Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

Being anti-groomer is not anti-LGBT and to say otherwise is homophobic.

Well if that ain't pandering and a shameless photo opportunity. Yup, that Obama done taught his honkey step-n-fetchit well.

And what's with that second video? "Serious business" involving a lesbian with a mop on her head, and a girl with purple hair? Seriously?

But just think: Now that marriage is no longer a sacred institution, I can marry one of my guns and have that "son of a gun" I keep hearing about.

I'll name him "Shootey McBangy." He'll be a real pistol when he grows up.


Demoquacks destroy everything... literally everything
Biden keeps using trans people as tolken
Props, as if their presence bolsters his stances?

I don’t get it.
I think it takes the edge away from his showering with his13 year old daughter.

Either that, or it opens the door to the normalization of others taking showers with their 13 year old daughters too.

Like they say, "Once the camel's nose is in the tent, something, something or other..."
The OP must look like shit in a long dress ... my second wife forbid me to wear her clothes ... I wore them better than she did ... and not just my long beautiful silky smooth full bodied head of hair ... she said I have a perfect butt for my waistline ...

Divorce ruined marriage ... why not let the heathen dogs play with it until it dies ...
But just think: Now that marriage is no longer a sacred institution, I can marry one of my guns and have that "son of a gun" I keep hearing about.

I'll name him "Shootey McBangy." He'll be a real pistol when he grows up.


To the same sex couples and interracial couples, it is still a sacred institution. Sounds like it is you who lost the sacred part. If it were a strictly religious institution, you might have a point. It isn't. You don't.
Before he leaves office, Sippy Cup will be signing an inter-species marriage bill to satisfy all those American dog fuckers!!


Don't forget the sheeps. We wouldn't want them to feel neglected and unmarried.

South of the border some love to fuck chickens!!

Decades ago I had a Puerto Rican violent juvenile offender in group therapy who admitted to F'in chickens.
I asked him, what happened to the chicken? He replied, they die.
I didn't ask him if he cooked it.

True story.
When the Democrat filth does something despicable like this stupid bill they are usually helped by RINOs. In this case 12 of the Republican dipshits joined all the Democrat dipshits to pass the bill.


Also disgusting to see Potatohead partying with his queer transsexual asshole buddies.

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