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WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Chant ‘We’re Ready for War’

How come we NEVER hear from the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leaders. What are their names again? Are they laying low until the 2016 elections are over? Because they are both very unpopular. No one ever talks about Boehner or McConnell. What have they been up to? Amazing. Haven't heard a peep out of either of them in some time. Interesting.

The GOP leadership has no solutions.
obviously if there are still problems after 8 years of the socialist, the democrats dont have working solutions either.
It wasn't sunshine and roses the day after blacks got their civil rights and racism didn't end the day Obama walked into the white house. In fact sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

Blacks didn't get "their civil rights" yesterday.

And racism, at least white racism hasn't been the problem since WAY before Obama walked into the White House.

There is no reason, at this point in time, that "things have to get worse, before they get better".
Racism wasn't a problem before Obama?

How is Ferguson or trevon Martin or any of the other blacks murdered by cops Obama's fault?

Because he stood up their and said that white people were a bunch of racist pieces of shit and after that we had riots. He is a divider for doing so.

I think blacks are treated unfairly as they get harsh sentences for non-violent crimes, but what Brown did by grabbing for officers wilson gun, gave wilson the right of self defense. How can you disagree?
Where there are riots, we have to have the law enforced. Bring out the national guard and arrest the thugs that loot, destroy and shoot. If and NG or LE gets attacked, defend yourself to the fullest extent possible. Stop pusy footing around thugs.
That would require them to get jobs.
we KNOW thats not going to happen.
Not in Ferguson. Blacks would have to leave town to find a job!
That's actually part of my solution for blacks. They can't handle Detroit or Ferguson or flint Saginaw Compton watts or Harlem.

Seems the only decent black city is Atlanta.

So blacks need to leave 75% of Detroit. Half of Detroit has already taken this advice. They've left to come to the burbs where there are jobs. Each city has enough low income housing to let blacks make up no more than 20% of our communities.

No offense but clearly blacks can not manage their own major city.

I'd like to know how Atlanta does it. Anyone here from the atl?

No offense but thanks for verifying what I suspected all along about SOME "White liberals." You are no different when it comes to race than your "conservative" counterparts.

Instead of examining the factors behind the decline of Detroit, you conclude it is due to Blacks mismanaging it. The situation in Detroit is far more complex than that and has a lot to do with the near collapse of the auto Industry in 2008-9. But if that wasn't enough of an insult you proceeded to assert that low income housing in the suburbs would be reserved solely for poor Blacks.

You didn't stop there. As expected, given the trajectory of your veiled
bigotry, you continued by rattling off multiple examples of supposedly failed black cities to bolster your claim. Shootspeeders and Matthew must be proud of you! I am not sure your premise of "Blacks can't handle" big city management is anything more than an early 20th Century throwback to the days when it was popularly believed that Blacks couldn't "handle" pro football or baseball or fly an airplane!

Here is abetter idea. Since we know every major city needs a decent tax base to be successful, regardless of who is managing the city government, the point is moot. As long as White people own the means of production, all of the banks and most of the national franchises/ businesses, they still control the local economies at any level and political outcomes at the state and federal levels.

You might be aware that during segregation, Black businesses flourished; wealth accumulated in Black communities and productivity was high. Marriage was valued and families stayed together. Then came integration. Blacks flocked to white owned businesses and businesses in their own communities perished. along with the productivity and wealth. Blacks became dependent on White society for jobs and sustenance thinking that assimilation would eventually come.
They are still waiting!
Stop waiting. How many millionaire black retired athletes have left black community and never looked back? Where's Karl Malone live in Utah? Berry Sanders. What's Oprah doing about it?

You're in America for God sakes. Would you be better off somewhere else? You're sounding like a conspiracy theorist. Jk. I really do agree with everything you say but what blacks won't do is talk about how they can do better. Sorry if the truth hurts. Yes, even white liberals have issues with black societies. How can you not looking at the crime and culture? Pull your fucking pants up!
You baited me and I fell for it. Now I am in the tenuous position of agreeing with you by proxy. I forgot how subtle the white world view can be. Black people in general are NOT poor. About 25% of the population lives below the poverty line. Your argument suggests the entire Black community is in dire straits....that just is not true. I do feel that Blacks were economically better off when they had their own businesses and thrived under segregation in places like the Black Wallstreet, Harlem and other Black cities. The sharecroppers were an exception since they were little more than an extension of slave labor.

Today, the black civil war between gangs and the crimes committed by their junkies to get a fix is atrocious. But they are just a small fraction of the back population.. Hopefully, the "good statistics" I presented in my previous post will put the contrast between Christian Blacks and thugs into perspective. Those good stats force me to abandon the "victim" argument I presented earlier and I am now arguing that your social prognosis on the Black community is wrong! Blacks are prospering more than millions of white people.
I heard an interesting story about Korea fathers on NPR. Until now Korean fathers only responsibility was to provide $ for the family. It is unheard of to leave work before your boss so dads get home at ten pm most nights.

So they are making a decision as a society to let dads off earlier so they can be involved in their children's lives.

This is the kind of thing black culture needs do do. Take a look at what you as a people can do to improve your own society. Don't act like Detroit is a pimple. Add Compton watts south central flint Saginaw Chicago Baltimore feguson and its what other countries point to when they say we aren't the greatest country if that exists. Not black people the crime and poverty problems I mean.

Anyways, if Koreans can do it in Korea, your people can do it here.
That would require them to get jobs.
we KNOW thats not going to happen.
Not in Ferguson. Blacks would have to leave town to find a job!
That's actually part of my solution for blacks. They can't handle Detroit or Ferguson or flint Saginaw Compton watts or Harlem.

Seems the only decent black city is Atlanta.

So blacks need to leave 75% of Detroit. Half of Detroit has already taken this advice. They've left to come to the burbs where there are jobs. Each city has enough low income housing to let blacks make up no more than 20% of our communities.

No offense but clearly blacks can not manage their own major city.

I'd like to know how Atlanta does it. Anyone here from the atl?

No offense but thanks for verifying what I suspected all along about SOME "White liberals." You are no different when it comes to race than your "conservative" counterparts.

Instead of examining the factors behind the decline of Detroit, you conclude it is due to Blacks mismanaging it. The situation in Detroit is far more complex than that and has a lot to do with the near collapse of the auto Industry in 2008-9. But if that wasn't enough of an insult you proceeded to assert that low income housing in the suburbs would be reserved solely for poor Blacks.

You didn't stop there. As expected, given the trajectory of your veiled
bigotry, you continued by rattling off multiple examples of supposedly failed black cities to bolster your claim. Shootspeeders and Matthew must be proud of you! I am not sure your premise of "Blacks can't handle" big city management is anything more than an early 20th Century throwback to the days when it was popularly believed that Blacks couldn't "handle" pro football or baseball or fly an airplane!

Here is abetter idea. Since we know every major city needs a decent tax base to be successful, regardless of who is managing the city government, the point is moot. As long as White people own the means of production, all of the banks and most of the national franchises/ businesses, they still control the local economies at any level and political outcomes at the state and federal levels.

You might be aware that during segregation, Black businesses flourished; wealth accumulated in Black communities and productivity was high. Marriage was valued and families stayed together. Then came integration. Blacks flocked to white owned businesses and businesses in their own communities perished. along with the productivity and wealth. Blacks became dependent on White society for jobs and sustenance thinking that assimilation would eventually come.
They are still waiting!
Stop waiting. How many millionaire black retired athletes have left black community and never looked back? Where's Karl Malone live in Utah? Berry Sanders. What's Oprah doing about it?

You're in America for God sakes. Would you be better off somewhere else? You're sounding like a conspiracy theorist. Jk. I really do agree with everything you say but what blacks won't do is talk about how they can do better. Sorry if the truth hurts. Yes, even white liberals have issues with black societies. How can you not looking at the crime and culture? Pull your fucking pants up!
You baited me and I fell for it. Now I am in the tenuous position of agreeing with you by proxy. I forgot how subtle the white world view can be. Black people in general are NOT poor. About 25% of the population lives below the poverty line. Your argument suggests the entire Black community is in dire straits....that just is not true. I do feel that Blacks were economically better off when they had their own businesses and thrived under segregation in places like the Black Wallstreet, Harlem and other Black cities. The sharecroppers were an exception since they were little more than an extension of slave labor.

Today, the black civil war between gangs and the crimes committed by their junkies to get a fix is atrocious. But they are just a small fraction of the back population.. Hopefully, the "good statistics" I presented in my previous post will put the contrast between Christian Blacks and thugs into perspective. Those good stats force me to abandon the "victim" argument I presented earlier and I am now arguing that your social prognosis on the Black community is wrong! Blacks are prospering more than millions of white people.
And I would think if black people made the changes I've suggested crime would go down, poverty would lower. If black parents insisted their kids learned two languages. One around each other and one for interviews. Do you think those people would do better in the job market? If crime went down in Detroit maybe manufacturing factories would go there. Maybe googl would go. Maybe white America would invest in your cities more.

Oh, and voting in black reps is key. Not enough blacks vote.
Blacks are declaring war on the Democratic party? Ferguson is a Democratic party owned and run city.
Really? All those cops are liberal? That's funny. I also think it is funny what a right wing conservative my cop friend is. He's also a government worker in a union making over $70K a year. Does he realize he is or SHOULD BE a liberal? Hell no. He's stupid just like you.

Your just mad because I bitch slapped you. Democrats own Ferguson fool they have a Dem mayor a Dem city council a Dem police chief, eat it. Speaking of how Democrats treat blacks why did Democrats in Democrat run cities around the country send millions of young black men to prison? OH SNAP!!

that's going to leave a mark.
They are chanting their ready for war but as soon as one of them gets killed in the war they will be chanting racism and police brutality. So just a heads up to them those do not apply in war.
They are chanting their ready for war but as soon as one of them gets killed in the war they will be chanting racism and police brutality. So just a heads up to them those do not apply in war.
Notice whites showed up with assault rifles hoping? What if black Americans showed up strapping?
They are chanting their ready for war but as soon as one of them gets killed in the war they will be chanting racism and police brutality. So just a heads up to them those do not apply in war.
Notice whites showed up with assault rifles hoping? What if black Americans showed up strapping?
If they have legal permits and don't threaten anyone probably nothing.
anyone know who is FUNDING this group? We already know George Soros and I'd bet the DNC, Unions has their hands in it...
they seem to be able to FLY all over the country to start people rioting and charging on the stage of Bernie Sanders rallies.

back in the day someone charged a stage like that. they WOULD have been arrested

so that had to be setup.

Progressive/Democrats is in Cahoots with this bunch and THEY are bringing all this violence, mayhem and Chaos into YOUR LIVES. and now some of you will still go and VOTE for them so we can have more of this. that's messed up
Ready for war? So what happens when their EBT cards get shut down?
How will they afford ammo,food,malt liquor?
Who? The black protestors or the White poor and middle class of Ferguson? Check Food stamp stats and get back with us!

How about you get your eyes checked,because I didnt see any white rioters.
Silly , you don't have to riot to be on food-stamps! And you don't have to be Black either!

Well the ones in Fergytown were black,and i'd bet everyone one of them is on some kind of gov assistance.

You "BET" everyone of them is on some ind of government assistance?
Is that akin to a Wild Assed Guess, better known as a WAG. It looks like a WAG to me and you know what wags TALES around here:

DUMB ASS WHITE GUYS. That is an acronym for DAWG! :lol:
Fuck the percentage of the population crap. Do you even know how many Blacks use food stamps? If you tell me, I'll tell you how many Whites are on food stamps.lets compare numbers...shall we?

Sure you want to play with the numbers when blacks are 13% of the population, the fact is that blacks are twice as likely to be on food stamps than whites. Whites 15% compared to 31% of blacks have ever received food stamps according to Pew Research.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center
I asked you to provide the number of Blacks on food stamps now!..today!...Not the percentage having EVER received food-stamps.
I want raw numbers of current Black recipients of food stamps.



You're question is irrelevant.
My question was not meant for you so it should be irrelevant to you!

Than I guess you should have asked via PM if you didnt want outside comments.
Stop jumping to conclusions, they are usually wrong!

Furthermore, you don't get to decide what is or is not relevant around here. That is especially true when the post wasn't addressed to you!
The GOP leadership has no solutions.
obviously if there are still problems after 8 years of the socialist, the democrats dont have working solutions either.
It wasn't sunshine and roses the day after blacks got their civil rights and racism didn't end the day Obama walked into the white house. In fact sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

Blacks didn't get "their civil rights" yesterday.

And racism, at least white racism hasn't been the problem since WAY before Obama walked into the White House.

There is no reason, at this point in time, that "things have to get worse, before they get better".
Racism wasn't a problem before Obama?

How is Ferguson or trevon Martin or any of the other blacks murdered by cops Obama's fault?

NOt really.
youOh, sure, libs and blacks like to BLAME everything on white racism, but in reality, no.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time., Now you are accusing liberals of colluding with Blacks to blame EVERYTHING on white racism. Make up your mind... even the Minotaur couldn't find his way though your chaotic political labyrinth of misnomers and conjecture!
Paid protesters....just propaganda. However I would suggest they do not mess with The Oath Takers....OOOORAHHHH!
Well, yes that is a lot of people but there are people just as poor in Appalachia. I am just as concerned about them.
Detroit is a microcosm, a pimple on the ass of the black community.
As a social technician you should be concerned with the whole body and the pimple will eventually go away! or heal!

No you teach the filthy individual proper hygiene as the pimple is indicative of both bad diet and personal hygiene.

Your stupidity is indicative of little to no gray matter in the cranium cavity...............

That is a professional diagnosis free of charge, you can thank me later.
You must be a pimple's pimple.
Oh, sure, libs and blacks like to BLAME everything on white racism, but in reality, no.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time.,.

So since when are Dem libs not racist?
If Ronald reagan was alive I guess you could ask him. He was raised by Democrats and was a card carrying Democrat for years. You know the years when they were hanging Blacks from lamposts and the KKK was terrorizing people. Yep, good ol' Ronnie ought to be able to answer you just fine! heh heh heh! Just ask him when you get to hell!
Oh, sure, libs and blacks like to BLAME everything on white racism, but in reality, no.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time.,.

So since when are Dem libs not racist?
If Ronald reagan was alive I guess you could ask him. He was raised by Democrats and was a card carrying Democrat for years. You know the years when they were hanging Blacks from lamposts and the KKK was terrorizing people. Yep, good ol' Ronnie ought to be able to answer you just fine! heh heh heh! Just ask him when you get to hell!

Dayam ... talk about being all over the place. You don't have to prove to me you're a card-carrying idiot ... I'm convinced.
Here's the thing about Reagan: once he engaged his brain, he stopped being a liberal. It happens and if you're lucky it may happen to you.
"If you're not a lib at 25 you have no heart. If you're still a lib at 35 you have no brain."
Not in Ferguson. Blacks would have to leave town to find a job!
That's actually part of my solution for blacks. They can't handle Detroit or Ferguson or flint Saginaw Compton watts or Harlem.

Seems the only decent black city is Atlanta.

So blacks need to leave 75% of Detroit. Half of Detroit has already taken this advice. They've left to come to the burbs where there are jobs. Each city has enough low income housing to let blacks make up no more than 20% of our communities.

No offense but clearly blacks can not manage their own major city.

I'd like to know how Atlanta does it. Anyone here from the atl?

No offense but thanks for verifying what I suspected all along about SOME "White liberals." You are no different when it comes to race than your "conservative" counterparts.

Instead of examining the factors behind the decline of Detroit, you conclude it is due to Blacks mismanaging it. The situation in Detroit is far more complex than that and has a lot to do with the near collapse of the auto Industry in 2008-9. But if that wasn't enough of an insult you proceeded to assert that low income housing in the suburbs would be reserved solely for poor Blacks.

You didn't stop there. As expected, given the trajectory of your veiled
bigotry, you continued by rattling off multiple examples of supposedly failed black cities to bolster your claim. Shootspeeders and Matthew must be proud of you! I am not sure your premise of "Blacks can't handle" big city management is anything more than an early 20th Century throwback to the days when it was popularly believed that Blacks couldn't "handle" pro football or baseball or fly an airplane!

Here is abetter idea. Since we know every major city needs a decent tax base to be successful, regardless of who is managing the city government, the point is moot. As long as White people own the means of production, all of the banks and most of the national franchises/ businesses, they still control the local economies at any level and political outcomes at the state and federal levels.

You might be aware that during segregation, Black businesses flourished; wealth accumulated in Black communities and productivity was high. Marriage was valued and families stayed together. Then came integration. Blacks flocked to white owned businesses and businesses in their own communities perished. along with the productivity and wealth. Blacks became dependent on White society for jobs and sustenance thinking that assimilation would eventually come.
They are still waiting!
Stop waiting. How many millionaire black retired athletes have left black community and never looked back? Where's Karl Malone live in Utah? Berry Sanders. What's Oprah doing about it?

You're in America for God sakes. Would you be better off somewhere else? You're sounding like a conspiracy theorist. Jk. I really do agree with everything you say but what blacks won't do is talk about how they can do better. Sorry if the truth hurts. Yes, even white liberals have issues with black societies. How can you not looking at the crime and culture? Pull your fucking pants up!
You baited me and I fell for it. Now I am in the tenuous position of agreeing with you by proxy. I forgot how subtle the white world view can be. Black people in general are NOT poor. About 25% of the population lives below the poverty line. Your argument suggests the entire Black community is in dire straits....that just is not true. I do feel that Blacks were economically better off when they had their own businesses and thrived under segregation in places like the Black Wallstreet, Harlem and other Black cities. The sharecroppers were an exception since they were little more than an extension of slave labor.

Today, the black civil war between gangs and the crimes committed by their junkies to get a fix is atrocious. But they are just a small fraction of the back population.. Hopefully, the "good statistics" I presented in my previous post will put the contrast between Christian Blacks and thugs into perspective. Those good stats force me to abandon the "victim" argument I presented earlier and I am now arguing that your social prognosis on the Black community is wrong! Blacks are prospering more than millions of white people.
And I would think if black people made the changes I've suggested crime would go down, poverty would lower. If black parents insisted their kids learned two languages. One around each other and one for interviews. Do you think those people would do better in the job market? If crime went down in Detroit maybe manufacturing factories would go there. Maybe googl would go. Maybe white America would invest in your cities more.

Oh, and voting in black reps is key. Not enough blacks vote.
Your post is redundant. I have shown that the Black community is, for the most part, intact and doing better than millions of poor white people
whose minions number almost as many as the entire black community!

You continue to manufacture a national black tragic community that doesn't exist. Wake up. Blacks have risen and are still rising... They are, for the most part, self supporting Americans who typically have children out of wedlock but either get married later on or still interact as a family. A majority of Blacks have applied the principles of which you recently spoke decades ago and many of their children are reaping the benefits today.

Yes, I know the media has made thugs of the entire black community. You echo their daily inculcations yourself. And no matter how many good statistics I post showing another side of American Black life, they will be ignored,, by you and every other white person who glances at it. You have already made up your minds...the Black community is in trouble and YOU know what the problem is and how to fix it. If ONLY they would listen to YOU....

Sheer folly.. Most American Blacks are way ahead of you and are making progress every day!
Last edited:
Oh, sure, libs and blacks like to BLAME everything on white racism, but in reality, no.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time.,.

So since when are Dem libs not racist?
If Ronald reagan was alive I guess you could ask him. He was raised by Democrats and was a card carrying Democrat for years. You know the years when they were hanging Blacks from lamposts and the KKK was terrorizing people. Yep, good ol' Ronnie ought to be able to answer you just fine! heh heh heh! Just ask him when you get to hell!

Dayam ... talk about being all over the place. You don't have to prove to me you're a card-carrying idiot ... I'm convinced.
Here's the thing about Reagan: once he engaged his brain, he stopped being a liberal. It happens and if you're lucky it may happen to you.
"If you're not a lib at 25 you have no heart. If you're still a lib at 35 you have no brain."
I doubt if a dumb ass like you would understand but Reagan was never a liberal and neither was the KKK. They were once associated with the pre-1964 Democrats who identified as conservative just like George Wallace. Reagan and the KKK switched parties ostensibly because it was evident the Democrats were leaning towards Civil Rights for Blacks and women. That was "liberal" stuff and they wanted no part of it. With all the racists and southern misfits flooding it's ranks, the GOP became more "conservative" i.e. more racist!

Try to dispute that if you can, ass wipe!

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