Wasn't The bush Tax Cuts Set To Expire Now?

Isn't it a KNOWN FACT that the bush Administration did NOT pay for the tax cuts, but instead passed the bill on to our grandchildren by making the bill due at least a decade later?

Now the RepubliCON$ are arguing to pass the bill on to our grandchildren once again by extending it and yay...threatening to make them PERMANENT!

WHEN will they be paid for? By WHOM? And HOW?

Most importantly, WHY are the cowardly Democrats even ENTERTAINING such a thing with these bastards?

There is no revenue problem in the Federal Government. The problem is spending. No matter how much this government collects, it will always spend more than it collects unless it just stops ovespending.

It's like we are on a ship that is sinking and taking on water. The current captain, the Big 0, says that all of the folks who are working hard trying to bail out the incoming water must work harder or we will surely sink.

In the mean time, those folks who are working to beat hell bailing notice that the Big 0 has a whole crew of drillers boring holes in the bottom of the boat. No mater how fast we bail, we are not able to keep up with the incoming water and the Big 0 exhorts his crew to just keep drilling more holes.

We need to take the drills away from the idiots who are drilling the holes, patch the holes and then continue to bail until we can float right again.

I can tell you in my househoold budget that every dime of expenditure is justified. You know why? Because i earned every dime befrore it was spent. It's mine to spend.

The Feds take my money and they cannot justify every dime. In fact, they can't even identify every dime. They don't care if they get value or a fair deal because it's not their money. As long as the money keeps coming, they just don't care.

Turn off the tap and they will start to care. It's time to starve the beast.
So you want to raise taxes now? With unemployment already this high? I think you should actually think for a change.

Convince us that there is a time when the conservative consensus would be that it would be the right time to raise taxes.

This is a conservative red herring, oh, we can't raise taxes in a recession. As if conservatives would EVER support raising taxes...

Justify every dollar spent and then we can start talking about tax increases. Until you prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no waste, no theft, no graft, no bribes and no misappropriation of funds in any way at any time for any reason, there is no reason for a tax increase.

Before that point, all we need to do is cut spending.
So you want to raise taxes now? With unemployment already this high? I think you should actually think for a change.

Convince us that there is a time when the conservative consensus would be that it would be the right time to raise taxes.

This is a conservative red herring, oh, we can't raise taxes in a recession. As if conservatives would EVER support raising taxes...

Justify every dollar spent and then we can start talking about tax increases. Until you prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no waste, no theft, no graft, no bribes and no misappropriation of funds in any way at any time for any reason, there is no reason for a tax increase.

Before that point, all we need to do is cut spending.
So you want to raise taxes now? With unemployment already this high? I think you should actually think for a change.

No asshole...its not "raising taxes" its letting the bush Tax Cuts EXPIRE.

Get it now?

If I am paying ten dollars right now and you reduce that to five, that's a cut. If I'm paying ten dollars right now and you increase that to 15, that's an increase.

Don't piss on my hat and telling me it's raining.

Just because you think that you're smart enough or I'm stupid enough to allow you sell me a line of crap like it's a silver chain, don't mean I'm buying the crap. It only means that you don't understand the situation.
So you want to raise taxes now? With unemployment already this high? I think you should actually think for a change.

Convince us that there is a time when the conservative consensus would be that it would be the right time to raise taxes.

This is a conservative red herring, oh, we can't raise taxes in a recession. As if conservatives would EVER support raising taxes...

Actually I just voted for a local tax increase. because I saw the need and I know there was no where else the money was going to come from. Nationally, if we could make some intelligent cuts and do away with a bunch of abuse and waste, then and only then would I consider a raise in taxes.
Communists don't pay taxes.

Patriots do.

How shallow of you. No one should be against paying taxes...Governemnt is a necessary evil...it's how they go about it and what they do with it.

I'd like to see the 16th torpedoed...and Commerce taxed instead of income as it was once upon a time until government got greedy and more evil.
Before the bus Tax Cuts, were they considered "raised" then?

Here. I'll type real slow so you might be able to get it.

Before the Bush tax cuts they were known as the tax rates. The cuts lowered the rates. Now if the Dimocrats return to previous rates, they're raising taxes.

Spend a moment or two thinking about a few words and it might help you grasp the concept...up and down...higher and lower...increase and decrease...
Communists don't pay taxes.

Patriots do.

How shallow of you. No one should be against paying taxes...Governemnt is a necessary evil...it's how they go about it and what they do with it.

I'd like to see the 16th torpedoed...and Commerce taxed instead of income as it was once upon a time until government got greedy and more evil.


Government is only as "evil" as the people creating it allow it to become. Evil is invading another country that did not attack you..knocking over their government..and causing it's people unspeakable misery. The government that did that..was evil. Not the indivduals in it..but the group. Some of them may have even had good intentions...but the outcome was evil. And costly. While all that was going on..taxes were cut.

And while you may want us to return to a time when the United States had only 13 states..it simply is not going to happen. We are to big, the economy is to complicated and the world is to integrated for that to happen. If you like the instaneous communication, rapid transportation, safe food and drinking water, the fact you can purchase almost any item from anywhere around the world at any time..then it will cost. If not..there are many emerging nations you may want to look into.
Communists don't pay taxes.

Patriots do.

How shallow of you. No one should be against paying taxes...Governemnt is a necessary evil...it's how they go about it and what they do with it.

I'd like to see the 16th torpedoed...and Commerce taxed instead of income as it was once upon a time until government got greedy and more evil.


Government is only as "evil" as the people creating it allow it to become. Evil is invading another country that did not attack you..knocking over their government..and causing it's people unspeakable misery. The government that did that..was evil. Not the indivduals in it..but the group. Some of them may have even had good intentions...but the outcome was evil. And costly. While all that was going on..taxes were cut.

And while you may want us to return to a time when the United States had only 13 states..it simply is not going to happen. We are to big, the economy is to complicated and the world is to integrated for that to happen. If you like the instaneous communication, rapid transportation, safe food and drinking water, the fact you can purchase almost any item from anywhere around the world at any time..then it will cost. If not..there are many emerging nations you may want to look into.

Acknowledging the need for taxation and accepting the incompetent waste and fraud of the government are two entirely different things.

When you pay for other things in your life, do you just accept the word of the salesperson that you are getting a good deal and shell out the asking price?

If that's the case, I would like to sell you something. Anything. It doesn't matter. The cost will not matter to you because you know that I have needs and the only way to pay for those needs is to over charge you.

You're all right with that.

Me, too.

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