Wasserman Schultz attacks Rubio for 'tasteless' Dallas fundraiser


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants Marco Rubio to cancel his presidential fundraiser Tuesday evening at the home of a real estate investor who has collected art from Adolf Hitler and who also owns a signed copy of "Mein Kampf." There is "really no excuse," she said in a statement released through the Democratic National Committee, calling the event "tasteless."

The Florida lawmaker and DNC chairwoman remarked that Rubio is "adding insult to injury" by holding the event at the home of Harlan Crow and his wife Kathy in the tony Dallas suburb of Highland Park, Texas, on the eve of Yom Kippur, Judaism's holiest day.

"Holding an event in a house featuring the artwork and signed autobiography of a man who dedicated his life to extinguishing the Jewish people is the height of insensitivity and indifference. There’s really no excuse for such a gross act of disrespect. Mr. Rubio, who by the way, represents a sizable Jewish population in our home state of Florida, should cancel this tasteless fundraiser," she continued.

"It is astounding that the presence of these items that represent horror for millions of Jews the world over, would not stop Mr. Rubio or anyone on his team in their tracks when planning this event," Wasserman Schultz said.

Read more: Wasserman Schultz attacks Rubio for 'tasteless' Dallas fundraiser

This is the man:
Why is Harlan Crow building a garage fit for 77 cars?

Wasserman Schultz makes my skin crawl. She is that kind of stupid. And it is because of her and those like her that the Democrats are on a downward streak.
That's great. Glad she outed Rubio on this. Hopefully he doesn't cancel.
Seriously? Do you have any idea how stupid she looks?
She could just order all republicans to cancel all fundraisers. Then she could order all donors to donate only to democrats.
Seriously? Do you have any idea how stupid she looks?

She doesn't look stupid at all. She looks like she is doing her homework. Should Rubio make the general, this is going to hit the Jewish vote hard.
LOL as opposed to the Jewish vote in ordinary circumstances?

Looks like the DNC has an intuition of who's coming out on top in the primary.
Wonder if she had a problem with Obama when he jetted off to his Vegas fund raiser one day after Benghzi?/

Somehow I don't think she gave a shit.
As distasteful and callus his fundraiser is, each candidate is taking money from people who have killed, effected in a negative way or screwed over millions of people for the 2016 I scratch your back ways race.
As distasteful and callus his fundraiser is, each candidate is taking money from people who have killed, effected in a negative way or screwed over millions of people for the 2016 I scratch your back ways race.

How is it distasteful? Do you know who this man is?
Schultz is the mouthpiece for the party that advocates the murder, dismemberment, and selling off of the parts of babies that can survive outside the womb...for profit....that refuses to call for the banning of a barbaric procedure that allows doctors to remove everything except the head of a full-term baby from its mothers womb just so they can still kill the baby and call it a 'fetus' to justify the act....a group that supports the practice of murdering babies that is already in just the last 5 years responsible for killing more human beings (babies) than the Nazis did in all of WWII....

That's right, Debbie...throw that rock in that glass house you're in.... and don't look now but the Liberal voters are coming up your 'driveway' with pitchforks and torches to demand the DNC stop sheltering and protecting Hillary and hold at least ONE - TWO debates before the election!

Mwuhahahaha :laugh:
LOL as opposed to the Jewish vote in ordinary circumstances?

Looks like the DNC has an intuition of who's coming out on top in the primary.

While the GOP doesn't get the majority of the Jewish vote, it does get Jewish votes. Given they are alienating every demographic with the exception of old white Christian guys, fund raising at a museum filled with Hitler art is probably not a good idea.
LOL as opposed to the Jewish vote in ordinary circumstances?

Looks like the DNC has an intuition of who's coming out on top in the primary.

While the GOP doesn't get the majority of the Jewish vote, it does get Jewish votes. Given they are alienating every demographic with the exception of old white Christian guys, fund raising at a museum filled with Hitler art is probably not a good idea.

Do you think Jewish people are stupid?
LOL as opposed to the Jewish vote in ordinary circumstances?

Looks like the DNC has an intuition of who's coming out on top in the primary.

While the GOP doesn't get the majority of the Jewish vote, it does get Jewish votes. Given they are alienating every demographic with the exception of old white Christian guys, fund raising at a museum filled with Hitler art is probably not a good idea.

Do you think Jewish people are stupid?

Many people in my family follow the Jewish religion. I would not hold they are stupid people.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants Marco Rubio to cancel his presidential fundraiser Tuesday evening at the home of a real estate investor who has collected art from Adolf Hitler and who also owns a signed copy of "Mein Kampf." There is "really no excuse," she said in a statement released through the Democratic National Committee, calling the event "tasteless."

The Florida lawmaker and DNC chairwoman remarked that Rubio is "adding insult to injury" by holding the event at the home of Harlan Crow and his wife Kathy in the tony Dallas suburb of Highland Park, Texas, on the eve of Yom Kippur, Judaism's holiest day.

"Holding an event in a house featuring the artwork and signed autobiography of a man who dedicated his life to extinguishing the Jewish people is the height of insensitivity and indifference. There’s really no excuse for such a gross act of disrespect. Mr. Rubio, who by the way, represents a sizable Jewish population in our home state of Florida, should cancel this tasteless fundraiser," she continued.

"It is astounding that the presence of these items that represent horror for millions of Jews the world over, would not stop Mr. Rubio or anyone on his team in their tracks when planning this event," Wasserman Schultz said.

Read more: Wasserman Schultz attacks Rubio for 'tasteless' Dallas fundraiser

This is the man:
Why is Harlan Crow building a garage fit for 77 cars?

Wasserman Schultz makes my skin crawl. She is that kind of stupid. And it is because of her and those like her that the Democrats are on a downward streak.
This from the party that supports Islam.

Which murders Jews daily.
LOL as opposed to the Jewish vote in ordinary circumstances?

Looks like the DNC has an intuition of who's coming out on top in the primary.

While the GOP doesn't get the majority of the Jewish vote, it does get Jewish votes. Given they are alienating every demographic with the exception of old white Christian guys, fund raising at a museum filled with Hitler art is probably not a good idea.

Do you think Jewish people are stupid?

Many people in my family follow the Jewish religion. I would not hold they are stupid people.

Then rest assured that they will not be buying what you just tried to sell.
Phony outrage from a phony no surprise here. I wonder if she and the Democrats have ever turned down any money from George Soros even though he is supposed to have a connection with the Nazis.
LOL as opposed to the Jewish vote in ordinary circumstances?

Looks like the DNC has an intuition of who's coming out on top in the primary.

While the GOP doesn't get the majority of the Jewish vote, it does get Jewish votes. Given they are alienating every demographic with the exception of old white Christian guys, fund raising at a museum filled with Hitler art is probably not a good idea.

Do you think Jewish people are stupid?

Many people in my family follow the Jewish religion. I would not hold they are stupid people.

Then rest assured that they will not be buying what you just tried to sell.

You can "rest assured" that in terms of Nazis, Jewish people really are in the "Never Forget" crowd.

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