Watch leftists clap and cheer when they hear quotes from Adolf Hitler

Of course fascism is left wing so they support all the main points.
Any type of collectivist philosophy is a left wing ideology.

It's funny how the proggies have no problem with Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc... but Hitler is a bridge too far.
yeh, which proves that none of the above are a problem for these baby murdering thugs. And if people think they will stop at baby murder and not kill THEM

ha ha.. the sick joke is on them. They are already encouraging people with even minor health problems to kill themselves.. esp in Canada, our socialist/commie neighbor to the north.. but even here in the US people are being encouraged (we told eveyrone this would happen) to off themselves if they have any problems.. Of course eveyrone has problems but I don't think God wants us ending it all, which is the ultimate act of faithlessness in Him..
Your fellow DemoKKKrats are on camera here clapping and cheering for Hitler quotes about economics, social structures, and politics, not his mama.

One can only assume you agree with them as well, since you haven't said otherwise.
I could not understand what the guy in the video was saying, But AS USUALL you like to post what ONE person ( with no political power) is saying or a very small group, and then try and tell us that is how every liberal or independent minded person thinks.
I could not understand what the guy in the video was saying, But AS USUALL you like to post what ONE person ( with no political power) is saying or a very small group, and then try and tell us that is how every liberal or independent minded person thinks.

You couldn't read the subtitles?
We know Vladimir Putin helped Trump become our President in 2016.

Has a Russian agent already been allowed to see and record relevant intelligence from the documents?

Is this why the DNI is assessing the damage done by Trump?
It should be quite a while before we trust the Republican Party again.
Trump's supporters are hard at it, creating chaos in preparation for the November mid-terms. In effect, they are endangering American democracy.

Because free elections are the foundation of American democracy, Trump's supporters are doing exactly what Vladimir Putin wants them to do.

In a way, Trump's cult is rewarding Putin for his efforts in 2016.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

These are the same people who chose our President in 2016.

ABC explains, "In Colorado, supporters of Donald Trump seeking evidence of 2020 election fraud have flooded some county offices with so many records requests that officials say they have been unable to perform their primary duties.

"In Nevada, some election workers have been followed to their cars and harassed with threats.

"And in Philadelphia, concerns about the potential for violence around Election Day have prompted officials to install bulletproof glass at their ballot-processing center.

"With ten weeks to go until the 2022 midterms, dozens of state and local officials across the country tell ABC News that preparations for the election are being hampered by onerous public information requests, ongoing threats against election workers, and dangerous misinformation campaigns being waged by activists still intent on contesting the 2020 presidential election.

"Elizabeth Howard, senior counsel in the Elections and Government Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan think tank that tracks election rules, said it smacks of a coordinated effort!"
Trump's supporters are hard at it, creating chaos in preparation for the November mid-terms. In effect, they are endangering American democracy.

Because free elections are the foundation of American democracy, Trump's supporters are doing exactly what Vladimir Putin wants them to do.

In a way, Trump's cult is rewarding Putin for his efforts in 2016.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

These are the same people who chose our President in 2016.

ABC explains, "In Colorado, supporters of Donald Trump seeking evidence of 2020 election fraud have flooded some county offices with so many records requests that officials say they have been unable to perform their primary duties.

"In Nevada, some election workers have been followed to their cars and harassed with threats.

"And in Philadelphia, concerns about the potential for violence around Election Day have prompted officials to install bulletproof glass at their ballot-processing center.

"With ten weeks to go until the 2022 midterms, dozens of state and local officials across the country tell ABC News that preparations for the election are being hampered by onerous public information requests, ongoing threats against election workers, and dangerous misinformation campaigns being waged by activists still intent on contesting the 2020 presidential election.

"Elizabeth Howard, senior counsel in the Elections and Government Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan think tank that tracks election rules, said it smacks of a coordinated effort!"

Are you suffering from paranoia and delusions or something? You should go back and re-read what you wrote.

You're just not normal. :cuckoo:
Sandy Shanks I would love to know the percentage that you were correct on Mr. So called informed.... you got to be about 4% correct , mixed in with lies and misinformation the likes that China Iran and Russia would be proud. But then again they hate America as much as you. So.
Are you suffering from paranoia and delusions or something? You should go back and re-read what you wrote.

You're just not normal. :cuckoo:
He is a anti American liar and propagandist. Claims he was once a republican... read some of his posts. Constant liar . Prob from Iran..
In the Trump era, there are two facts every voter should know to enable intelligent decisions.

One, when the powers-that-be granted the President all his powers, they never once considered a President like Donald Trump.

Two, Donald Trump is just plain stupid.

Take, for example, his incredibly stupid decision to take hundreds of pages of classified documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. He has never explained why he did that. It is quite likely he doesn't know. Just something to do? In any case, that remarkably incomprehensible decision has caused him nothing but grief, and he might be indicted.

The Wall Street Journal explains his folly. "Boxes retrieved from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home early this year contained more than 184 classified documents, including some deemed top secret or derived from clandestine human-intelligence sources, according to a heavily redacted affidavit released Friday laying out the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s justification for its extraordinary search of the Florida estate in early August.

"The document spanning 38 pages, 24 of them fully or partially blacked out, said there was “probable cause to believe that additional documents” containing classified national defense information and presidential records remained on the premises and “also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction” would be found there. A separate document said investigators relied on accounts from “a significant number of civilian witnesses” before searching the home.

"The affidavit was released on court order almost three weeks after FBI agents searched Mar-a-Lago and carted away more than two dozen boxes including 11 sets of classified documents, some of which were meant to be accessible only in special high-security facilities, according to a search warrant made public by the Florida court that approved it. The search followed months of correspondence by the National Archives and Records Administration to secure Trump administration records."

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. The voters are mostly farmers, ranch hands, and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth.

"The former president has seen his standing in the GOP strengthen since the Aug. 8 search as he considers a 2024 challenge to President Biden," the WSJ.
Lol….oh he might be?…lol hilarious.
I could not understand what the guy in the video was saying, But AS USUALL you like to post what ONE person ( with no political power) is saying or a very small group, and then try and tell us that is how every liberal or independent minded person thinks.

You're an idiot!
Are you suffering from paranoia and delusions or something? You should go back and re-read what you wrote.

You're just not normal. :cuckoo:
This is a typical reaction from a Trump Republican.

The important point is, the poster did not question a thing I said. He just didn't like what I said.
This is a typical reaction from a Trump Republican.

The important point is, the poster did not question a thing I said. He just didn't like what I said.

Well guess what? I don't care.

I don't like you, I don't believe you, I don't believe in the same things you do, and we share nothing.

I don't want to be you, I don't want to "reach across the aisle" to you, and as far as I'm concerned, you leftist shits can go fuck yourselves.

There's a "reaction for you." Now suck on it.
This is a typical reaction from a Trump Republican.

The important point is, the poster did not question a thing I said. He just didn't like what I said.
kinda like what you are doing to the OP of this thread right.

on ignore you go, paid shill.

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