Watch Martha McCallum destroy idiot Dem, Swalwell

I love that 2 years and $40 million and 2800 subpoenas and Dims claim Trump is guilty of being a Russian agent.

So funny.
What do you think they mean by “Russian Agent”?? like he is a spy who met with them in secret and got orders? Is that what you think the accusation is?

He said Trump is a Russian agent.

How can that not be understood, it seems clear to me?

Didn’t we just spend 2 years and $40 million and the assertion was not proven?

You are staying with the lie, huh?
Im asking what “Russian Agent” means to you... what exactly do you think he is accusing Trump of doing?
/—-/ Russian Agent means working as an agent for Russia. We can’t dumb it down anymore.

Especially when Matthews asks for Verification, mentioning the 1940s and Reds.

We all know what Swalwell meant.
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Swalwell was wrong, 100%.

MATTHEWS: You’re a member of the Judiciary, do you believe the president, right now, has been an agent of the Russians?

REP. SWALWELL: Yes. I think there’s more evidence that he is—


REP. SWALWELL: Yes. I think all the arrows point in that direction, and I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence that he’s not.

MATTHEWS: An agent like in the 1940s where you had people who were “Reds,” to use an old term, like that? In other words, working for a foreign power?

REP. SWALWELL: He’s working on behalf of the Russians, yes.

Eric Swalwell: All Evidence I've Seen Shows Trump Is a Russian Agent

How can that be misinterpreted? Matthews even asked him to verify.

swalwell is a liar. Period.
he isn't a patriot that's for sure. again, he wanted to nuke american citizens.

Rep. Eric Swalwell 'nukes' himself in gun control debate on Twitter

now he's calling the man americans voted into office an agent of the kremlin. wow.
I love that 2 years and $40 million and 2800 subpoenas and Dims claim Trump is guilty of being a Russian agent.

So funny.
What do you think they mean by “Russian Agent”?? like he is a spy who met with them in secret and got orders? Is that what you think the accusation is?

He said Trump is a Russian agent.

How can that not be understood, it seems clear to me?

Didn’t we just spend 2 years and $40 million and the assertion was not proven?

You are staying with the lie, huh?
Im asking what “Russian Agent” means to you... what exactly do you think he is accusing Trump of doing?
/—-/ Russian Agent means working as an agent for Russia. We can’t dumb it down anymore.
The spin is saying that agent means working for the interests of another. But yes I agree that Swalwell was overblowing it during the Matthews interview. He presented it as “acting in the interests of Russia” not a spy conspiracy during the Martha interview. Why I’m not a fan of his... or Trump for that matter who uses the same type of hyperbolic rhetoric tactics.
Swalwell should have walked it back all the way instead of doubling down.
Dimms, you lost. Just like you lost the election.

Stop doubling down on your stupidity.
Dimms, you lost. Just like you lost the election.

Stop doubling down on your stupidity.
The democrats are counting on the stupidity of their constituents. So far, so good, but I think they may be reaching the end of that.

Skip to 16:00

What a jackass. Love his circular logic.

This fool actually has a law degree!

How are you defining "destroy"?

Rep. Eric Swalwell Argues that President Trump is "a Russian Agent" Who Works on Russia's Behalf

"Swalwell also told Chris Matthews in a recent interview on MSNBC's Hardball, that all the evidence points to the president being a 'Russian agent' and that he has not seen 'a single piece of evidence that he's not' a Russian agent.

"He stood by those claims on Fox News's The Story with Martha MacCallum Tuesday night.

"Swalwell argued that the only person who had lied during the whole RussiaGate affair was President Trump.

"'To the president I say, the only person who has been caught lying about Russia is the president. He said that he'd had no business dealings with Russia. We have now learned that he had dealings going all the way up to and beyond the primary,' Swalwell maintained."

Can you name any other POTUS who's ever been accused of being a Russian agent?

Jennifer Rubin: No president has ever been asked: Are you a Russian agent?
I love that 2 years and $40 million and 2800 subpoenas and Dims claim Trump is guilty of being a Russian agent.

So funny.
What do you think they mean by “Russian Agent”?? like he is a spy who met with them in secret and got orders? Is that what you think the accusation is?
That is what The Democrats have been hammering The American People with for 3 years. And They Knew it was all Lies, because they paid Putin $12 Million Dollars for those lies. Comey and Strozk even chipped in a little money for it, but the bulk of it came from Clinton, and Obama, and The DNC.

Obama Bin Lying is going to eventually have to take the stand and testify to his treachery as will Clinton and the whole rest of the Criminal Cabal.

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