of it went up under his administration.

America needs a wall and it needs supervised.

I don't know how the election process works in the US, as in, how you are vetted to vote and how you guys vote etc..

Good fences make for good neighbours.

The problem here is there are two choices.

1) A barrier that makes an effective barrier.

2) A wall that makes a good political slogan.

Trump went for number 2.
The problem here is there are two choices.

1) A barrier that makes an effective barrier.

2) A wall that makes a good political slogan.

Trump went for number 2.
Yes he did, it worked. To get the job, just say the things the interviewer wants to hear.
Yes, it worked for his political career. But didn't work for the USA. It's cost the US and wasn't effective.
Probably opinion (in bold) without a link. The UK has the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to officially collect data/stats on the UK.

Home - Office for National Statistics

Does the US have such a body? Then it might be possible to check legal and illegal migrant numbers for each year.
Probably opinion (in bold) without a link. The UK has the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to officially collect data/stats on the UK.

Home - Office for National Statistics

Does the US have such a body? Then it might be possible to check legal and illegal migrant numbers for each year.

Well, the problem is so much other stuff is happening, it's difficult to gauge whether it is or not. But, if you want to stop people getting in and they can dig under the wall..... pointless.
Well, the problem is so much other stuff is happening, it's difficult to gauge whether it is or not. But, if you want to stop people getting in and they can dig under the wall..... pointless.
Can't stop people, but you can reduce them. You would need a policy to return those that are caught later, and if America doesn't, then they hold illegals above the law.
Walls will not stop illegal crossing. Too many tunnels and long ladders. They will climb over it, go around it, and go under it. The only way to stop illegal immigration is to ENFORCE OUR EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS. Illegal immigration is a crime. A friend got a $77 ticket for jaywalking but illegals can cross and get amnesty? WTF?
I saw a piece on tv news a couple of weeks ago decrying how many illegals were being injured falling fr the top of the wall. Apparently that long fall really messes them up.

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