Watch Pelosi try to take credit for Trumps trade agreement.

Big win for big government and managed trade...
Your conundrum must be frustrating. Yesterday you had a weapon to use against Trump. Today Pelosi disarmed you.
And this agreement is going to do what for us? Be specific. What stats are going to improve?
Ask the farmers you all have been pretending to care about.

The ones receiving socialism because of Don's tariffs?
All of them dumbass

All I see is a nation of halfwitted emotional diarrhea spewing partisanshitheads.
It took her a year to get around to this. Eff the farmers, manufacturers and other workers that would have benefitted. She doesn't care about the workers. She cares about resisting Trump and all his pro American policies. She's petrified of giving him a big win but that's exactly what this is.

What fucking benefit... Tell us about this huge benefit...

Be specific about these huge benefits...
She's trying to salvage her corrupt party after driving it off the cliff. They'll keep pointing to this as their ability to "still get things done in spite of the division Trump is causing". It won't fool anybody.
Just make a Trump campaign video showing first his fight against NAFTA, his actions blocking NAFTA and looking for modifying it, his persistent initiative for better trade deals with Canada and Mexico, and the new trade deals with those two countries. Do not mention Democrats trying to stop the president's efforts.

Even more, add that finally Democrats are jumping to the train wagon and have started to work WITH the president. Oh boy, that will be good... a president for ALL Americans.

The entire nation will understand that the whole credit is taken by the president.

It is time to take everything positive, and this new trade deal belongs to president Trump.

(Apparently Democrats watch these forums, and saw my comparison of Republican ads with Democrats supporters videos, where they show themselves as aggressive and rebellious people against president Trump. Unfortunately they have decided to fake that now they are happy people doing good things. Republicans must continue their good job and show it with confidence. Nothing negative, because this administration has reached the best for America, and that is good by all means.)
No matter how much a scumbag you think these Democrat assholes are just wait because the next day they surpass the shitiness of the day before.

The Democrats tried to blame Obama's failures on Bush and they have been trying to take credit for Trump's successes from Day One.

The American people see through that despicable behavior.
She sat on it for almost a year. It came up because the Democrats needed something to take credit for, when of course it's primarily a win for Trump.
I recall ol batshit crazy Nazi Pelousy slamming Trump for scrapping NAFTA.
Most of America doesn't know who Nancy Pelosi is, or care. President Trump will get credit for 99.9% of this win on trade! :eusa_dance:
The Dems added their two cents, modifying generic pharmaceuticals allowed in, some environmental conditions and workers rights that are typically ignored in the US these days anyway.

It is no big deal.

The big deal was getting rid of NAFTA and everybody knows that, even Dimocrats.

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