Waste of money...

Why are you lying?

Oh yeah....you are breathing. I understand.
what was a lie?

The reason the money was sent is a lie. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with any hostages or prisoners.

Do a little research. Ask youself why the only news outlets which are pushing the lie are crazed RW lie factories.

Then....be a man and come back here with a retraction and a rebuke for the retard OP.
You want me to prove the OP wrong? lol you do it, you called it a lie. Show me.

I didn't ask you to do anything other than to use common sense and simple fact checking instincts.

You bought the OP's lie......and that makes me think you are willing to be duped.
Looks like war with Iran and possibly WWIII is inevitable. We saw this same kind of rhetoric leading up to the Iraq invasion. Some really do want more horrific war. I don't get it myself. But it does look like some sort of major confrontation with Iran is in the works.

However, I think war with Iran won't be like war with Iraq. Iran does have strong allies. It won't go down quietly. Its allies will defend it. But the warmongers in both nations are just waiting for any kind of spark. It really is very sad. I don't understand why so many want more war. It's a form of insanity.

? There isn't a war coming. Not with Iran and not with Russia.


You so sure about that? An awful lot of warmongers want it. I see a bloody confrontation with Iran as being inevitable. I think it's been in the works for years. Much like the Iraq invasion.

No nation on this planet wants to fight the US military. None of them. Because they know there is no fight. Relax, any bluster you hear about such things is nonsense. There are no big wars on the horizon. The worst that might happen is a few skirmishes with China over the South China Sea but that is a long shot.

I hope you're right. But keep in mind, the warmongers have a lot of pull. Never underestimate the MIC folks. They do usually get their wars.
Why are you lying?

Oh yeah....you are breathing. I understand.
what was a lie?

The reason the money was sent is a lie. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with any hostages or prisoners.

Do a little research. Ask youself why the only news outlets which are pushing the lie are crazed RW lie factories.

Then....be a man and come back here with a retraction and a rebuke for the retard OP.
You want me to prove the OP wrong? lol you do it, you called it a lie. Show me.

I didn't ask you to do anything other than to use common sense and simple fact checking instincts.

You bought the OP's lie......and that makes me think you are willing to be duped.
No I didn't. I read about it this morning. Yea, someone in Washington said it was for 2 different instances.
Yea, Washington never lies or covers up bullshit... lol
the truth is that no matter when thise prisoners were released as soon as it was known that we were working on a nuclear deal with iran some people would claim they were ransomed
Why are you lying?

Oh yeah....you are breathing. I understand.
what was a lie?

The reason the money was sent is a lie. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with any hostages or prisoners.

Do a little research. Ask youself why the only news outlets which are pushing the lie are crazed RW lie factories.

Then....be a man and come back here with a retraction and a rebuke for the retard OP.
You want me to prove the OP wrong? lol you do it, you called it a lie. Show me.

I didn't ask you to do anything other than to use common sense and simple fact checking instincts.

You bought the OP's lie......and that makes me think you are willing to be duped.
No I didn't. I read about it this morning. Yea, someone in Washington said it was for 2 different instances.
Yea, Washington never lies or covers up bullshit... lol

You have a finely tuned bullshit detector when it comes to what the Obama admin says....meaning EVERYTHING is bullshit.

But.....Tom Cotton and the WSJ......oh boy! They pass your test with ease.

You are a dupe. We owed them the money.
If it was a legitimate payment it would have been done by electronic transfer, not stacks of case on pallets shipped on a mystery plane.

It was a ransom payment, fools. Sleep well, idiots. you could be next.

You don't know what you are talking about.
agreed. It is against the law to give Iran dollars.

Interesting point. It was Tax Dollars, no?
No it was swiss and another currency. The US can not give US dollars to iran.
what was a lie?
The reason the money was sent is a lie. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with any hostages or prisoners.
Do a little research. Ask youself why the only news outlets which are pushing the lie are crazed RW lie factories.
Then....be a man and come back here with a retraction and a rebuke for the retard OP.
You want me to prove the OP wrong? lol you do it, you called it a lie. Show me.
I didn't ask you to do anything other than to use common sense and simple fact checking instincts.
You bought the OP's lie......and that makes me think you are willing to be duped.
No I didn't. I read about it this morning. Yea, someone in Washington said it was for 2 different instances.
Yea, Washington never lies or covers up bullshit... lol
You have a finely tuned bullshit detector when it comes to what the Obama admin says....meaning EVERYTHING is bullshit.
But.....Tom Cotton and the WSJ......oh boy! They pass your test with ease.
You are a dupe. We owed them the money.
We pay them installments of 490M each. We paid them 490M the day before this happened..
Gee, I wonder why my thread , with the title of 'It Was Definitely a RANSOM' was merged into a thread that simply says, 'waste of money'. Could it be that this title does not make it clear that Obama just paid a ransom to the world's leading exporters of terrorism, his buddies, Iran?

Nah....of course not.... :p
Gee, I wonder why my thread , with the title of 'It Was Definitely a RANSOM' was merged into a thread that simply says, 'waste of money'. Could it be that this title does not make it clear that Obama just paid a ransom to the world's leading exporters of terrorism, his buddies, Iran?

Nah....of course not.... :p

OMG! Its a USMB anti truth conspiracy!!!
None the less it was a cowardly act by Barry...
The reason the money was sent is a lie. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with any hostages or prisoners.
Do a little research. Ask youself why the only news outlets which are pushing the lie are crazed RW lie factories.
Then....be a man and come back here with a retraction and a rebuke for the retard OP.
You want me to prove the OP wrong? lol you do it, you called it a lie. Show me.
I didn't ask you to do anything other than to use common sense and simple fact checking instincts.
You bought the OP's lie......and that makes me think you are willing to be duped.
No I didn't. I read about it this morning. Yea, someone in Washington said it was for 2 different instances.
Yea, Washington never lies or covers up bullshit... lol
You have a finely tuned bullshit detector when it comes to what the Obama admin says....meaning EVERYTHING is bullshit.
But.....Tom Cotton and the WSJ......oh boy! They pass your test with ease.
You are a dupe. We owed them the money.
We pay them installments of 490M each. We paid them 490M the day before this happened..


I have no idea what you are trying to say. I think it is you who needs to explain it.
The pallets stacked high with dollars, euros, and Swiss franks were just a coincidence? Have you abandoned all shame so completely?

Cling to your memes. They'll keep you warm.

So, it was just a coincidence? A "Just Thinking of You" gift from obama to his buddies?

Watch the news, you'll see.

I watch the news. Now, answer the question.

The question was already answered. The president, and a littany of other government officials, explained what it was. You don't accept that, so continue watching the news. The reality will become easy to see and the con-media meme of 'ransom' will be dispelled entirely. However all lies live forever in con-bubbleland so we'll be hearing about this from Alex Jones forever. If you choose to follow Alex Jones you are welcome to it.

Would you be interested in purchasing a bridge?
It definitely puts Americans in more danger...
No it didn't. Will you ever stop short of saying crazy things?
Nice OPINION, but people way smarter than both you and I disagree.

"Paying ransom to kidnappers puts Americans even more at risk," Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., said in a statement. "While Americans were relieved by Iran’s overdue release of illegally imprisoned American hostages, the White House’s policy of appeasement has led Iran to illegally seize more American hostages."

"Countries with a reputation for paying ransom to terrorists are more likely to have their citizens targeted by organizations like the Islamic State, a Canadian security expert says."When you open yourself for this vulnerability, you basically open the hunt for the citizens of your country around the world to be kidnapped," former CSIS agent Michel Juneau-Katsuya told CTV's Canada AM on Friday."
- Paying a terrorist ransom may put a country's citizens at greater risk: expert

It's like feeding bears in a park...once you do it they know where to get more food. In this case, just take more Americans hostage.
You want me to prove the OP wrong? lol you do it, you called it a lie. Show me.
I didn't ask you to do anything other than to use common sense and simple fact checking instincts.
You bought the OP's lie......and that makes me think you are willing to be duped.
No I didn't. I read about it this morning. Yea, someone in Washington said it was for 2 different instances.
Yea, Washington never lies or covers up bullshit... lol
You have a finely tuned bullshit detector when it comes to what the Obama admin says....meaning EVERYTHING is bullshit.
But.....Tom Cotton and the WSJ......oh boy! They pass your test with ease.
You are a dupe. We owed them the money.
We pay them installments of 490M each. We paid them 490M the day before this happened..


I have no idea what you are trying to say. I think it is you who needs to explain it.
Read it and think. We pay iran money in installments of 490M each. An installment was just done the day before this debacle. We don't give them 400m for the nuke deal..

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