Watch live as President Donald J. Trump holds a rally in Houston, TX


The President is a nationalist he puts America First!!!!! :2up:

He puts Trump first.
That's why he's constantly traveling across the country talking to Americans, rather than sitting in the white house watching football.

Of course it is. His ego needs the constant pep rallies.
Bullshit. He's out there to communicate with patriots because the leftist traitor fake news lies, deciets, spins, and suppresses the truth. He's out there because he loves this country.

He's out there because he craves attention. That's the only reason.
Don't pick your nose. You're head will cave in.

The President is a nationalist he puts America First!!!!! :2up:

He puts Trump first.
That's why he's constantly traveling across the country talking to Americans, rather than sitting in the white house watching football.

Of course it is. His ego needs the constant pep rallies.
Bullshit. He's out there to communicate with patriots because the leftist traitor fake news lies, deciets, spins, and suppresses the truth. He's out there because he loves this country.

He's out there because he craves attention. That's the only reason.

He's cutting it both ways:
If the Dems take the House he's ready to say the election was illegitimate and he's going to file a lawsuit
If the 'Pubes keep the House then he's going to take all the credit.
He's a media whore.
Any word on any accomplishments by Ted Cruz? Grampa Murked U

I live in Houston and I can tell you that a couple of years ago Ted Cruz was verboten amongst the Republicans. Even the hard core hated him because he's nothing but a creepy gas bag.

This time around the Houston Chronicle endorsed Beto O'Rourke for his stand on policies and because Cruz has a "repellant" personality.

All you libtards have a "repellant" personality...…..

Sorry that one of the largest circulated newspapers in the country from the 3rd largest county in the U.S. says Cruz is a shithead.
Need butthurt cream, honey?

NO MORE CHAIN MIGRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Hitting 'chain migration', welfare for illegals, illegals' crime & death & drugs good way to finish up!!! (MS13 ANIMALS)
Democrats produce MOBS

Republicans produce JOBS!
Hitting 'chain migration', welfare for illegals, illegals' crime & death & drugs good way to finish up!!!

Yeah, Trump knows how to manipulate with fear.
And there's just enough scared white people out there to make it work.
Crowded outside too...........LOL

Wow! they just showed the crowds outside!!!! they are YUGEEEE:2up::2up:

WOW! The crowds outside the capitol were MUCH BIGGER....


Any word on any accomplishments by Ted Cruz? Grampa Murked U

I live in Houston and I can tell you that a couple of years ago Ted Cruz was verboten amongst the Republicans. Even the hard core hated him because he's nothing but a creepy gas bag.

This time around the Houston Chronicle endorsed Beto O'Rourke for his stand on policies and because Cruz has a "repellant" personality.

All you libtards have a "repellant" personality...…..

Sorry that one of the largest circulated newspapers in the country from the 3rd largest county in the U.S. says Cruz is a shithead.
Need butthurt cream, honey?

You're going to need a whole case of butthurt cream after Beto loses to Cruz and your imaginary "blue wave" never happens. I have several cases of it in my garage, left over from 2016. Want me to ship you a case? I do take Paypal as payment.
I hope he ends with 'da wall' & referendum on the invading hordes & how this directly impacts ea. in their 'pocket book' ... I believe that this is the pivotal issue in TX, if not the nation at this juncture...
The half wits are easily taken in by a carnival barker.

With this said are you sorry you voted for obongo?

Are you kidding? Obama was the worst American President this country has ever had, yet the libtards still have their collective heads so far up his ass, they can taste what he had for breakfast.
What he is doing for the military is great esp, not having to wait months to be seen.

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