Watch How People Respond to Bible Quotes When Told They're From the Quran

We’re not ‘at war’ with any religion.

Conservatives might be, the consequence of their ignorance, hate, and bigotry.

Conservatives are not the ones blowing people up and shooting up gay bars in the name of Allah. Conservatives don't have Sharia law to forbid homosexuality and execute them for their lifestyle. Conservatives don't treat their women as second class citizens and make them cover their beauty, taking freedom from women expressing themselves. Liberals defend Islam Sharia law and deny that ISLAM is a violent religion with terrorist groups and American haters.

We are not at war because radical Islam is at war with America and the Jews. They declared war on us you sell out.
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.
The purpose is to expose the hypocrisy and prejudice of credulous rubes like you, and you are walking right into it.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If Islam really was a religion of violence, you would already be dead.

LOL, We;ve been at war with this funky religion for 20 years to keep us safe.

We’re not ‘at war’ with any religion.

Conservatives might be, the consequence of their ignorance, hate, and bigotry.

We are at war with liberal jihadists aka the Democratic party.
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.
Lolol not as.disgusting as what muslims do to their goats.

And most christians know the ot, welearn it in sunday school. The.people.who.don't are asshats like you and the.op and that moron isaac, who hate christians yet have no concept of the contents of the bible, or christianity period.
Abrahamic religions are gay mind fucks. Orthodox Judaism and Islam are almost identical the difference being one, the former, insists on racism to perpetuate the insanity. People who are rational and intelligent need to realize all these cults seek world domination.
Similarities between the Bible and the Qur’an

This can't be coincidence. Some people try to say , that both books are divine and God gave the same stories, its not that way. Obviously the similarities are striking and they also lived and intermarried with each other.

it is important to read the bullshit citation that Penelope notes----She claims that the "similarities" thing somehow supports her
contention "DA JOOOOS WROTE DA KORAN"----but in fact---half of her citation includes very classic mosque "PROOF"
that the New Testament is a "pile of shit" I first heard the
"NT IS A PILE OF SHIT" mosque sermon-----more than 45 years ago-------on a "GOOD FRIDAY" -----I had been invited to visit the mosque which had a GENIUS guest speaker that day from AL AZHAR U. ------the sermon resounded with
did not understand why I objected to the "sermon"----since in that instance "JOOOOOS" were not even mentioned

If you watch Watters on Bile Ori'ly he attempts this kind of thing but Watters is dishonest in his methods. This is simply reading straight from the bible. You do this kind of thing in some parts of the south and they'd try to lynch you. Fake kristians DO NOT like their hypocrisy being brought out into the open like this at
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

Penelope never read the bible either---she is just repeating that which she learned from her catechism whore. It is certainly true that most Christians never read the OT-----I have had conversation with ---STUDENT PRIESTS and EX-PRIESTS (of the catholic variety) who had no concept of what the contents of the OT are-----but----they did claim they read it..
Most Christians never read the NT-------but they seem to know its contents a bit better than does Penny. BTW penny----who was LOT? was he a jew? who was adolf hitler? ---someone you like a lot better than you do the person called LOT?

Right, there you go bringing Hitler up, old Jew trick, bring up Hitler or Holocaust to shut people up about your nasty books. Quite the contra, the church said no need to read the bible they'll teach us everything we need to know, they only read the good stuff in Mass, not the creepy stuff. Well Lot was a drunk and got his daughters pg , can you say that about Hitler?

LOL an old catechism whore trick----bring up some incident in the bible about-----a person who was not even a jew who DID SOMETHING that does not come close to the filth and stench that the very same catechism whore carried in her mouth each day. Lot was not a jew----but ADOLF HITLER was a baptized catholic------and even his sluts---both eva and magda were baptized catholics and his right hand man---josef goebbels
Most germans were baptized catholics in those days.all that means is thattheir mothers had them baptized.

In fact----Koshergrl------both Joseph Goebbels and ESPECIALLY his wife MAGDA----were ardent ACTIVE
catholics-------one could logically consider Adolf a bit
"lapsed" (at least) Adolf especially admired Magda for her
piety-----she did look like an angel in her white ---going to mass---veil. Magda is the saint who shoved cyanide down the throats of her five toddlers------as she grieved for adolf of the "BULLET IN HIS HEAD". An interesting factoid is that ADOLF made Magda----the OFFICIAL HOSTESS of his
castle . Don't take it personally. The entire group of the Berlin Bunker was a bit mad
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.
The purpose is to expose the hypocrisy and prejudice of credulous rubes like you, and you are walking right into it.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If Islam really was a religion of violence, you would already be dead.

LOL, We;ve been at war with this funky religion for 20 years to keep us safe.

We’re not ‘at war’ with any religion.

Conservatives might be, the consequence of their ignorance, hate, and bigotry.
Please please please Mr unethical democrat have obama sign an executive order not to fight muslims anymore.
See how long yeeeewww live.
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.
The purpose is to expose the hypocrisy and prejudice of credulous rubes like you, and you are walking right into it.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If Islam really was a religion of violence, you would already be dead.

LOL, We;ve been at war with this funky religion for 20 years to keep us safe.

We’re not ‘at war’ with any religion.

Conservatives might be, the consequence of their ignorance, hate, and bigotry.

We are at war with liberal jihadists aka the Democratic party.
Gotta luv it when Dems preach about ethics.
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.


Suggestion-----Leave it to muslim scholars to INTERPRET THE KORAN---that is muslims who know Arabic and can read it and understand "from where its coming". The interpretation of the koran by people who KNOW----is "shariah"

Suggestion -- stop posting.

Sytfe----you seem to be new here? ----Do not hesitate to express your opinons. Do YOU feel confident in your ability
to interpret the koran? or the bible---(either OT or NT?) Have you ever read any of these books?
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.
Lolol not as.disgusting as what muslims do to their goats.

And most christians know the ot, welearn it in sunday school. The.people.who.don't are asshats like you and the.op and that moron isaac, who hate christians yet have no concept of the contents of the bible, or christianity period.

You learned it in Sunday school, good for you. Then obviously you can't deny what I wrote about it.

If you watch Watters on Bile Ori'ly he attempts this kind of thing but Watters is dishonest in his methods. This is simply reading straight from the bible. You do this kind of thing in some parts of the south and they'd try to lynch you. Fake kristians DO NOT like their hypocrisy being brought out into the open like this at
Penelope never read the bible either---she is just repeating that which she learned from her catechism whore. It is certainly true that most Christians never read the OT-----I have had conversation with ---STUDENT PRIESTS and EX-PRIESTS (of the catholic variety) who had no concept of what the contents of the OT are-----but----they did claim they read it..
Most Christians never read the NT-------but they seem to know its contents a bit better than does Penny. BTW penny----who was LOT? was he a jew? who was adolf hitler? ---someone you like a lot better than you do the person called LOT?

Right, there you go bringing Hitler up, old Jew trick, bring up Hitler or Holocaust to shut people up about your nasty books. Quite the contra, the church said no need to read the bible they'll teach us everything we need to know, they only read the good stuff in Mass, not the creepy stuff. Well Lot was a drunk and got his daughters pg , can you say that about Hitler?

LOL an old catechism whore trick----bring up some incident in the bible about-----a person who was not even a jew who DID SOMETHING that does not come close to the filth and stench that the very same catechism whore carried in her mouth each day. Lot was not a jew----but ADOLF HITLER was a baptized catholic------and even his sluts---both eva and magda were baptized catholics and his right hand man---josef goebbels
Most germans were baptized catholics in those days.all that means is thattheir mothers had them baptized.

In fact----Koshergrl------both Joseph Goebbels and ESPECIALLY his wife MAGDA----were ardent ACTIVE
catholics-------one could logically consider Adolf a bit
"lapsed" (at least) Adolf especially admired Magda for her
piety-----she did look like an angel in her white ---going to mass---veil. Magda is the saint who shoved cyanide down the throats of her five toddlers------as she grieved for adolf of the "BULLET IN HIS HEAD". An interesting factoid is that ADOLF made Magda----the OFFICIAL HOSTESS of his
castle . Don't take it personally. The entire group of the Berlin Bunker was a bit mad

I could name lots of Jews murderers here, but I don't have room or the time. Most of Germany went Evangelical with the protestant reformation.
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.
The purpose is to expose the hypocrisy and prejudice of credulous rubes like you, and you are walking right into it.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If Islam really was a religion of violence, you would already be dead.

Muslims are trouble wherever they go. Quite a few dead in this country thanks to muslims. Almost 3,000 on 9-11. How about the Orlando nightclub and the san bernardino muslim party? These people kill in big numbers. Obama's been bringing them here at a frantic pace, and if hillary gets in the white house, tens of thousands more. Muslims are the enemy and they're already inside the gate amongst us.

Perhaps we should quit destroying their countries. I remember Afghanistan, Bush saying we wanted " to get the Taliban out" where did he want them to go?
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.
Sounds like today's liberal agenda.

If you watch Watters on Bile Ori'ly he attempts this kind of thing but Watters is dishonest in his methods. This is simply reading straight from the bible. You do this kind of thing in some parts of the south and they'd try to lynch you. Fake kristians DO NOT like their hypocrisy being brought out into the open like this at
Right, there you go bringing Hitler up, old Jew trick, bring up Hitler or Holocaust to shut people up about your nasty books. Quite the contra, the church said no need to read the bible they'll teach us everything we need to know, they only read the good stuff in Mass, not the creepy stuff. Well Lot was a drunk and got his daughters pg , can you say that about Hitler?

LOL an old catechism whore trick----bring up some incident in the bible about-----a person who was not even a jew who DID SOMETHING that does not come close to the filth and stench that the very same catechism whore carried in her mouth each day. Lot was not a jew----but ADOLF HITLER was a baptized catholic------and even his sluts---both eva and magda were baptized catholics and his right hand man---josef goebbels
Most germans were baptized catholics in those days.all that means is thattheir mothers had them baptized.

In fact----Koshergrl------both Joseph Goebbels and ESPECIALLY his wife MAGDA----were ardent ACTIVE
catholics-------one could logically consider Adolf a bit
"lapsed" (at least) Adolf especially admired Magda for her
piety-----she did look like an angel in her white ---going to mass---veil. Magda is the saint who shoved cyanide down the throats of her five toddlers------as she grieved for adolf of the "BULLET IN HIS HEAD". An interesting factoid is that ADOLF made Magda----the OFFICIAL HOSTESS of his
castle . Don't take it personally. The entire group of the Berlin Bunker was a bit mad

I could name lots of Jews murderers here, but I don't have room or the time. Most of Germany went Evangelical with the protestant reformation.

the word is LUTHERAN for the protestant religion founded by the german born priest MARTIN LUTHER. I grew up in a town that was founded pre-revolutionary war----and harboring ---lots of descendants of-----"german migrants to the new world" seeking farmland----LUTHERAN----My sunday school experience was in the LUTHERAN CHURCH--(basement) .
Why would you want to SPECIFICALLY name jewish murderers? There are a lot more LUTHERAN AND CATHOLIC MURDERERS. Most REAL health care workers run into murderers----now and then-----either in prison wards or handcuffed to their hospital bedrails. I doubt that you ever ran into a jewish murderer.-----we ALREADY would have heard about it. Most of the Nazi inner core-----like Goebbels and Adolf and Himmler were Catholic. -----the only one I can think of (off the top of my head...) who was not catholic was
ADOLF EICHMANN The most nefarious murderers were
Josef Mengele---and Heinrich Himmler (penny's faves) both from very devout catholic families
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.
The purpose is to expose the hypocrisy and prejudice of credulous rubes like you, and you are walking right into it.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If Islam really was a religion of violence, you would already be dead.

Muslims are trouble wherever they go. Quite a few dead in this country thanks to muslims. Almost 3,000 on 9-11. How about the Orlando nightclub and the san bernardino muslim party? These people kill in big numbers. Obama's been bringing them here at a frantic pace, and if hillary gets in the white house, tens of thousands more. Muslims are the enemy and they're already inside the gate amongst us.

Perhaps we should quit destroying their countries. I remember Afghanistan, Bush saying we wanted " to get the Taliban out" where did he want them to go?

The TALIBAN are---specifically PAKISTANIS------a few Afghanis joined up but they are not called "Taliban"---by
my Pakistani colleagues. The word TALIBAN itself---refers
to the fact that those specific MUJAHADEEN ---were culled, largely from the campuses of Pakistani Universities. ------how long have you been living under a rock?. A significant number or Taliban are NOW in Pakistan----killing people---
I have no idea how many stayed in Afghanistan
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.
Lolol not as.disgusting as what muslims do to their goats.

And most christians know the ot, welearn it in sunday school. The.people.who.don't are asshats like you and the.op and that moron isaac, who hate christians yet have no concept of the contents of the bible, or christianity period.

You learned it in Sunday school, good for you. Then obviously you can't deny what I wrote about it.

you did not write anything about the OT (or even the NT) that makes sense. "IT IS ALL ABOUT RAPE AND INCEST"----
does not come close to describing either the OT or the NT----
except in mosques----as an IMAM teaching of people who never did and never will read----the NT, the OT or even the KORAN (ie---people like you)
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

No, it's historical text and just shows that sin and abomination have been around since the beginning.
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

No, it's historical text and just shows that sin and abomination have been around since the beginning.

true----sorta historical but also what I like to call "SCRIPTURAL LITERATURE"------as LITERATURE----usually in poetic language---it's got POETIC LICENSE and the issue of "SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF"-------you cannot discuss literature with imbeciles----do not try. HOWEVER---muslims insist that the KORAN does not come along with poetic devices----it is as straightforward as a CHEMISTRY MANUAL------ask some local muslim all about it
Sounds like we need a lot better education about the Bible.

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